
Nelland Living

Ostara Fashion: “The Wicked Witch Of The East”

But not the one from Wizard Of Oz! This one comes straight from my imagination, and is a combination of an Ostara witch and a Matushka from Russia.

My quest for the perfect garderobe continues. I´m in the process of designing and making five outfits for each Sabbat. Smart enough to go to work in, but at the same time so comfortable to throw a cartwheel in. I like to get dressed in the morning, and then forget all about the whole existence of clothes for the day! And just stay fabulous with no further effort… =)


  This witch combines the black from the common witch´s outfit, and combines it with the brightly colored floral prints of a Matushka doll´s traditional outfit.

I still have this black woollen scarf with colorful flowers printed on it, I got as a child on a holiday trip to the Black Sea in (then) The Soviet Union. It is a bit itchy, so I don´t really wear it, but it always reminds me of the super-sweet and soft ice cream I got there, and the most magnificent circus show I´ve ever seen.

  To me Russia represents a great, but hidden, wealth of cultural creativity and wisdom. I am intrigued by it, and hope one day to get a closer look.

This is as long a dress I can wear. For practicality´s sake that is. The hem ends right at the knees. Any longer, and I would stumple on it if/when kneeling down. The print of the fabric is just perfect for the purpose. The shoes I´m not yet satisfied with, but for now ordinary combat boots will have to do. Man, I wish I could make shoes too!


  If it gets too hot for the long sleeves, I can simply take them off. I made them removable, like a mini-bolero. Super easy and practical. Now the top is more colorful, which is nice for sunny days.  Originally I designed a ruffle to circle the hemline. But after finding this awesome fabric I decided to leave it out, and instead add black lace. Wait, I´ll show you better…


  This little detail gives the whole garment a nice finished look.


  Of all the Sabbats Ostara is the most playful to me. This is the time when a year is at it´s child state, if I can put it that way. Imbolc is for babies and Beltane for teenagers.
So in order to make this whole outfit more fun, and less grown-up, I want to wear my Matushka jewelry I got some years back. They should bring a smile to bypasser´s face, and thus create a “happy bubble” around me. Quoting my motto: “The purpose of life is to be happy!”


  What a nice weather for a ride on the broom! I´ll go grab mine, and a pot of green tea (but not a black cat, I´m allergic to cats  =) , and whish off for a round of fun now.
Happy Easter!