Good God! – Helios
Helios is the Greek god of the sun and solar activity. A second-generation Titan, he was the son of Hyperion and Theia; his two sisters were Eos (the Dawn) and Selene (the Moon).
Helios lived in a golden palace at the end of the earth. Each morning Eos would create the dawn in the East, making way for her brother to drive his golden chariot across the sky, pulled by four fire-breathing (sometimes winged) horses – one of the most recognizable images in Greek art. When he reached the West, he hid in a golden goblet on earth that carried him back to the East while Selene would begin her nightly trek across the sky.
Helios personified the sun, thus he was depicted as a handsome young man with long, golden, wavy hair framing his face and flowing from beneath a golden helmet or what was described as a radiant crown of the sun’s rays. His robe was woven from the twelve constellations. He had light-emitting, piercing golden eyes that observed everything happening on earth. For that reason he was considered the god of sight. He was also a guardian of oaths.
It is told that Helios created the Greek island of Rhodes and claimed it as his own. There he fell in love with Poseidon’s daughter, a goddess sea nymph name Rhodes, who bore him a daughter, and seven sons known as Heliadae. According to greekmythology.com, “The Heliadae surpassed all men in both strength and learning (especially, astrology) and, soon enough, they came to rule Rhodes …” Cities had their names, and Helios and Rhodes were the island’s patron deities.
To commemorate defending their homeland from an invasion, in 284 BC the people built a 100-foot statue of him – the Colossus of Rhodes. The tallest statue at the time, it was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Per greekgodsandgoddesses.net, “Helios did not play a major part in Greek mythology, as he was eventually replaced by Apollo. However, he does appear as an extra in the myths of other gods and mortals.” Still, according to Wikipedia, “… in spite of him being a relatively marginal god, he was one of the most ancient ones, and one that the other gods did not want to meddle with.”
Modern Hellenists have a nine-day pagan festival to honor Helios at the winter solstice. With the sun being the focus of the summer solstice, it would also appropriate to work with him on the longest day of the year, and again at solar eclipses.
Correspondences include Sunday; the element of fire; the colors gold and yellow; the herbs frankincense and heliotrope; and amber, citrine, and carnelian crystals. Some of the foods associated with Helios are red wine, honey cakes, bread, and ripe fruit. Both the sun and the chariot tarot cards can represent him.
He is certain to be pleased if you greet him at sunrise and follow his path across the sky, then watch the sunset. Bask in the sunlight. Light yellow candles. Burn incense. Bright yellow blooms would make a beautiful offering. The sun is a major source of life and power, so dial up passion and effervescence. Music, chants, and dance are always appropriate. For something different, consider riding a horse in his honor. In days of old, Helios was called upon by practitioners of magic to strengthen spells and rituals. He remains a good source to add intensity and protection to any magical working.
About the Author:
All my life I have known magic was real. As a child, I played with the fae, established relationships with trees and “just knew things.” In my maiden years I discovered witchcraft and dabbled in the black-candles-and-cemeteries-at-midnight-on-a-fullmoon magick just enough to realize I did not understand its power. I went on to explore many practices including Zen, astrology, color therapy, native traditions, tarot, herbs, candle magic, gems, and, as I moved into my mother years, Buddhism, the Kabbalah and Reiki. The first man I dated after my divorce was a witch who reintroduced me to the Craft, this time by way of the Goddess. It was like coming home to myself. I have been in multiple covens, some virtual. As an eclectic solitary practitioner, I travel the country in a converted school bus and share magick with those I meet. Find me at https://thewitchonwheels.com/ and on Facebook.