• Monthly Columns


    Spells for the Craft: Peace Water Merry meet! Many of you are probably familiar with war water – typically made from iron nails or spikes left to rust in pond water along with another ingredient or two such as Spanish moss or wormwood. It’s used to drive away disruptive energy, and I have sprinkled it around the perimeter of my abode as a preemptive protective measure. Recently I learned of peace water. A hoodoo product, it brings peace, harmony, and gentleness to places, people or situations. It can create an energetic barrier, warding off negative entities and energies that would bring discord to your environment. It’s thought peace water draws…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper

    Book Review Listen to the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide to Synchronicity by Anne-Sophie Casper Publisher: David & Charles 144 Pages Release Date: May 16, 2023       The author discusses the principles of synchronicity from a personal and experiential standpoint as well as discussing the work of Carl Gustav Jung (analytical psychologist) and Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Physicist and mathematician) regarding synchronicity. Along with understanding the term synchronicity, the author defines and explains the terms of chance, coincidence, miracle, luck and magic. Her book discusses: Discovering Synchronicity What is Synchronicity? Origins and Manifestations Understanding Synchronicity Synchronicity and You Limiting Beliefs and False Ideas About Synchronicity A Day Living in Synchronicity…

  • Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review & Interview – Green Witchcraft: Discover how to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy

    Book Review Green Witchcraft: Discover How to use Herbs, Flowers, Woods, Crystals, and Essential Oils to Naturally Heal, Increase Abundance, and Align Yourself with the Magic of Mother Earth by Madeline Silvy Publisher: Self-Published 233 Pages Release Date: September 12, 2023       Some books feel like a conversation and visit from an old friend, one that you enjoy very much. Green Witchcraft by Madeline Silvy brought the comfort and companionship of sisterhood to my heart and home. Being brought up in a family of all men, it took me a while to discover the beauty and truth spoken, Women need Women. Green Witchcraft delivered the fulfillment of that…

  • Reviews

    Book Review & Interview – Keira’s Alpha by D.A. Hinkley

    Book Review Keira’s Alpha by D.A. Hinkley Publisher: Self-Published 310 Pages Release Date: September 1, 2023         Bright Blessings, I had the pleasure of meeting D.A. Hinkley several years back when I was a shop witch at a glorious place called The Parlor in Uptown Westerville. She came in for an event, and we became friends. She gets along with everybody because of her personality, but deep down to a soul level, we connected, and I am so thankful for that. I admire her greatly. Her independence and ability to do whatever she sets her mind to makes her a role model for everybody, especially girls and…

  • Monthly Columns

    Teachings of the Mythic Past

    Fairies and Plants in Slavic Folklore and Spirituality The ancient Slavs worshiped and believed in a broad range of magical creatures found in nature, and various perspectives on the male and feminine facets of divinity. Folktales from all across the world contain fantastical beings that sometimes resemble people and animals, and sometimes both simultaneously. Folklore holds the key to the numerous stories of giants, people, fairies, animals, and so on. We have referred to these stories as “fairy tales” for generations due to the relevance of these widely known and popular creatures. These beings are sometimes referred to as fairies, faeries, fey, or fae in modern English. In Slavic folklore,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – You Have the Magic 2024 Calendar & Day Planner by Viki Lester

    Book Review You Have the Magic 2024 Calendar & Day Planner by Viki Lester Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing 24 Pages Release Date: August 1, 2023       “Dark Academia meets whimsy-gothic. Both affirming and Beautiful, You Have the Magic will make the entire year enchanting.” — Amazon The front of the wall calendar is black with flowers, moths, moons and hands. A lovely depiction of cycles and magic. The opening page has the months of September, October, November and December 2023 in a smaller usable blank dated grid format. “You Control Your Own Universe” (Opening affirmation) Each month features artwork on a black background with an affirmation. The calendar…

  • Reviews

    Witch & Popcorn

    Review of It Lives Inside Bright Blessings Film Lovers! I have news! This review is of a film we watched in a movie theater. We made it FINALLY. We tried all last month to hit Barbie and Oppenheimer, but every time we went, the theaters were swamped. Now, with those huge blockbusters winding down, and school is in session, people are not flooding the theaters like they were. Things have changed at the movies. For one thing, these days, you reserve your seats, which can be a problem if somebody is in your seat, or the people next to you are loud, or goddess forbid, if they smell bad. We…

  • Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey

    For Your Deliberation I AM HERE because I choose to be. I AM MARRIED because I want to be. I AM ONLY FRANTIC when I forget that.   When They Lived and What They Lived For Magic is truly everywhere. Recently Mihos attended the performance of a seventeen piece classic jazz and swing band. Reeds, Rhythm and All That Brass http://www.facebook.com/RRBbigband/ These folks deserve all the publicity they can get. Especially because they only perform for charitable, civic and seniors events. The kind of music his parents and grandparents listened to. Some of it was from eighty to a hundred years ago, from the Nineteen Twenties to the Second World War. From his seat…

  • Interviews

    Interview — David Shi, Author of The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Shamanism

    Linda Bischoff (PaganPages.Org): In your book “Spirit Voices” you talk about your background and your path to where you are today – is there anything else that you’d like to add? What do you see your future path looking like? David Shi: Yes – thank you. I grew up in what I would term an Atheist family meaning that I was raised by parents with a mindset of believing in hard science; somewhat of a STEM perspective. The ancestral practices in the book are coming from my ancestors who began appearing in my dreams when I was in my mid to late teens. It was in this way that I…