Merry Meet!!
This month’s issue of PaganPages is brought to you by: We are currently looking for new writers for the following columns (**Remember you do not have to be a professional or have been published before**): gods herbs incense & oils spells If you are interested, email [email protected] If you have original artwork you would like to see on our cover, email your work to [email protected] We hope you have a wonderful month and enjoy this issue…Happy Reading!!
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
In Love and Light The phrase “in love and light” is a New Age sentiment common within the modern pagan community. I’m sure you’ve read it and if you interact with individuals within the community then you’ve heard it more than once but, really, what does it mean? What does this phrase convey? I found that when I asked numerous individuals I received as many different responses as people I questioned. For some ‘in love and light’ means; “with love and positivity”, “sending energy through love”, “being wrapped in love and light from the Universe”, “unconditional love and light of The Goddess and God”, “peace and love” as well as,…
March Correspondences
The Storm Moon Spring sowing The name March came from the God Mars, for this month was sacred to him. Mars is much like the other God’s – Ares’s (Greek), Tiu or Tiwaz (Central Europe), Teutates (celts), and Tyr (Norse). Astrological Signs: Pisces, February 19 – March 20, Aries, March 21 – April 20 Birthstones: Aquamarine Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms. Animals: Cougar, hedgehog, boar Birds: Sea crow, sea eagle Trees: Alder, dogwood Flowers: Jonquil, daffodil, violet Herbs: Broom, High John Root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss Scents: Honeysuckel, apple blossom Colors: Pale green, red-violet Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone God/dess:…
Rayne’s Ritual Way
Ostara Ritual Lore: The Spring Equinox is considered the start of spring; flowers begin to blossom and bloom. And color returns to the Earth. Ostara is one of the only two days in the year when day and night are equal. Because of this day of symmetry, balance is one of the many magical themes for this Sabbat. All about potential: the potential for balance above and below, and the potential for growth, renewal and the possibility of new starts. Incense: Cinnamon Rosemary Copal Resin Mullein Benzoin Thyme Agrimony Spearmint Lemon grass Myrrh gum resin Hyssop Colors: Pastels Blues Pinks Yellows Tools: Salt Water Sage Athame Purpose: Clear away the…
Rebel Rede
The Benefits of Meditation With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can even affect our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance. Meditation can also…
Witches’ Paradigms: Part One
Whereas non-pagans are guided by sacred books, pagans are guided by nature. Nature guides us through the course of the seasons. We take our moods, our goals and the way we pursue them, from the seasonal round, which is called ‘The Wheel of the Year’. Witches of our Celtic tradition follow three interlocking paradigms throughout the year. The course of the Sun throughout the year is plotted by the Wheel of the Year. The course of the lunar month is plotted by the phases of the Moon and their meaning. And the sequence of lunar months through the solar year is plotted by the Ogham Tree Calendar and the Rune…
Manifesting the Crystal Tower
Every man and every woman is a Crystal Tower according to Consilium XVIII. You will find the that The Crystal Tower is a reconstruction of find the Higher Self if you read the Consilium Babel in the Consilium Bereshith; it allows us to reclaim the Tower of Babel and reconstruct it in unity. The perspective of the Crystal Tower is that in the astral plane, there really is a Crystal Tower in the Astral Plane. The foot of this tower is at the element of the earth in the primordial beginning, before the creation. The fulfillment of realizing your astral world and manifesting the beautiful Crystal Tower is one key…
Musings From the Mossy Trail
The Norse Goddess Idun The once harsh winter winds transform to gentle breezes. Daffodils, Crocus and Tulips push through the newly thawed earth, barren trees begin to bud, animals are birthing their young, and the spring peepers serenade us with their throaty song. To this harmonious wonder we honor Idun. Idun, “She who renews”, is known as the goddess of spring, eternal youth, health and life. It is said that she had no birth and is destined to never know death. At times she is known as a fair maiden, soft and delicate, and at others, sturdy and hard working. She is charged with tending the sacred orchard from which…
A Place for Order With the vernal equinox occurring this month I feel a natural sense of balance. I have a need to bring my house, body and spiritual life into order so as to meet the growing energy of the turn of the year. How does order affect our daily life as a person? How does order affect our life as a Pagan? How does it affect our intent? Putting our life in order. There are bookshelves full of how-to books on creating order out of chaos in our closets, kitchens, and garages; books that show us how to bring order to our finances and health. There are many…
Myths and Legends: Journeys Through Time
If you’re ever in Russia, you might want to be a careful about going into the woods. Even for a little bit. Not only are there animals and weather conditions you would probably not want to deal with…as well as the chance of getting lost, but there’s also Baba Yaga. Who is Baba Yaga? Well..she’s a witch. A witch of Russian folklore actually. She’s not your typical witch fairy tale witch in that she flies on a broom and performs magic, spells and what else. Instead, Baba Yaga has two things. A moving, living house of which the feet are chicken legs, and a mortar and pestle which she mainly…