Book Review: Icelandic MAGIC – Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires by Stephen E. Flowers
Book Review: Icelandic MAGIC: Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires by Stephen E. Flowers This fascinating book opens a window on some rare material! During the Christianization of Europe in the Middle Ages, many books of magic (also known as grimoires) were lost as the ancient pagan traditions were suppressed and demonized (and this mood still colours our perception of magic today)..However, in Iceland the practice of recording magical spells in a book secretly continued for centuries. Even though those surviving books of magic represent only a tiny proportion of the material that used to exist, they still open a window on a magical tradition that never quite disappeared completely and…
The Kitchen Witch
Quinoa Pancakes & Waffles Recipe Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Quinoa flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/4 cups milk 3 eggs beaten 2 Tbsp of butter melted 2 tsp of honey Mix together & make into pancakes. To make waffles, just add another teaspoon of milk to the mixture above. I suggest you use real Maple Syrup and KerryGold butter. I am gluten-free and these were so light and delicious. This has become our go to dinner if we are wanting something quick and sweet.
Book Review: Rituals of the Light Within a Compendium of Writings from the Magical Work of Elizabeth Anderton Fox
Rituals of the Light Within a Compendium of Writings from the Magical Work of Elizabeth Anderton Fox Publisher: Megalithic Books; Stafford England First Edition: 2017 This book contains 32 rituals, along with 2 messages from the Priestess of the West. The author, Ms. Fox, does mention two distinct groups: Servants of the Light School and Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica. Ms. Fox says that some of the rituals are still in use by both of these groups. She has written each ritual with the beauty that comes from someone who is well-connected to their spiritual beliefs and is well-educated in different Esoteric schools. Each ritual comes with complete directions you…
Book Review: Tarot by Design Workbook: Color and Learn Your Way into the Cards by Diana Heyne
Tarot by Design Workbook: Color and Learn Your Way into the Cards by Diana Heyne Published by Weiser Books, Massachusetts, soft cover, with introduction by author I have always loved coloring books. As a child, I valued my giant box of Crayola crayons (with the built-in sharpener), and could spend hours filling the black-lined drawings with colors. As an adult, I have indulged in the adult coloring books, spending time with images of ocean creatures, forest creatures, flowers and plants, and geometric shapes, and my colored pencils, bringing myself into a meditative state as I applied colors to the lined drawings. I have a lovely coloring book of…
She Who is All – The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
Kupala (Photo Credit: holladaypaganism.com) Kupala, whose name means “to bathe” is a Slavic mid-summer Goddess. She is known as a Goddess of Springs and Water. Her worshippers bathed in local rivers and collected dew each morning in June. The waters had been blessed by Kupala and had healing and purification powers, which also makes Her a Goddess of Healing. She is also a Goddess of Fire, with it’s purifying and protective qualities. At Her annual mid-summer festival, young men and women would jump over a purifying bonfire, dragging a straw maiden along with them. (Photo Credit: meettheslavs.com) This image was garlanded with flowers and dressed in a beautiful gown. The…
Middle Son (15) is a bit of a jester and trickster both. Whenever I tell him that I love him, he gives me a lopsided grin and replies: “I love me too!” As well as funny I think this is actually brilliant as we are constantly being told that we can only love others in as far as well love ourselves. And if we do not love ourselves (wholeheartedly, sufficiently) our love for others becomes distorted because our own needs and unresolved issues colour the space. Manipulation and unresolved shadow material often comes into play, even if this is unintended and we are not aware of it. Many…
Sacred Art
CATHEDRAL IN ICE This painting is based on a vision I had in Greenland: Ilulissat, Kallalit Nunaat (Greenland), Friday 22 August 2008 4 a.m. I sleep like a log until something wakes me at 4 a.m. The Spirit of Greenland is calling me: “You have always wanted to visit Greenland, but the truth is that I was calling you! On the way from the airport you noticed a flock of sea gulls gathered on a melting ice floe in the harbour. You felt tearful as you heard the spirits say: this is an endangered continent. I am shown an image of Knud Rasmussen (the great Arctic explorer) setting out with his dogsled. Here…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Sun Philter Merry meet. In reading “The herbal Alchemist’s Handbook” by Karen Harrison (that is reviewed in this issue), I came across directions for a philter – an infusion of herbs that is charged with intentions and the energies of the moon or the sun. With the Summer Solstice approaching, I chose to create one with the energy of the sun. In her book, she says to gather calendula, Saint John’s Wort, chamomile and juniper berries, and at sunrise, put a teaspoon of each in a chalice, cauldron or bowl that can hold 16 ounces. As they are added, she directs you to focus on the…
Spiralled Edges
Spiralled Edges – Finding Balance It may be because I was born with Libra Rising, but for most of my life I have been a person who likes balance. One doesn’t walk a balanced path though. Instead it is a constant fluctuation between extremes. Sometimes that fluctuation is very tiny with minute changes most people never notice. Other times, these fluctuations can be huge, with massive changes that send you reeling back and forth for some time. When we think about walking in balance, our vision is that it is somehow a static event. We reach balance and then we are in balance. This could not be further from…
Art Video
Winter Sleep This short art video is about the Dreaming of a Mother Bear presented by My Bear Self! It was made spontaneously while we were in Sweden in April and unexpectedly experienced a White Easter (rather than the White Christmas we had hoped for a few months earlier in the same location). One of my long-standing dreams was to put on a bear costume, roam in the forest and hibernate in a cave – so I took the opportunity to do just that. On another level this art video is about dissolving separation between humans – animals, self – other, ancestors – future generations, inner world – outside world,…