
Worth the Witch

Review of ForevrGoddess Boutique

ForevrGoddess Boutique is a shop that includes a variety of beautiful boxes for many of your Pagan wants & needs. Their boxes are a one time only purchase. There is no need to sign up for a monthly contract.


They have sent us a variety of 4 of their boxes to review:

1) Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #01 Cookie Cutter $14.75 w/free shipping in USA.

2) Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #02 Yule Pendulum $13.75 w/free shipping in USA.

3) Brigid Heart Pocket Charm Box $11.75 w/free shipping in USA.

4) Comfort Goddess Box Set $17.75 w/free shipping in USA.

And, there is a free gift with every purchase.  Each free gift varies.


The boxes arrived…



in a regular mailing box with no obvious Pagan symbology on it. So perfect for those in the broomcloset and doesn’t matter for those who are out!



Excited to see so many boxes, I dig right in.



Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #01 Cookie Cutter



Informative Papers


The thing that you notice straight off is the amount of papers the box comes with. So you are automatically drawn to them and want to dive in. What wonderful reading it is! There are pages of information and it is all great, helpful, and about the holiday. The correspondences for the stones are given, yay! By now, you know I love that. They give the history, lore, and correspondences for Yule. They suggest ideas on ways to celebrate Yule Magickally and Mundanely. Since this is a box for a Yule Cookie Cutter, there is a recipe for “roll out” cookies. There are some coloring pages included for fun. Then there are two pieces of lovely parchment paper included. These are Spell & Ritual Worksheets. Gorgeously set up. The spell sheet gives a quick guide on the bottom, for those new to the craft, or those who just need a quick reminder, on pointers to recall on writing a spell. The Ritual worksheet has a box to help you layout your altar. To help with your worksheets, there is a page on how to use any Magickal Workings Box by ForevrGoddess and when to craft a spell. The information on these sheets is informative and helpful. I thought, from the amount of papers, it may be overwhelming. I found the pages to be filled with fun things I can do, either by myself, or with my family.  They are anything but overwhelming! They really are a welcome treat. They add to my knowledge bank and fun.


Love Candle



The Candle is from Crystal Journey Candles. It is Reiki Energy Charged. Each candle comes with an affirmation. They say what fragrances were used in it. They give the name of the Candle. Instructions on how to charge your candle are provided. Precautions on candle use are given. They even say to use the candles in love & light in which they were created in and they wish you luck on your journey toward the light. This candle is called Love. It is a beautiful shade of red. The scent is not overwhelming but light and pleasing.


Yule Herbs


These are a Magickal Incense Blend made by ForevrGoddess Boutique. It’s their own blend of herbs and spices and it smells wonderful. Just like Yule! A wonderful winter’s day! They send you a generous amount. It can be used in bonfires, rituals, & spells.


Yule Stones



Included are 5 stones: Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz Point, Citrine, and Serpentine. They are nice sized, polished stones. All vibrant colors.


Cookie Cutter



The highlight, and probably the funnest part of the box, is the cookie cutter and making the cookies! And what fun it is!! You can use the recipe the box comes with, look one up on the internet, or use an old family recipe. The cookie cutter itself is an adorable snowflake shape. Good quality metal, not flimsy or thin. Fun to use with or without kids.


Our Second Box Up is…

Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #02 Yule Pendulum



Informative Papers

Once again I am impressed with the paperwork. I am really blown away. It comes with the correspondences for the stones. Your yule information is all there. Then there is a beautiful Pendulum worksheet on parchment paper that lays out what you need to chart out when working with your Pendulum. The page gives information on the bottom on how to craft a spell. Not only that but a Pendulum worksheet information guide page is given with ideas and instructions on how to use your pendulum and your pendulum worksheet. I think they got you covered!


Love Candle



This is the same red candle that is included in the Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #01 Cookie Cutter by Crystal Journey Candles.


Yule Stones



These are the same Yule Stones that are included in the Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #01 Cookie Cutter.


Yule Herbs



These are the same Yule Herbs that are included in the Yule/ Winter Solstice Box #01 Cookie Cutter.


Yule Pendulum



This is a handmade Pendulum that shows the shop owner’s lovely craftsmanship. The word Yule with a Goddess symbol is hand-stamped on metal on one side with adorable reindeer and snowflake charms. Paired with beads, a quartz point, and citrine. These are connected on a chain to a beautiful pendulum hand filled with ForevrGoddess special blend of Magickal Yule Herbs.


The Next Box Up is…

Brigid Heart Pocket Charm Box



Informative Papers


They tell you everything that is in the box and about everything that is in side the box! There is information on Brigid herself. Correspondences on the crystals/stones for Brigid included. A sheet on how to cleanse your crystals/stones & charge your crystals/stones is included. ForevrGoddess provides a sheet of information on creating a crystal grid. They even suggest places where you can find good, quality information on further studies about crystals/stones.


