Book Review – The Happiness Year: How to Find Joy in Every Season by Tara Ward
Book Review The Happiness Year: How to Find Joy in Every Season by Tara Ward Publisher: Hardie Grant Publishing 128 Pages Published: December 22, 2022 In The Happiness Year – How to Find Joy in Every Season, Tara Ward challenges all of us to carefully think about our perception of the seasons around us. Do we favour one over another? Why is that? Is it truly because our own personal preference is for one season over another or is it perhaps a learned behaviour? In her writings, she takes us through all four of the seasons in detail. She encourages us to explore all the seasons in a…
Book Review – Happy Witch by Mandi Em
Book Review Happy Witch by Mandi Em Publisher: Adams Media 223 Pages Published: October 11, 2022 Calm the Chaos and Find Your Joy. What would you do if you could use your magic to infuse joy into your daily life? That’s exactly the premise behind Happy Witch, magical ways to conjure up your best life filled with childlike joy. Focusing on different ways of Being to create a life that’s Thriving is how this book aims at teaching us how to be Happy Witches. Be Free, Be Wild, Be Playful, Be Still, Be Connected, and Be Soulful are how the Chapters of the book are structured. The introduction…
Music Review – Half Tongue Tribe’s Debut Album ‘All Acts of Joy’!!
Half Tongue Tribe is the Spell Between Worlds Are you looking for new music? New music with a Witchy edge? Well – here you are. David LeBarron has a great new band called Half Tongue Tribe with an upcoming album ‘All Acts of Joy’ and it’s all about Witchcraft and Wicca and Goddess-love and freedom. For those of us who are older and who remember bands the revered the old gods – whether they were local bands or more regional – Half Tongue Tribe brings back a lot of memories. Half Tongue Tribe – come from Los Angeles, California, and the main writer of the songs is David LeBarron and…
January Joy: New Year; New You?
I want to lend some spiritual advice to all those bombarded with the inevitable January blast of “New Year, New You” thinking. There’s a lot of advertising out there telling you that you need to change. Here’s what I think. You don’t need to go on a diet. Unless a medical professional tells you different, or you genuinely want to for your own reasons, you are fine as you are. You don’t need to buy new sports gear. If you want to, great! But don’t be pressured or guilt tripped into it. You don’t need a crazy new exercise routine. Exercise is amazing. It boosts endorphins, it makes you…