Book Review – Where Fairies Meet by Daniela Simina
Book Review Where Fairies Meet By Daniela Simina Publisher: Moon Books 96 Pages Release Date: June 1, 2023 Are Fairies real or just traveling mythological stories that mirror the cultural and religious beliefs present at their time? In this delightful and short read, Daniela Simina shares historical Romanian and Irish Fairielore, while allowing the space and pondering for the reader to decide for themselves where the evidence leads. Although stories are shaped by society and the stories evolve according to translation, the numerous accounts of Fairie encounters over human history makes one wonder how these stories have stood the test of time and continue to emerge even…
Excerpt from the Book ‘The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Fairies’
When you hear the word “fairy,” what image comes to mind? A miniature girl with gossamer wings and a sparkly dress, a la Disney’s version of Tinker Bell? A benevolent creature who flits about sprinkling fairy dust everywhere, waving her wand to make children’s wishes come true? If so, you’re in for a surprise. Like unicorns and mermaids, these magickal entities have been denatured by pop culture, robbed of their mystique and majesty. The fairies of old were nothing like the sugar-coated cartoon characters we envision today. They were powerful beings of a semi-divine nature, who may have descended from the gods and goddesses. According to some tales, they…
Faery Story – The Land of Cassari
Juicy Gossip! by Kelpie Sunpearl Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day! If not, I hope these JUUUUUICY bits of gossip from Birchwood Grove distract you and help you have a better day! I was talking to Twig Magpie the other day. He helps his father run The Magpie’s Nest, the general store in BG. He also finds neat artifacts and odds n ends for the fairies and is THE best person to go to for the latest rumors or gossip going around! SO here we go! Twig told me that the last couple of days has been CRAAAAZY for the Rainbow Animal Care Clinic (RAAC)! Some…
The Promise
Move slowly and speak not a word And we may catch A glimpse of HIM yet. The night is dark But I have seen the Icy thread of HER cloak. Crystal blue eyes and Hair black as the midnight sky Grace a face of pale beauty Poised on a body that is tall and lithe. She has etched the night sky with Fingers long and fair painting starlight and Holding the breath of new dawn In HER hands’ cupped embrace. SHE has embraced the world In the longest of nights. HER Promise held deep within. The forest is hushed and white with snow. Ice crystals glisten round and all…