Angel’s Influence Candle



A Crystal Journey Candle. Gorgeous shade of blue with a wonderful scent. This candle is called Angel’s Influence.


Rose Incense



Ahh the smell of Rose Incense in the air. 50 sticks plus a holder by Morning Star. The holder is a very cute flower tile. The incense are of excellent quality with a heady aroma.


Brigid Heart Charm by Deva Designs



Wonderful blessing/emagazineotional coin. Back says, “Remember You are Blessed.” Something to help us through those tough moments in life. Coin is thick and has heft to it. Small enough to carry in pocket, wallet, purse. Nice to flip around in hand or rub as a reminder during those times we need confidence.


Blessed Brigid Bag Stones



A mix of rough and polished stones. Good sizes. There are 5 in all: Rose quartz, Unakite, and Gold Pyrite. These were all chosen in honor of Brigid. The correspondences and information are all listed on the pages given along with the box.



The Fourth Box is…

Comfort Goddess Box Set



Informative Papers



The sheets for Comfort Goddess explain what you will find in the box. Each item is described in such detail that you even know the company name. Each individual crystal has it’s correspondence listed. ForevrGoddess discusses ways in their sheets to bring the Goddess more into your every day life & ways to bring you closer to her. There is a beautiful original prayer and Spellwork sheet on parchment paper. The Spellwork sheet, as the others have, give you instructive hints on things to remember when writing your spell on the bottom of the sheet.  Helpful prompts and great blank spaces to add your information.


Joy Candle



This candle is also a Crystal Journey Votive called “Joy”. It so delicious you want to take a bite! Such a Vibrant orange.


Rose Incense



Same 50 sticks & holder of Morning Star Rose incense as in the Brigid Heart Pocket Charm Box.


Quartz Crystal Point & Botswana Agate



Excellent sizes. The Quartz Crystal Point is raw and over 1 ¾ inches long and over 1 inch wide. The Botswana Agate is nicely polished. And the correspondences for them are given in the information sheets.


Gemstone Comfort Goddess



Honey Calcite Comfort Goddess by Deva Designs. The first thought to come to my mind was that it looks funny. It’s an odd shape. Like it’s trying to look like a Goddess. I picked it up and OMGODDESS does it feel great in your hand. In any position. It molds to the natural shapes of the curves of your hand. No matter what spot you hold it in, it just fits snugly. You forget you are holding it, it does not give you hand cramps. You can meditate with it or just hold it for a long time and just feel it’s positive energy. The energy pours off of this Goddess figure.


Heart Seed Paper & Note



The heart seed paper is a beautiful idea to write your intentions for the coming year & use as an offering when you plant it, as suggested. The note paper tells you what flowers may grow from the seeded paper. A beautiful gift for you and the Goddess.


Over All Impression…

From the first box I opened from ForevrGoddess I thought they were beautifully packaged, smelled wonderful, and looked so peaceful.

The information packets that came with each box excited me. So much content on a variety of topics all having to do with the subject of the box. They give all the correspondences for the crystals and information on everything in the box or the theme of the box, which I find important. I have learned so much new information, gained many new ideas, and had some great crafting/baking hours! 

Doing the activities in the boxes are a ton of fun. From using the Yule Pendulum, to baking cookies, working a spell with my new worksheets, to making a Brigid Crystal Grid, there is so much to do. The prices are perfect and fair for all you get, and shipping is free in the USA. Plus you get a free gift with each purchase.

The items are all made of good quality, whether they are handmade by the store owner or premade. 

ForevrGoddess boxes are definitely Worth the Witch!


So…Who is it behind the scenes at ForevrGoddess running the show? Her name is Norma G. Clark and she has taken time out of her busy schedule to have a chat with PaganPagesOrg.


PaganPagesOrg (PPO): Hello Norma G. Clark!

Norma G. Clark (NGC): Hello Jennifer thank you for this opportunity to share the word about ForevrGoddess.


PPO: Our Pleasure. What brought the idea of the boxes to you?

NGC: We create boxes to fit your needs at the moment or a special need for family or friends. I offer the opportunity for buyers to see what we have for them to purchase and ask questions. I don’t hide our items, we open our boutique with ideas we create in our personal home, most of them you see before you in our boxes, we stand by quality, beauty of our products, and a unique approach to the Wiccan and Pagan lifestyle. We want them to share a unique experience with us on their spiritual journey.


PPO: How did you begin them?

NGC: Research.  I’ve gone through my references and resources and of course guidance by my Goddesses and Gods to see what there is need for. We’ve seen so many that cater only to certain things. We want to be the first to welcome all life stages happening; from Wiccan parents bringing their beautiful babies home from the hospital, to a young woman finding her 1st Goddess statue & finding magick within. We even deal with the negative by trying to help those find the light within.


