Merry Meet
Welcome to the June Issue of PaganPages We hope you have a wonderful and safe MidSummer! Have you ever wanted to be a writer? We are currently looking for new writers. If you have an idea for a column of your own write us at [email protected] Be sure to check out our Etsy Shop
Tree of Life
Sacred Sites Warm, drier weather means the summer months are a great time to get out and visit sacred sites in your local area. Or perhaps your holiday trips will give you the chance to visit some further afield. Either way, now is a good time to do some research and plan some trips over the next few months. Do you have a favourite place to visit in your local area? You may be lucky enough to live near one of the better known sacred sites such as Stonehenge or Tara, the Parthenon in Athens, or the Goddess Temples in Malta. The advantage of this is that you can probably…
Mama Donna’s Spirit Shop
Connecting With Nature
Daily Rituals Our daily habits determine how successful we are in life and who we become. What we put into our minds determines our outlook on life. To help me grow and be positive there are some things I try to do every day. Those are: Be grateful – when you first wake up in the morning, think of some things that you are grateful for such as your family, friends, job (it may not be the one you want but many people don’t have one), your health, your favourite food or treat, etc. If you have difficulty with this, start with small things and you will be surprised how…
Litha Correspondences
History of Litha (MidSummer) Also known as Summer Solstice, Litha, Alban Hefin, Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, Thing-tide, St. John’s Day In addition to the four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year, there are four lesser holidays as well: the two solstices, and the two equinoxes. In folklore, these are referred to as the four ‘quarter-days’ of the year, and modern Witches call them the four ‘Lesser Sabbats’, or the four ‘Low Holidays’. The Summer Solstice is one of them. Litha is usually celebrated on June 21st, but varies somewhat from the 20th to the 23rd, dependant upon the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. According…
The Neon Pagan
It’s getting to be “Pagan Pride Day” season, at least where I live. My state has three PPDs, one in the north, one in the central, and one in the south. Have you ever been to a PPD? They are interesting, to say the least. The haiku artist Nick Virgilio once wrote: “Easter morning/the sermon is taking the shape/of her neighbor’s hat.” Doesn’t take a literary lion to figure that out. People go to religious gatherings to check out other peoples’ attire. PPD slides neatly into this fold. Now, I’m not being critical. It’s great to be able to have a gathering where you can wear…
Nelland Living
Bag-in-a-bag This invention of mine has made my life much easier and handier. (I love everything easy and handy, does that make me lazy…?) A handbag that contains another handbag. For years I have searched for the perfect handbag. Tried all shapes, sizes and combinations, and never been fully satisfied. Until now. With my new Scandinavian styled, clean and sleek, faux leather mates: Literally a bag-in-a-bag. The point is simple: when on the move, heading to town to run errands, first I only need to carry “one” handbag. The smaller inside the bigger one. In the big one I place stuff I need to have with me, but…
Musings of a Hereditary Witch
Exorcism Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Ex-or-cism Pronunciation: \-si-zem\ Function: noun Date: 14th century 1: the act or practice of exorcising 2: a spell or formula used in exorcising Twenty years ago, I participated with a group of women in 2 exorcisms. This was nothing like what you see in the movies. No head spinning, levitating, contorting body parts; no spewing of foul language or pea soup like substance. There was just this persistent, stubborn entity (in both cases) that had taken up residence within the subject. In total there were 10 of us. Some of the women acted as guardians, holding the integrity of the circle. Others of us protected the…
My First Pagan Pages AnniversaryLike most Pagans, I journal quite a bit. My private journal is a transcription of my thoughts, my dreams, and the lessons I want to remember, written to myself as the sole audience in a form and media that works for me. Writing for an audience, like something of a public journal, is different. Although I had an idea of what it would be like to have a column – I’ve had a public blog for several years – there were aspects I didn’t expect.When I first started this column I knew it would help me grow in my practice and it truly has. My intention…
The Magickal ARTS
Move with the Flow- The art of Dance (Part 1) My first magickal experience occurred as a dancer performing at the age of 10 or so. I did not at the time realize I was setting up the gateway and intent for magick to move through me. My only intent was to connect so fully and deeply that I would become the persona of the role I was portraying and lose my human nature in the process. The desire was to transcend human form and become something more. The intent was powerful enough and the music and rhythm acted as the keys that opened the gates to the other realms…