• This Month's Holiday

    Mabon/Autumn Equinox Correspondences

      Thu, Sep 21, 2023 – Fri, Sep 29, 2023   Michaelmas (September 25th, Christian), Second Harvest Festival, Witches’ Thanksgiving, Harvest Home (Anglo-Celtic), Feast of Avalon, Wine Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Chung Chiu (China), Night of the Hunter, Alban Elfed “The Light of the Water”(Caledonii/ Druidic-celebrates Lord of the Mysteries), Winter Finding (Teutonic, from Equinox ’til Winter Night or Nordic New Year, Oct 15th.)   It is the equilibrium of day and night and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition   Purpose: Second harvest festival, new wine…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

    Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications     Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications….   In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox (aka. Mabon), the Second Harvest of the Fall.   The Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of new beginnings that take the form of returns to school, planning for the upcoming holiday seasons, cooler weather and the bounty of beauty that surrounds in nature with the kaleidoscopic falling of leaves. This year’s date of the Equinox is Sat., Sept. 23rd @ 2:50am (EDT). If we look to the astronomical energies that are occurring we celebrate the space of balance between the waning light of the year…

  • Monthly Columns


    What Are the Magickal Arts? … As magickal practitioners we are all “artists” in our own ways, honing our skills of creating magick, weaving patterns of energy that affect change and calling to the most Divine of our natures as we align with cosmos, greater earth and all of the many Beings that inhabit those realms. And, I like where this trend is taking us in exploring the craft in all of forms….   Mabon (aka. Autumnal Equinox) brings the opportunity for restoring harmony in our endeavors as we enjoy the second harvest. This issue we honor…   Magickal Art of Tipping the Balance!     As the Wheel of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pagan Portals: Breath of Spring: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Spring Festival by Melusine Draco

    Book Review Pagan Portals: Breath of Spring: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Spring Festival by Melusine Draco Publisher: Moon Books 96 Pages Release Date: February 1, 2023         Breath of Spring: How to Survive (and Enjoy) the Spring Festival is another lovely offering from Moon Books’ Pagan Portals series, this time exploring the various festivals of spring as they developed in Western cultures. In the first chapter, author Melusine Draco explores the origins of Candlemas and the related Pagan festival of Imbolc, from possible Greek origins (the return of Persephone) through the Christian era in Britain. This chapter explores some of the historical traditions surrounding the…

  • Monthly Columns

    Learning Luna: Moon Magic and Mystery

    Welcome to Learning Luna, the new column exploring the moon, its mysteries, magic, folklore and other associations. The moon is revered in numerous cultures and spiritual practices, and is an important part of many Pagan paths. This column will take a look at the different phases of the moon and ways each phase may affect you, your magical or spiritual practice, or even the world around you. As Spring Equinox 2023 falls on a dark moon, this is the phase I’ve decided to explore in this issue. The equinox is March 20th 21:24 UTC, so check your own time zone for variations.   Dark Moon versus New Moon This can…

  • This Month's Holiday

    Ostara Correspondences

    (Ostara the Spring Goddess Witch Sticker by artist Di from Fort Witchy Stickies, FORTWITCHDFW shop on Etsy.)   March 20-21st – when the Sun enters Ares (oh-star-ah) – Lesser Sabbat – Spring/Vernal Equinox,   Other Names: Ostre, Oestre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Eostra’s Day, Lady Day, First Day of Spring, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Alban Eiler, Bacchanalia, Mean Earraigh, Pasch, Caisg, Pess Date: Spring Equinox March 19–23 in Northern Hemisphere. Symbolism: The beginning of spring, new life and rebirth, the God and Goddess in Their youth, balance, fertility Goddesses: all love, virgin, and fertility Goddesses; Anna Perenna (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Astarte (Canaanite, Persia, GrecoRoman), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Greco-Roman), Blodeuwedd, Eostre…

  • Monthly Columns

    Magickal Arts

    A New (Witch’s Year)! The Space of Integration    The Autumnal Equinox A Call to Balance   The Second Harvest We go where the wild things are And the Lord of the Land Stands ready at the guard. The harvest is upon us and all Life holds steady bracing for The storms that lay ahead. We go where the wild things are And all of life lay within the Heart of He who Guards the land. We find sanctuary within As the fields become barren And the crops yield only the Potent promise of renewal.   The Autumnal Equinox heralds another turn of the Great Wheel and we find our…

  • This Month's Holiday

    Ostara Correspondences

    (Photo by Ilona Frey on Unsplash) (oh-star-ah) – Lesser Sabbat – Spring/Vernal Equinox, March 20-21st – when the Sun enters Ares   Other Names: Ostre, Oestre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Eostra’s Day, Lady Day, First Day of Spring, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Alban Eiler, Bacchanalia, Mean Earraigh, Pasch, Caisg, Pess Date: Spring Equinox March 19–23 in Northern Hemisphere. Symbolism: The beginning of spring, new life and rebirth, the God and Goddess in Their youth, balance, fertility Goddesses: all love, virgin, and fertility Goddesses; Anna Perenna (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Astarte (Canaanite, Persia, GrecoRoman), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Greco-Roman), Blodeuwedd, Eostre (Saxon Goddess of Fertility), Flidais (Irish), Gaia (Greek), Hera, Ishtar (Assyro-Babylonian), Isis…

  • Monthly Columns

    Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light

    This month I want to offer something a little different. We have had stressful and draining experience since the beginning of the COVI-D-19 Pandemic. I would like us to stand in the light of the Summer Solstice; anticipating this longest day and the hope that this light will bring. This is a writing that I return to again and again as I call to the Sun’s brilliance and the hope that it brings. Perhaps this is something you would like to add to your BOS. Rework, rephrase, rewrite it in any way that speaks to you. (Photo by Adrian Pelletier on Unsplash) Mother’s Flowering- The Summer Solstice The night is…

  • Monthly Columns

    Things to do with the Kids this Spring Equinox

      The Spring Equinox is also called the Vernal Equinox and is when day and night are roughly equal. It’s the halfway point between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. After the Spring equinox, the light increases a little every day, although the way up to the longest day of the summer solstice. In the Northern hemisphere, the spring equinox is on Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th March, depending on location. In the Southern hemisphere, this is the autumnal equinox. The spring equinox for the Southern hemisphere will be on Tuesday 22nd September. The Spring Equinox is a great time to get kids involved with pagan activities,…