Crystal Connections
Shiva Lingam Gathered from a holy site on the Narmada River in India, these sacred stones pack quite a bit of energy. Though these stones are a symbol of the Hindu God Shiva they also represent both masculine (the phallic shape) and feminine (the yoni markings) energies, because of this they can be used to activate kundalini energy. Not only can they intensify vitality within the body, they are known to raise the pranic energy as well. It’s been said that Shiva Lingams represent the center axis of life, connecting earth with the universe. Known as the stone of insight, lingams facilitate releasing all that you’ve outgrown…
Notes from the Apothecary
Notes from the Apothecary: Yarrow One of my favourite wild plants, yarrow is found right across North America, Europe and even as far east as China. The feathery leaves give way to clusters of beautiful, tiny flowers that are loved by bees and other pollinators. Most commonly they are cream or white, but there are many coloured varieties too, including some incredible bright red species that are currently adorning my local park. The plant’s formal name is achillea millefolium. The first part refers to the association with Achilles, who was taught by the centaur Chiron to use the herb to staunch the bleeding of his soldiers. The…
In-Spired Magick When we are mentally inspired our thoughts come rushing in like a gust of wind; often moving so quickly that we have to pause for a moment and breathe into the excitement of downpour or we miss some of the fine points. Our breath quickens and our heart races at the potential of what has been intellectualized and refined by mental process. When we are emotionally inspired our feelings flow throughout our being often in a rhythm of ebb and flow similar to that of the ocean’s tides. We breathe into the momentum and allow ourselves to either languish in the beauty of these…
Book Review: The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Grimoire of Philtres, Elixirs, Oils, Incense, and Formulas for Ritual Use by Karen Harrison
“The herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Grimoire of Philtres, Elixirs, Oils, Incense, and Formulas for Ritual Use” by Karen Harrison Published by Weiser Books Published: 2011 Pages: 236 This book is everything it claims on the cover – and that’s a lot for one book to deliver. Karen Harrison has been involved in the magickal and psychic life since early childhood. She earned a master of herbology. As a magickal practitioner and a master herbalist, she combines her knowledge of both, giving the medicinal and the astrological properties of herbs. It’s a combination that makes sense when you remember that both astrology and herbology are arts that have been…
Book Review: Herbs – Plain & Simple Over 100 Recipes for Health and Healing by Marlene Houghton
Herbs – Plain & Simple – Over 100 Recipes for Health and Healing by Marlene Houghton As someone who has had more than a passing interest in herbs, and works with them on intermittent basis, I can definitely say that this book lives us to its’ name. It is definitely “plain and simple”. This does not mean that it is not chock-full of information – because it is. This does not mean that it is only meant for beginners. – because it is not. What is does mean is that this little book, at 169 pages, gets right to the point, dispensing herbal information in simple, everyday language. It is broken…