Book Review-People of the Outside: Witchcraft, Cannibalism, and the Elder Folk
People of the Outside: Witchcraft, Cannibalism, and the Elder Folk by Lee Morgan, published by Moon Books, is a 206 page book, of which I received an e-book copy. People of the Outside deals with subjects that seem, and in modern sensibilities, are, morbid, and disarming. Throughout the book, Morgan weaves different threads of taboo’s that have existed throughout Sapien society, backing up their theories with scientific evidence using DNA, and historical accounts. Morbid subjects like cannibalism, the profane kiss, and persecutions of countless groups of people deemed by Morgan to be “People of the Outside”, such as cathars, accused witches, and other groups, tying them to the modern notion and pop-culture view…
Book Review: Pagan Portals: Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson
Here Be Dragons… Pagan Portals: Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson is another lovely addition to one of my favorite Pagan publication series. For those unfamiliar, Pagan Portals is a series of short, introductory books on various deities, magicks, etc., by Moon Books. I received an e-book copy of this wonderful book, and it doesn’t disappoint, either, especially if you’re a lover of Dragons and their lore, myths, and power. Patterson begins by addressing myths from around the world pertaining to Dragons, from Chinese myths, to Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian myths, various Catholic and Orthodox myths with Dragons, Middle Eastern, Celtic and Norse, and even more world myths of Dragons, giving the unfamiliar…
Book Review – Earth Spirit: Beyond Sustainability: Authentic Living at a Time of Climate Crisis by Nimue Brown
Book Review Earth Spirit: Beyond Sustainability: Authentic Living at a Time of Climate Crisis by Nimue Brown Publisher: Moon Books 88 Pages Release Date: April 28, 2023 In this book Nimue explores the concept of authentic living. Her views are that they way we have all been conditioned to live; high speed living and the debt culture are not sustainable. Authentic living can only be done when we learn to live within our means. Conscious living means that we must be present and be making conscious choices in our daily lives. Her position is that how we interact with the material world is reflected in how…
Book Review – Where Fairies Meet by Daniela Simina
Book Review Where Fairies Meet By Daniela Simina Publisher: Moon Books 96 Pages Release Date: June 1, 2023 Are Fairies real or just traveling mythological stories that mirror the cultural and religious beliefs present at their time? In this delightful and short read, Daniela Simina shares historical Romanian and Irish Fairielore, while allowing the space and pondering for the reader to decide for themselves where the evidence leads. Although stories are shaped by society and the stories evolve according to translation, the numerous accounts of Fairie encounters over human history makes one wonder how these stories have stood the test of time and continue to emerge even…
Book Review – The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation by Erin Aurelia
Book Review The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation by Erin Aurelia Publisher: Moon Books 144 Pages Publication: June 1, 2023 The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation by Erin Aurelia is a consummate work of wisdom for those who are devotees of the Celtic Goddess, Brighid. But, what makes this title especially appealing is the guidance offered to all, whether familiar or working with Brighid’s gifts. This organic approach is one that can only be exemplified by someone deeply connected to Brighid and we find this skill in the author, Erin Aurelia, founder of the Daughters of Brighid Flametending Order. The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation…
Book Review – Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch by Halo Quin
Book Review Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch Written by Halo Quin Publisher: Moon Books 172 Pages Release Date: February 1, 2023 “[S]ex magic is love magic; not the enchantment of another, but the seduction of oneself,” Halo Quin wrote in Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch. The book is a guide for healing the divine, erotic self, leading readers to harness the sacred power of pleasure. Its focus is on working to court, accept, and love yourself. Shamelessly. Not everyone is comfortable, or ready, to walk the path of the Red Witch. Those who are will find the magic is real.…
Book Review – The Magic of Butterflies and Moths by Steve Andrews
Book Review The Magic of Butterflies and Moths Written by Steve Andrews Publisher: Moon Books 72 Pages Release Date: March 1, 2023 In The Magic of Butterflies and Moths, Steve Andrews muses about the wonders of a collection of winged wonders found in England, and their “seemingly magical” transformation from “a tiny egg into a caterpillar, then into a chrysalis, and finally emerging as a beautiful butterfly [or moth].” It’s a handbook with information about twenty species, describing their characteristics, habits, habitats, and lore. It is not a book about magick involving these insects as spirit guides, their uses in spells or rituals having to do…
Book Review – Church of Birds: An Eco-History of Myth and Religion by Ben Gagnon
Book Review Church of Birds: An Eco-History of Myth and Religion by Ben Gagnon Publisher: Moon Books 248 Pages Publication Date: April 1, 2023 Church of Birds is a compendium of myths, artifacts, and observations of birds throughout the history of humankind and their role in helping our ancient ancestors survive, thrive, and strive to be more connected to the gods and the natural world. Chapter 1: The Language of Birdsong discusses the similarities between the songs birds sing and the evolution of human speech. The author mentions myths from civilizations around the world that have humans descendant from birds at the time of creation. It has myths…
Book Review – The Cult of the Yew by Janis Fry
Book Review The Cult of the Yew: Tree of Life, Mystery, and Magic Written by Janis Fry Publisher: Moon Books 480 Pages Release Date: April 1, 2023 It is not often a book summons you from the Forest of your Soul and takes you on a journey through time and out of time back into a richer, freer, and more integrated Forest of your Eternal Soul. Janis Fry’s The Cult of the Yew was that catalyst for me. The Yew trees first started whirling in my awareness after a random conversation in the Forest one day with a neighboring woman I met on the trail. She shared…
Book Review – Trees Are Our Letters: A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators by Carol Day
Book Review Trees Are Our Letters: A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators by Carol Day Publisher: Moon Books / John Hunt Publishing Ltd. 136 Pages Release Date: March 1, 2023 Trees are our Letters. The book title tells us that there is a story to be told by trees. There are many testimonials at the beginning of the book that speak to the magical connection we have with trees. These testimonials speak to how this book can help to enhance our inner sight, spirituality, and healing. By connecting with nature and trees we can create within ourselves a sense of steady grounding and become more centered.…