• Reviews

    Book Review – The Magical Girl’s Guide to Life by Jacque Aye

    Book Review The Magical Girl’s Guide to Life: Find Your Inner Power, Fight Everyday Evil & Save the Day with Self-Care by Jacque Aye Published by Ulysses Press 192 pages Publication date: December 21, 2021     The Magical Girl’s Guide to Life is an anime-inspired approach to self-help for magical girls of any age. Guided by the gentle and encouraging hand of Jacque Aye, the reader is taken on a journey through personal growth and empowerment as explored through the animé trope of the “magical girl” or mahou shoujo, which can be seen in shows and movies like Sailor Moon, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and others. Featuring colorful, lighthearted illustrations…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Tarot Priestess: Using the Cards to Heal, Grow & Serve by Leeza Robertson

    Book Review Tarot Priestess: Using the Cards to Heal, Grow & Serve By Leeza Robertson Published by Llewellyn Publications 219 pages     Tarot Priestess is a 5 1/4 inch by 8 inch soft cover book with a matte finish full color front cover showing the book’s title and a closeup of an image from The High Priestess of the Major Arcana. My copy is an uncorrected proof (not for sale), with a back cover containing the publishing information and a brief bio of the author. I am assuming the final version would have a different book back. Tarot Priestess contains 219 pages with black print on sturdy off-white paper…

  • Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – Goddesses and the Divine Female

    CERNUNA (Image Credit – Deviant Art by Kendigo)   I had a special request to do a column on the Horned Goddess Cernuna. As it turned out, there is not much available on Her. As per usual, She seems to have been superseded by the Horned God Cernunnos, who is represented by his torque, holding a snake and surrounded by animals.     It would/could be assumed that all representations are of Cernunnos, however a small bust of a Horned Goddess was found in Kent, UK. Two others have also been found; one rests in the British Museum of London and the other at the Musee de Clermont-Ferrard in France.…

  • Monthly Columns

    As Above So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)

    Shedding Light Upon Shadow     Happy October! Tis the season… to delve deep into our shadows. The shadows have been very prominent than ever this year. Many of us have faced a lot of pain and fear, and are in need of help through dark times. Like in the popular poem Footprints in the Sand, during the hardest times are when we have to recognize we don’t have the power without help from our spirit guides, whoever that is in your particular path. When we are faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, it leaves us no other choice but to put our faith in something higher. There hasn’t been an…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna: Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl

    Book Review The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl 228 Pages     When I studied Huna decades ago, I learned about the three bodies and the seven principles. In this book, Susanne Weikl presents the seven elements of nature from the ancient Hawaiian shamanic tradition. These forces are sources of power “to bring fulfillment, incentive, inspiration, growth, healing and ease into our lives.” These energies are primordial and powerful, and are at work in our DNA, she states. The book offers exercises, rituals and techniques to recognize and tap into the energies of water, fire, wind,…

  • Monthly Columns

    Crone’s Corner

    Heeding the Advise from a Tree     There is a stillness in the air in New England when we approach Samhain, the time of year for the descent to begin into the dark days, when the light leaves us to contemplate the harvest of our year that has passed. I feel the trees, which were full of life a few weeks ago, giving their final farewell in a burst of color displaying their life well lived during the turning of the wheel! The first week of November marks the last of the leaves falling gently to the ground, covering the earth in a blanket of brilliant yellow, red, and…