A Runic Prayer for Peace
Anyone who follows my blog will know that I’ve recently become reacquainted with Loki, a Norse God primarily associated with mischief and trickery. Most followers of Loki will know that this is a massive simplification of this complex and fascinating God. Loki is a catalyst for transformation, growth – and a welcome reminder not to take ourselves too seriously!
As I created my altar for Loki, I knew I wanted a special piece that would be uniquely Loki’s. With that in mind, I commissioned my dear friend who is a jeweler and wire worker to create Loki’s name in runes.
These runes represent a transliteration of Loki’s name. They are literally the sounds that create Loki’s name, not necessarily how his name would have been written in the ancient Norse language or writing system. The runes that makes the sounds in Loki’s name are Laguz, Othila, Kenaz, and Isa.
Laguz: The literal meaning of this rune is lake, water, or ocean. It can be linked to memory, thought, and dreaming.
Othila: Othila or Othala means something akin to homeland or inheritance, something you receive from the ones who came before you. It can be linked to home and hearth, or wider “home” associations such as one’s country or a beloved place.
Kenaz: Kenaz means torch, as in a burning brand that sheds light. In metaphysical terms, this may be the light of realization or the fires of creativity and crafting. It may be linked to intellect and cunning, or highlighting the truth of a situation.
Isa: This rune literally means ice, and is often seen as a rune of hardship and struggle. It can represent being stuck, no way out, “frozen” in place and seeking change and opportunity.
I was already very interested in how the meanings of these runes might relate to Loki’s nature and mythology. With the recent distressing events in Ukraine, these runes have taken on new meaning for me, and have become part of a regular prayer that I offer up to Loki. This is my personal interpretation of the runes and shouldn’t be taken as “lore”. In fact, using runes for divination and magical purposes could be a fairly new development, as originally, of course, runes were a writing system rather than a magical tool – beyond the inherent magic that words can hold, of course! Here is my Prayer for Peace, based in part on a bind rune of all the runes of Loki’s name wound in with Berkana (or Berkano), the rune of the birch. The birch tree has links to Loki’s mother, Laufey, so feels very appropriate.
Laguz, the lake. The tranquillity of still waters.
Othila, a safe home, the welcoming hearth.
Kenaz, the torch. A light for courage and transformation and to shed a light on wrongdoing.
Isa, the cold, harsh reality, and the will to break through and move forward.
All bound in Berkana, the birch, bringing sanctuary and safety, healing and hope.
Loki, I pray for transformation for the people caught in this conflict
May they find their sanctuary and safety
And may mischief befall
Those who would do harm
For what harms one
Harms us all.
Laguz, Ohthila, Kenaz, Isa, all bound in Berkana.
Of course, you can adapt this prayer to your own gods if it speaks to you. I usually give offerings and spend some time in reflection after speaking this prayer. Whatever your views on the conflict in Ukraine, the simple fact is that it’s innocent people and their families suffering. Here are some ways you can help, should you feel moved to do so.
UK: Advice on donations and sponsoring from UK government here.
US: Advice on genuine American charities here.
Always check that the organization you are donating to is genuine, so the money goes to help people in actual need rather than scammers.
*Loki plaque is by Crystal Phoenix Healing Art who has a private sales group on Facebook, all her pieces are one-of-a-kind, she also has an Etsy shop.
About the Author:
Mabh Savage is a Pagan author, poet and musician, as well as a freelance journalist.
She is the author of A Modern Celt: Seeking the Ancestors & Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways.