• Monthly Columns


    Spells for the Craft: Peace Water Merry meet! Many of you are probably familiar with war water – typically made from iron nails or spikes left to rust in pond water along with another ingredient or two such as Spanish moss or wormwood. It’s used to drive away disruptive energy, and I have sprinkled it around the perimeter of my abode as a preemptive protective measure. Recently I learned of peace water. A hoodoo product, it brings peace, harmony, and gentleness to places, people or situations. It can create an energetic barrier, warding off negative entities and energies that would bring discord to your environment. It’s thought peace water draws…

  • Monthly Columns

    A Runic Prayer for Peace

    Anyone who follows my blog will know that I’ve recently become reacquainted with Loki, a Norse God primarily associated with mischief and trickery. Most followers of Loki will know that this is a massive simplification of this complex and fascinating God. Loki is a catalyst for transformation, growth – and a welcome reminder not to take ourselves too seriously! As I created my altar for Loki, I knew I wanted a special piece that would be uniquely Loki’s. With that in mind, I commissioned my dear friend who is a jeweler and wire worker to create Loki’s name in runes.     These runes represent a transliteration of Loki’s name.…

  • Monthly Columns


    Labyrinth Lore I’ve built quite few labyrinths and used to walk one every day, for years. This is the season for labyrinths and mazes, so I’ll share my thoughts on the two major types that have been found in history. First is the Minoan, 7-circuit one. This was built as a place for initiates to meet their darkest fears, and it is said there was a Minotaur in the center. But I am guessing it was shaman in disguise, helping move his tribe through their initiations, instead. These ancient mazes were not easy places, though, for many who entered did not come out alive. The seven-circuit labyrinth was used in…

  • Monthly Columns

    Gael Song

    A Druid’s Peace, Dealing with the Covid Blues So, this pandemic seems to go on and on, doesn’t it? I thought it would only be a couple of months at first but now it seems to be headed for a year or maybe more. Ugh! And cold weather that will make seeing friends even harder to do, plus forcing risk taking by going inside, is looming in the near future. So I thought an article about dealing with the blues might be appropriate, a druid perspective. The first thing I want to emphasize is not to let fears and sadness take over your thoughts and emotions. Fear has no power…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from the Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Willow   Willows are a type of tree in the family Salicaceae. They’re deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves towards winter, and they love both moisture and sunlight. Striking weeping willows are often seen trailing their leaves across the surface of streams, while fluffy goat willow or pussy willow brightens up the spring with its soft catkins. While only the largest of gardens will enjoy a willow tree of their own, many people will have a green area or park they can visit to find one of the many species of willow which grow all across the northern hemisphere. Find your own favourite willow creek or…