PPO: How do you choose what goes inside your boxes?

NGC: I choose often for a specific need, or goal, or desire. We like being one of kind with our designs, though we’re delighted to get custom or specific requests, too. We are willing to create monthly boxes with theme ideas.

We carry our Magickal Sabbat Boxes, which are 3 – 4 types of boxes for celebrating 8 Wiccan Sabbats. They are designed as opportunities for you and your family to experience 1 of the Wiccan sacred Sabbat with us.

Comfort Goddess, for many women, at times, they need someone to guide them on their path. Though we vary from different parts of the world, and many have chosen so many different beliefs, we are all women created by the Goddess. I thought to create for someone who many women could lean on for support at any age. From a girl having her 1st blood moon, to a beautiful mother with 2 children snuggled next to her, to a wise grandmother accepting her role as crone.

Brigid Heart pocket charms boxes, these may be small, but think how a worry pocket charm can help guide you with these little words of wisdom, to lighten your day and inspire you to find the best in life.


PPO: Is yours a recurring monthly box?

NGC: Not now, we hope to soon. We would love to create a custom monthly box of any of our unique fun filled boxes. If anyone is interested in them, I’d tell them to send a private message to my boutique or Facebook. Our magickal Sabbat boxes,we were excited to just have created Yule & Imbolc. would make great recurring monthly boxes. Come explore our boutique for unique magickal boxes that can fit in your busy lifestyle to invite a little magick in your life.


PPO: Did you feel the pagan world was missing something to make you create your boxes?

NGC: Yes, there’s so much stuff out there for Wiccan and pagan beliefs. We wanted to stand out from the rest. Many of my clients are from various backgrounds of Wiccan and Pagan Beliefs. We cater to everyone from the novice to the more experienced. We love to show them they can create many blessings in life if they choose to look within themselves. We like a challenge to approach, and show our thoughts to help guide your journey to magick in life.


PPO: Do you sell other types of products?

NGC: Why yes we do, come celebrate Yule with us. While you do you will discover new spells, Goddesses, pendulums, unique bindrunes. We have various crystals and gemstones. Creative worksheets to teach and keep you organized. Fill your empty shelves with unique handmade gifts and jewelry. We have something to fit all your personal holiday and Ritual needs throughout the year.


PPO: On a personal note, what interests do you have?

NGC: Well that’s rather a long list..(laughing out loud.)

Well me and husband (Robert) have similar likes: rock hunting. We had a blast at Crystal Park, Montana harvesting our crystals for home and boutique this past summer. Creating jewelry, Wiccan handmade gifts, dragons, fairies, making pendulums and doing tarot readings. Reading books. Spending time with my 2 active children Gabriel, 6yrs and little Trinity, 1 1/2 yr old. We live your average family lifestyle, with a lil Magick and Goddess tucked inside.


PPO: Are you pagan? Can you tell us a little about yourself?

NGC: I’m Wiccan and so is my hubby. We’ve been practicing since we were teens. My style follows my spiritual path and what comes to mind. I live in a small rural town, Paris, Idaho with my husband, 2 hyper Children and a gang of critters. I now own my unique jewelry designing business for over 17yrs. I love to create new designs by looking at nature & cultural ideas for my Jewelry. Now I sell Metaphysical items. Unique 1 of kind designs.


PPO: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

NGC: Why yes. Thank you for this opportunity to speak with us and learn about my little Metaphysical Boutique and spread the word about us. Blessings of love and light.


I’d like to thank Norma G. Clark for the wonderful interview and information on ForevrGoddess Boutique.


I’m going to add a personal note here… I can not help but feel like the Goddess Box was picked especially for me. I had no clue what boxes we were getting to review. I did not know we were getting this many or what we were getting. During the process of receiving items for the column you speak with business owners briefly.  Exchange some information that is needed such as addresses and interview questions.  During one of our Pre Boxes Being Sent conversations Norma from ForevrGoddess told me she just knows by speaking to people what they need… I believe she has a real talent. My free gifts, that are private, were picked for me, and they talked to me, directly. As this box did. I must admit, I am very impressed by ForevrGoddess Boutique, and especially by Norma.


If you are interested in ordering from ForevrGoddess Boutique, you may go directly to their shop at: http://forevrgoddessboutique.ecrater.com

You can friend ForevrGoddess Boutique on Facebook, to receive updates on products and sales, at: https://www.facebook.com/Forevrgoddessboutique/

ForevrGoddess Boutique can also be found on Pinterest as forevrgoddessboutique .




About the Author:

Jennifer Sacasa-Wright is a Witch and she runs PaganPagesOrg eMagazine.  She loves hearing your opinions & thoughts on the eMagazine and welcomes comments. You can find her email address in the about section.  When she is not working on PaganPagesOrg she is creating in some other way.