• Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for April/May 2022 Bright Blessings This is our first Spring in our apartment, and as I was deciding what to plant for this year, I pined for the ground and built-in planters I had at our old place. I used to buy so many seeds, and there were years I planted tons of cucumbers and tomatoes as well as pumpkins, roses, herbs, and a whole lot of annual flowers. This year, I am relegated to a limited number of pots, and the truth is, it may be this way for a while, if not permanently. We made it out of the condo successfully…

  • Monthly Columns


    Meet the Gods: Krishna     Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism, one of the most popular and widely revered. He is worshipped as the eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu and also as the supreme God in his own right. He is the god of love, compassion and tenderness. Hindu mythology portrays him as a prankster, gentle lover, universal supreme being and child-like God. People consider Krishna their leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all in one.     He’s influenced Indian life and culture – not only its religion and philosophy, but also its folklore, painting, sculptures, literature, music, dance, poetry, and mysticism. He is…

  • Monthly Columns


    A New (Witch’s Year)! Beltane 2021     This month I have decided to return to the written word instead of the video editions. Beltane deserves the tangible, concrete and visceral treatment, so here we go…   The air is warm and sweet. Life is budding all around and May flowers stretch across a field of freshly paint greenery, the faint scent of their perfume on the gentle warm breeze. My heart beats rapidly in anticipation and I look out over sunlight space seeking your face. A stream of electrified energy moves up my spine awakening all of my senses as I feel the heat of your breath at the…

  • Monthly Columns


    Meet the Gods: Iztlacoliuhqui In Aztec mythology, Itztlacoliuhqui (its•lack•a•lyle•key) is the god of frost. He is the lord of the thirteen days from 1 Lizard to 13 Vulture in the Aztec calendar. At the time Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli was the god of dawn and the planet Venus, Tonatiuh, the sun god, demanded sacrifice and obedience from the other gods before he would move. Angered at the sun’s arrogance, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli shot an arrow at him. Although it missed, the sun retaliated and threw his own arrow back at the morning star, piercing the Lord of Dawn through the head. At this moment, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli was transformed into Itztlacoliuhqui, the god of obsidian stone, coldness,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Self-Care for Empaths: 100 Activities to Help You Relax, Recharge, and Rebalance Your Life by Tanya Carroll Richardson

    Book Review Self-Care for Empaths 100 Activities to Help You Relax, Recharge, and Rebalance Your Life by Tanya Carroll Richardson Publisher Adams Media 192 Pages     I read this book with an open mind. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I love that I was surprised. Self-Care for Empaths is an easy read, not too long. The author packed this book with tips to help empaths stay strong. Mx. Richardson starts in Chapter One with a list of questions to determine if you are an empath and your most vital qualities. I was surprised to read that Clairaudient is considered one of the rarer qualities for an empath. For…

  • Monthly Columns


    Meet the Gods: Osiris     Osiris was the god of death and the afterlife – one of the Egyptians’ most prominent gods. He judged the souls of the dead to determine who was worthy of reincarnation. He was considered a kind, merciful, and loving judge, bringing comfort and protection, not fear, to the people. Osiris (also know as Usir) was also identified with nature’s cycles, such as the Nile River’s annual flooding, and the growth of crops and other vegetation. In English, the original form of Osiris’ name means Almighty or The Powerful. Osiris is also known as the Lord of Silence, the Lord of Love, and He Who…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Witch’s Guide to Ritual: Spells, Incantations and Inspired Ideas for an Enchanted Life by Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Book Review The Witch’s Guide to Ritual Spells, Incantations and Inspired Ideas for an Enchanted Life by Cerridwen Greenleaf 344 Pages     “The Witch’s Guide to Ritual” is a surprisingly ambitious book which seeks to catalogue and discuss the use and place of witchcraft in rituals of all kinds. With such a broad subject as ritual, the scope of this book has been tailored: it’s intended for intermediate practitioners, so there isn’t a lot of introductory information about witchcraft in general, and the subject is approached very pragmatically, without too many frills or explanations for beginners. The book is broadly cross-cultural, and discusses many Eastern traditions, but expresses a…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Transformative Power of Telling Your Story

    (artwork by: Francene Hart)   We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That’s what I want–to hear you erupting. You Mount St. Helenses who don’t know that power in you–I want to hear you…If we don’t tell our truth, who will? -Ursula K. Le Guin   Folks often tell me they don’t know how or why I share such personal things in my writing with the wide world. Aren’t I scared of being judged? Aren’t I afraid my heart will get squashed by the insensitive people of the world if I tell my story? The honest answer to…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Make Magic of Your Life: Passion, Purpose and the Power of Desire by T. Thorn Coyle

    Book Review Make Magic of Your Life Passion, Purpose and the Power of Desire by T. Thorn Coyle 256 Pages     I will admit to pre-judging this book, thinking it yet another New Age tome on how to “attract” your best life. But, John Waterhouse’s painting of Circe Invidiosa, the one of her staring into the bowl of iridescent water as if to see the whole of creation, persuaded me to give it a try. Circe has never led me astray, and she didn’t this time. Once I started, I didn’t put it down, finishing in one sitting. T. Thorn Coyle’s book is a masterpiece of magic, a weaving…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners-A No BS Guide for the Astro-Curious by Theresa Reed

    Book Review Astrology for Real Life A Workbook for Beginners-A No BS Guide for the Astro-Curious by Theresa Reed 288 Pages     Theresa Reed has given us a gift! Astrology for Real Life is a practical, funny and accessible guide to astrology for those who want to dip their toes into their relationship with the heavens. Practical? Yes! The very first thing Reed teaches is how to create your own natal chart on-line! She walks us through it step by step. I have read many astrology books for beginners; this is the first one I have encountered where the author explains where and how to truly start learning about…