Book Review – 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars
Book Review 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars By Patsy Bennett Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 160 pages Publication Date: June 12, 2023 This diary lists major solar, lunar, and planetary positions for every day of the year, making it possible to navigate life with the help of astrological influences. Astrology studies the movement of celestial objects. Each planet has its own characteristics that, depending on where it is located, will influence the tone and opportunities of the day. The planner is organized by sun signs, each leading off with a two-page forecast summarizing the zodiac sign. Positions of planets and other…
Book Review – The Full Moon Yearbook by Julie Peters
Book Review The Full Moon Yearbook: A Year of Ritual and Healing Under the Light of the Full Moon Written by Julie Peters Illustrated by Lauren Spooner Publisher: David & Charles Pages: 144 Rerelease Date: November 28, 2023 The subtitle for this book is A year of ritual and healing under the light of the full moon, which is bound to be attractive to anyone who follows a spiritual path linked to the moon in any way. I love the moon, and writing about the moon, reading about the moon, and even singing about the moon! So, yeah, I’m pretty excited to read any book that comes out…
Learning Lunar: Moon Magic and Mystery
First Quarter, The Waxing Half Moon The 2023 Autumn Equinox falls late on the 22nd or early on the 23rd September, depending on exactly where you are in the world. This year, the Equinox begins while the moon is an almost perfect half, the first quarter phase. The Equinox is a time of balanced light and dark, so it feels very mystically charged to have the moon half lit and half in shadow, providing a physical and highly visible representation of this festival. What Does First Quarter Mean? The cycles of the moon are often referred to as quarters, with the second quarter also being the full…
Book Review – 2024 Moon Goddess Diary by Nicci Garaicoa
Book Review 2024 Moon Goddess Diary Northern Hemisphere: A Year’s Journey of Love, Connection, and Support – a Journey Back to You Written by Nicci Garaicoa Illustrated by Olivia Bürki Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 160 Pages Release Date: June 12, 2023 My Inner Child lit up when she received this delightful and beautiful 2024 Moon Goddess Diary by Nicci Garaicoa! “A year’s journey of love, connection, and support. A journey back to you.” The whimsical mermaid goddess illustrations by Olivia Burki combined with the gorgeous color palettes and empowering prompts by Nicci reminded me of my innocence and purity in childhood. I recalled how my Inner Child would fantasize…
Learning Lunar
The Full Moon How exciting to be three issues into our Learning Lunar column and already able to wax lyrical (pun intended) about the full moon! Lúnasa 2023 falls on August 1st which, this year, is also a full moon. Lúnasa, or Lughnasadh, is an Irish festival co-opted by many Pagan traditions as a time of harvest celebration, games, competitions, and other summer festivities. Another popular celebration held at this time is Lammas, the Anglo-Saxon early Christian festival of blessing the first fruits and loaves of the seasons. Having the full moon to add to these blessings can only add to their fruitfulness! What Does the Phrase…
Book Review – Moon Phases by Cecilia Lattari
Book Review The Green Witch’s Guide to Magical Plants & Flowers by Chris Young and Susan Ottaviano Publisher: Skyhorse 160 Pages Publication date: April 26, 2022 The tagline for this book is “Use the lunar cycle to connect with nature and focus your intentions,” which straight away seems right up my street. I love moon magic, and indeed the science and astronomy surrounding the moon itself. I also focus on keeping my spiritual and magical path as connected to the seasons and nature as possible, so was keen to get a look at this book. There are thirteen chapters for the thirteen moons of the year, many of…
Learning Lunar: Moon Magic and Mystery
Learning Lunar: Waxing Gibbous Welcome back to Learning Lunar, Pagan Pages’ column on everything moon-related! Last time around, we looked at the power of the Dark Moon and some of the differences between the dark moon and the new moon. Check it out here. This time, we’re looking at the Waxing Gibbous moon (not the new moon as previously advertised!) because that’s what phase the moon will be around the time of the Irish festival of Beltaine. What Does Waxing Gibbous Mean? A waxing moon means that the moon appears to be getting larger in the sky each night. Of course, it doesn’t actually expand and contract. The…
Book Review – Moon Path Yoga: Kundalini Practices and Rituals for Women to Align with the Lunar Cycle by Sierra Hollister
Book Review Moon Path Yoga: Kundalini Practices and Rituals for Women to Align with the Lunar Cycle by Sierra Hollister Publisher: Shambhala Publications 192 Pages Release Date: October 25, 2022 Reading the introduction, I immediately felt a kinship with the author and my curiosity and hopefulness for this book became a wish to find myself within the beauty, wisdom and care that the following excerpt sang of: “No matter how you relate to the moon, know this for certain: she was with you before you were born, when you were just a whisper in the womb, and she will carry you through this life, always…” “The…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to Stellar Applications…. ….a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the current astrology and how you can access the fullest measure of its potency through application of other Hermetic disciplines. Last issue I offered you some basics of astrology as foundations for what is coming ahead. This issue I am going to share the astrological assignments to the Major Arcana of the Tarot and some astrological highlights of Beltane. There is a lot that can be gleaned from the astrology/tarot connections and when you apply these to your natal birth chart an additional layer of understanding is revealed. Let’s…
Stellar Applications
Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to Stellar Applications…. ….a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the current astrology and how you can access the fullest measure of its potency through application of other Hermetic disciplines. Each issue will feature a specific discipline, such as: Tarot, the Alchemical Elements, the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Sacred Geometry, Lunar and Solar Magick and more. The fun part is that you will be learning astrological basics and how to make those connections to deeper magick. I always like to begin from a space of basics before expanding out. So, with that thought in mind, let’s get started as we…