• Reviews

    Book Review – The Darkening Age: The Christian Deconstruction of the Classical World by Catherine Nixey

    Book Review The Darkening AgeThe Christian Deconstruction of the Classical Worldby Catherine Nixey 352 Pages   I can’t remember where I once read that we humans are creatures who are amnesiacs. But we are, lucky for us; someone will come along and write a book that helps us remember what we should have never forgotten. The Darkening Age is such a book written by Catherine Nixey. When I was growing up, I was told the myth that Christians in the early part of their Spirituality were prosecuted for their beliefs. That the religion slowly won over the world with love and peace. I was raised being fed a Christian myth…

  • Monthly Columns

    Gael Song

    The Most Important Druid Lesson of All – The Power of the Heart     I recently went to a Sunday service where folks believe that keeping one’s mind controlled and focused on positives like peace and abundance and health can manifest such things into a living reality. Manifestation into form is the magic everyone wants to access and use for their own purposes. And while I do agree that thoughts hold some creative power, what I’ve been taught on my thirty-year druid path isn’t nearly so simple. The closest thing to manifesting anything into physical reality I’ve ever observed was during energy school in 1996, when staff healers did…