• Reviews

    Book Review – 2023 Lunar & Seasonal Diary, Northern Hemisphere by Stacey DeMarco

    Book Review 2023 Lunar & Seasonal Diary, Northern Hemisphere by Stacey DeMarco Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 216 Pages Published: July 7, 2022     Connect With Lunar and Seasonal Energy. From the amazing Stacey Demarco we get this gorgeous lunar and seasonal diary to keep track of the movement of the moon and seasons through the wheel of the year. This full color diary, spiral bound to allow the pages to lay flat, full of knowledge but still with plenty of space to fill in your personal notes. It includes lunar timings, explanations of the moon phases and their impact on humanity, seasonal workings to make the most of each season’s…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Moon Manual by Quinn K. Dyer and Morgan V. Fay

    Book Review The Moon Manual by Quinn K. Dyer and Morgan V. Fay Publisher: Quinn K. Dyer 238 pages Release Date: May 17, 2022         The moon affects magick just as it affects the tide. “The Moon Manual” details the phases of the moon, providing correspondences practitioners may incorporate to further strengthen magick workings. Each zodiac sign has its own chapter that begins with naming its ruling planets, spells and magick that fit with that energy, representative tarot cards, and herbs and crystals that support that sign. The pages that follow then delve into details of the best types of magick to do on the new, waxing…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Mythic Moons of Avalon: Lunar & Herbal Wisdom from the Isle of Healing by Jhenah Telydru

    Book Review The Mythic Moons of Avalon Lunar & Herbal Wisdom from the Isle of Healing by Jhenah Telydru 408 Pages     “The Mythic Moons of Avalon” by Jhenah Telyndru is a very worthy sequel to the author’s “Avalon Within”. It’s worth noting, however, that, while you may wish to for scholastic background, you do not have to have read “Avalon Within” to full enjoy and learn from “Mythic Moons”. “Mythic Moons” is based on the Women’s Mystery Tradition that is followed within the Sisterhood of Avalon, but again, you do not have to be a member to gain full benefit from Ms. Telyndru’s wisdom and knowledge. Part One…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – 10-Minute Moon Rituals: Easy Tips for Working with Each Astrological Sign to Develop Your True, Lunar Nature by Simone Butler

    Book Review 10-Minute Moon Rituals Easy Tips for Working with Each Astrological Sign to Develop Your True, Lunar Nature by Simone Butler 208 Pages     “10-Minute Moon Rituals” has two parts. The first is an introduction to the eight monthly phases of the moon and the characteristics of each. This link to author Simone Butler’s site http://astroalchemy.com/your-moon-power/ will determine your moon sign at birth so you can read up on your emotional nature, needs, wisdom from previous lives, and what can trip you up. Other sites, including this one, https://www.astrocal.co.uk/find-out-your-moon-phase/ will give you the phase of the moon. I was born under a waning gibbous moon. According to Simone,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Moon Fix: Harness Lunar Power for Healing and Happiness by Theresa Cheung

    Book Review The Moon Fix Harness Lunar Power for Healing and Happiness by Theresa Cheung 176 Pages     Oh where do I start? I love this book. Every Moon lover needs this book in their bookcase. The illustrations alone are so beautiful and magickal. I got such a calming feeling just looking at the pictures. They were so well thought out. Just about every page has a gorgeous Moon illustration by Indigo. There are 176 pages in this hard covered book. It starts out with an intro about the powers of the Moon, the divine principle and how to use this book. Chapter 1 talks about living with the…