Weyland’s Whey, August 30 2024 Column, Tiny Familiars
Weyland’s Whey, August 30th, 2024
Good Morning, Good Morning
I like writing my column in bed. It violates just about every feng shui rule I can think of, but this way I can spread out my notes and New York Times and listen to music while I work. My fierce little doxie and familiar Delinquent joins me, pressing her furry little buttski against my hip while she keeps a close eye on the open bedroom door, ready to defend me from any invaders who might try to barge in. On my other side, our rescue Yorkie (and five pound familiar) Morsel slumbers in his own little bed, one ear standing straight up on alert, just in case he’s needed.
I am well protected. I believe (right now, anyway–other times I can be more rational) that I can feel my furkid’s intentions as they stand watch around me: “Don’t worry, Daddy. We’ve got your back.” Pint sized protectors.
It’s a magical moment.
Hey presto.
MUSIC Review
This composer needs no introduction.
I call him “the Master”. Anybody who is able to create music like his magnificent 9th Symphony while almost completely deaf has my vote.
Remember his name the next time you’re faced with a challenge.
For Your Deliberation
“Good energy was never meant to be wasted on idiocy.” –Silver RavenWolf.
Speaking of idiots