• Monthly Columns

    Living the Oily Life

    Lemon Oil     Lemon oil is another extremely versatile oil. It is suggested as one of the 1st oils for someone starting their foray into essential oils and it also happens to be another favorite of mine. It can be used topically (on the skin), aromatically (inhaled) and internally. Topical application is a great quick pick-me-up or can help brighten a person’s day. When using citrus oils topically caution needs to be practiced when the area is exposed to sunlight as it can cause sun sensitivity. Lemon oil is great in water to break up the boredom with just drinking plain water. It can also be mixed with peppermint…

  • Monthly Columns

    Learning Lunar

    Learning Lunar: The Waxing Crescent   Welcome to the next instalment in our Learning Lunar series, and the second about waxing moons, this time looking at the waxing crescent. The crescent moon is such an evocative image, found throughout history in the form of Roman pendants, Greek goddess statues, and even 16th century Christian manuscripts. Understanding the meaning of the waxing crescent moon could help hone your moon magic skills and increase your connectedness with the cycles of the moon and the seasons. What Does a Waxing Crescent Moon Mean? A crescent shape is instantly recognisable, and is basically a sliver of the moon—less than half, but beyond the dark…

  • Interviews

    A Memorial – Interview with Lord Shadow by Lady Saoirse

    Bright Blessings. I have mentioned my Priest in more than one article for PaganPagesOrg. I have talked about things he has told me, rituals we have done together, and our relationship. For those who have not read, I will tell you a bit. We have become as family to one another. Lord Shadow is basically my Dad/Priest/Friend, as he refers to himself. I met him through a friend of his who I was studying chaos magic with when I was a new witch. Lord Shadow and I hit it off, and I was told a lot about his experience, wisdom, and expertise from more than one person. When I decided…

  • Monthly Columns


    What Are the Magickal Arts?   … As magickal practitioners we are all “artists” in our own ways, honing our skills of creating magick, weaving patterns of energy that affect change and calling to the most Divine of our natures as we align with cosmos, greater earth and all of the many Beings that inhabit those realms. And, I like where this trend is taking us in exploring the craft in all of forms….     Litha marks a quarter point that expresses the lasting nature of the the sun’s potency as we begin the descent into the dark half of the year. This issue we honor..   The Magickal…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson

    Book Review Witchcraft and the Shamanic Journey by Kenneth Johnson Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 233 Pages Published: January 31, 2023     Are Witches Shamans? Where does witchcraft originate? Is it related to Shamanism and the Shamanic Journey? According to Kenneth Johnson, Witches are the direct decedents of the remnants of European Shamanism. He uses history, written observations by historical figures, courtroom confessions during the European witch trials, and anthropology and archaeology studies to show us the path taken from ancient shamanism, through medieval witch-scares, to modern day witchcraft. First we’re shown what it means to be a shaman, how shamans are spiritual healers who go to the Otherworlds to…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch by Halo Quin

    Book Review Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch Written by Halo Quin Publisher: Moon Books 172 Pages Release Date: February 1, 2023         “[S]ex magic is love magic; not the enchantment of another, but the seduction of oneself,” Halo Quin wrote in Crimson Craft: Sexual Magic for the Solo Witch. The book is a guide for healing the divine, erotic self, leading readers to harness the sacred power of pleasure. Its focus is on working to court, accept, and love yourself. Shamelessly. Not everyone is comfortable, or ready, to walk the path of the Red Witch. Those who are will find the magic is real.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Communing with the Essence

    Relating with Raindrops and Communing with Cups of Tea; The Ecstatic Dance of Life — Our mind is not the only part of ourselves that communicates. A hot cup of tea communicates; maybe through a warning indicating, “careful hot”, or maybe through a comforting warmth or a soothing relaxation, maybe it signals, “it is time for self”. It has been raining these past few days and the rain is communicating with my body. It is not always pleasant or soothing, sometimes it’s distracting and unwanted. Just like Nature, all of Life is communicating with us. Our past, our present, and our future communicates. Parts of ourselves we wish would go…

  • Monthly Columns

    Focus Pocus

    Odysseus Probably Had ADHD   Ever since I was diagnosed with ADHD, I’ve been looking for role models I can learn from. There are many celebrities, athletes, and influencers who speak out about their experiences and I find it inspiring to hear their stories. Simone Biles, Emma Watson, and Scott Kelly are just a few of the famous people I admire and hearing about their struggles and their achievements helps me remember that I can achieve a lot of things myself. I also like to observe other people and see if any ADHD-like characteristics emerge, or any other neurodivergent traits. I do this with the intention of better understanding someone…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Magic of Butterflies and Moths by Steve Andrews

    Book Review The Magic of Butterflies and Moths Written by Steve Andrews Publisher: Moon Books 72 Pages Release Date: March 1, 2023         In The Magic of Butterflies and Moths, Steve Andrews muses about the wonders of a collection of winged wonders found in England, and their “seemingly magical” transformation from “a tiny egg into a caterpillar, then into a chrysalis, and finally emerging as a beautiful butterfly [or moth].” It’s a handbook with information about twenty species, describing their characteristics, habits, habitats, and lore. It is not a book about magick involving these insects as spirit guides, their uses in spells or rituals having to do…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Earth Witch: Finding Magic in the Land by Britton Boyd

    Book Review Earth Witch: Finding Magic in the Land by Britton Boyd Publisher: Hierophant Publishing 184 pages Release Date: December 15, 2022         Earth Witch is a great book for exploring the area otherwise known as green witchcraft. Earth witch is another name for those who identify as “wild” or “green” witches. It is those practitioners who choose to primarily work in nature with the earth, the moon and life upon the planet including trees, plants and herbs. In this easy-to-read book, Ms. Boyd shares with her readers the path in which she has been called to. She shares with us her need to get away from…