Mindful Living: A Connection of Mind, Body and Spirit
The wheel of the year turns to Samhain. Days are cooler, nights cooler still. What leaves are left are either evergreens or late fall colors. The smell of coolness and decaying earth sits on the breeze signaling a change in weather and pace of living. Cooler days seem to signal our bodies and minds to go at a slower pace, yet modern times have fall and Winter busier times of the year. Mindful living doesn’t have to be complicated. It is about being aware of the moments you are in and connecting to your authentic self. When you are connected to yourself then you can create a life that you…
Tarot with Lady Saoirse
For Samhain 2023 Bright Blessings, I write this as we are about to begin another week where the days get over 90 degrees here in Central Ohio. This shit was all supposed to be over with last month, but we got hit with more heat. It could be worse. Hurricane weather hit Florida, and affected the sea island areas nearby, and people have lost homes. Wildfires have raged in Canada, blanketing other countries in dangerous smoke, and Hawaii is grieving the burning of Lahaina. The earth is burning, and I am one of the people who believes human beings are to blame. Some people say that as you get older,…
Mabon/Autumn Equinox Correspondences
Thu, Sep 21, 2023 – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 Michaelmas (September 25th, Christian), Second Harvest Festival, Witches’ Thanksgiving, Harvest Home (Anglo-Celtic), Feast of Avalon, Wine Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Chung Chiu (China), Night of the Hunter, Alban Elfed “The Light of the Water”(Caledonii/ Druidic-celebrates Lord of the Mysteries), Winter Finding (Teutonic, from Equinox ’til Winter Night or Nordic New Year, Oct 15th.) It is the equilibrium of day and night and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition Purpose: Second harvest festival, new wine…
Living the Oily Life
Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is another main stay in my oil arsenal. Tea tree or melaleuca is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. The plant tea tree oil is derived from is found in Australia. Aboriginal people would apply the leaves of the plant directly to their skin to help cool it in the scorching sun. The oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant and for purposes of collection steam and pressure distillation are used to gather the oil. This oil is used world wide in everything from cleaning, to hair and skin care. Having issues finding a toner that works well on your skin?…
SpellCrafting: Spells for Witches
SpellCrafting: Starting Beltane Fires Merry meet! This issue’s WitchCrafting column has ideas for making fire starters. If you’d like to take it one step further, you can craft them as a spell. Beltane themes such as burning away that which no longer serves your highest good and greatest joy, planting seeds, and nurturing goals can be incorporated when making fire starters. For instance, toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer lint can be decorated with Beltane colors (green, soft pink, blue, yellow, red, brown), pictures of flowers in bloom, or a sigil made for a specific intention. On it you can write what you are ready to release, what you desire…
It’s All Rite
Spring is a time of hope, new beginnings, potential, and planting. Air, east, the new moon, the maiden archetype, inspiration, imagination, fresh flowers, nests, eggs, hawks, seeds, chimes, dragonflies, wonder, joy, playfulness, communication, spiders, purification, daffodils, childhood, and adventure are all associated with Ostara. For readers who want to keep it simple, below is a collection of easy yet meaningful activities to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Pick whatever interests you, and continue as long as you wish. Perhaps one of them will become a daily practice. * Put a bowl of candied eggs on a table or counter to bless new beginnings with sweetness and happiness. * Hang wind chimes…
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for August 2022 (Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash) Bright Blessings! Lughnassadh is upon us, the first harvest of the Wheel of the Year, and I don’t know if I have ever felt less like writing about harvest before! Something is weighing on my mind heavily I feel needs written about and writing about harvest being all about how we reap what we sow, and to keep working hard at our goals will take a different tone this time. This is the hottest Summer I can ever remember having in Central Ohio and I know why it’s happening. Global Warming. Yes,…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Protection Door Hanger Merry meet. I was inspired to make protection door hangers by first fashioning twigs and vines into small wreaths that would fit over a doorknob. Then I collected up as many small objects as I could find that had protective powers, including bells, pentacles, tiny jars of salt, hag stones, sweet gum tree seed pods, tarot card charms, goddesses, crystals (black tourmaline, black obsidian, clear quartz, amethyst), evil eyes, rune symbols, dried herbs, and spirals. I attached these to the bottom of each wreath with embroidery floss, ribbon, twine, or string. Other objects that offer protection include angel wings, the Hand of Fatima, the triquetra, dreamcatchers,…
SpellCrafting: Spells & Rituals
Easy Imbolc Merry Meet! I celebrate sabbats on the astrological dates. This year, astrological Imbolc falls on Thursday, February 3. Below is a list of easy ideas I’ve collected to help you do something simple yet meaningful for the sabbat. Light a candle at dawn to greet the sun, or at some point during the day, light every candle in the house and offer a short blessing. Gather up all your candles and bless them. Prepare for the coming spring with some house cleaning. Rather than doing the whole house, which is overwhelming, pick one thing: organize a bookcase, clean a cupboard, or strip the bed and wash the linens,…
Nurturing Your Wild Child
As Pagan parents, we can find explaining and deciphering this time of year to our children a great challenge within our paths of instruction to them. Death, Life, The Spirit Realm (or whatever you wish to address it as) meld together at the beginning of a crossroads leading up to the end of this Wheel’s turn at Samhain. Metaphorically, we can teach our children through the imagery of Harvest, the warmth of Summer ending, and the cold of Autumn beginning here at the Autumn Equinox – more commonly known to Pagans as Mabon or Alban Elfen. So, how do we represent life & it’s celebration in a way…