WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: Fire Starters Merry meet. Beltane is one of the fire festivals. The word Beltane translates roughly to “bright fire” and in Celtic tradition, the most important ritual was the sacred community bonfire lit at sunset the evening before. (Celtic days went from sundown to sundown.) Festivities focused on casting off winter’s darkness and celebrating the start of summer. It’s also a time of celebrating fertility You can start your fire with items you likely already have on hand. Perhaps the easiest and least expensive fire starters are made by filling cardboard toilet paper tubes with loosely packed dryer lint. Use two or three to start a fire.…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Ostara Cards Merry meet. I don’t always manage to get Yule cards out on time, but it occurred to me: why send cards only for the winter holidays? Why not for spring? Here is a suggestion for an Ostara card that can be modified for any of the other sabbats. I bought packets of seeds that were magickal and, hopefully, easy to grow – organic and heirloom when possible. Then I wrote a verse for the inside of the card that can serve as a spell, which you are free to use: “As the wheel turns and we move into the light, May…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
A Journey Through the Witch’s Wheel of the Year 2022! The Witch’s Wheel of the Year In the February Issue we began exploring the Sabbats of the Witch’s Wheel of the Year and beginning a journey of filling our BOS with information about how we celebrated and what we found to be true of our practice. For a review of what the Wheel of the Year is take a look at February’s posting here: Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting A Book of Shadows and Light-February2022 We Continue Our Journey Through the Witch’s Wheel and call to the Light of the Summer Solstice…. THE SUMMER SOLSTICE/LITHA The King…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: Hag Stones Merry meet. This month’s column looks at hag stones, also known as fairy stones, holey stones, witch stones, Odin stones, and eye stones. They are rocks that have naturally occurring holes, worn by water over long periods of time. Because it’s commonly believed magic cannot work on moving water, hag stones are valued because they would be immune to the effects of magic, adverse energies, and enchantments, yet possess water’s powerful protection and healing energies. The oddity of the stones has made them a focus of folk magic. For centuries witches have used them in spells and rituals for everything from…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
This month continues a series of exploration about Our Relationship to the Divine…. Our Relationship to the Divine Part Three: WHAT will I offer? …. The Divine flows within me. The Limitless All supports me. All Beings of Spirit and Essence are my teachers. I AM the corporeal out-picturing of the Divine’s desire… One of the first concerns that many have in their quest for connection to a particular Deity is what they will be able to offer in return for the gifts of a Divine Being. In times of old, offerings were an expected component of any interaction or wished for interaction with a Deity. And, in many…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Walking With Magick Merry meet. This month’s column features a job I commissioned by Kerry Bower of Kerry’s Creations. I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t have the materials, patience or artistic ability to turn shoes and boots into works of Pagan Art. First she cleaned the shoes with Angelus brand leather cleaner. Using Angelus brand paint, she freehanded her designs. There are other brands of acrylic-based paints created specifically for leather you can use. Do not mix brands, and never apply heat to help the paint dry. “The key to bright colors is to paint multiple layers and let each…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: DIY Oracle Cards Merry meet. I have several oracle decks, but only one really speaks to me – the 41-card Lunar Nomad Oracle by Shaheen Miro that was based on the Lenormand deck. Some oracle cards are numbered with a word or two. Some come with a whole paragraph on them. Some have guidebooks explaining the creator’s intent. One of the best ways I can think of to really get to know the creator’s intent is to create your own deck. Think of it as art magic. Oracle cards can be a divination tool and a prompt for introspection. I find them helpful for answering…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: Black Salt Merry meet. Witches use black salt to absorb unfavorable energies, boost protection spells and guard against negativity. It is also used in cleansing, healing and banishing, making and breaking hexes, and casting powerful circles. I consider its energy somewhat stronger and different than that of white or pink salt. While you can buy it, it is better if you make your own. Most recipes for black salt are very much the same, and all will draw off negative energy and provide protection. You’ll want a mortar and pestle in which you will grind together your ingredients. I used a small cast…
Hekate Doll Transformation
So my one friend loves Hekate & I decided to make her a gift that she would love. I make custom dolls, but for some reason had never made a god or goddess, just creepy random dolls. But, I was up for the challenge. I used three different dolls to make up this one. I took the head from a snarky looking Barbie, the body of a Monster High doll that was missing her hands and then hands from a different Barbie. The first things I had to do was strip the doll doll down to it’s core. I removed the face with acetone and cut the hair…
Peeking in the Shadows: Crafting a Book of Shadows and Light
Over the next few months, we’re going to take a look at the categories and sections you may wish to include in your BOS. What you add to your BOS is as unique as you are and will evolve and change as you evolve and change on your path. Flexibility is key to organizing your BOS, but you should have a method of organization as well. This month our focus is on Visionary Work…. Visionary work takes many forms so you will undoubtedly have multiple sections in your BOS that are inclusive of that work. These will include divination and oracular practices, information gained from spell crafting, ritualistic visioning,…