Book Review- Developing Your Supernatural Awareness: Connecting with an Interactive Universe by Fredrick Woodard
Photo Credits: Cover of Developing Your Supernatural Awareness from Publisher
Developing Your Supernatural Awareness: Connecting with an Interactive Universe by Fredrick Woodard is a 200 page book, of which I received an E-Book Copy, published by 6th Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing. Developing Your Supernatural Awareness is a validating book for those who have had encounters that run contrary to what the science of logic and reason tells us is possible. Written from a Psychological point of view, as Mr. Woodard is a practicing Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist and also has had his own Supernatural Experiences, he weaves accounts from clients, research, and thoughtful exercises and journal questions at the end of each chapter. The book is divided into three parts: First Perception, Interaction, and Ethics. You can quite literally develop your psychic abilities alongside this book, as it validates those experiences that just haven’t made sense quite yet.
Personal Thoughts on Developing Your Supernatural Awareness
The metaphysical book market is literally flooded with books boasting that they can help you develop your psychic, seemingly supernatural abilities, but from my experience, very few actually deliver with tried and true methods, and many of them are printed for those who already believe. Developing Your Supernatural Awareness is different; first, so many real life accounts of unexplainable phenomena are given, that it can quite literally validate your own experiences. Wouldn’t it be nice to not feel so crazy after seeing a spirit or UFO/ET? I appreciate Woodard giving multiple accounts per chapter, dealing with spirits, UFO’s and ET’s, Angels and Demons, and everything in between. This is the first step to getting those who are skeptical of even their own experiences, to see the scientific validity of any Supernatural experience. After Woodard has calmed some nerves for the skeptics, or those unsure of what they believe, he then goes on to describe how to actually develop these abilities further, should you so wish. Woodard also covers topics such as ethics, actually interacting (willfully) with these beings, either corporeal or non-corporeal, and how to address those who may label you as “crazy”, etc., (skeptics). Developing Your Supernatural Awareness is the book I needed when I first had an encounter after my grandfather had died. I’d had many experiences with spirits and the like before then, but was too young to fully understand what was happening. Woodard’s work could have saved me a lot of trouble, stress and money buying books on the subject that were, to be nice, not helpful. Because of that, I give Developing Your Supernatural Awareness a 5 on a scale of 1-5. It’s excellent for skeptics, those who have had experiences they can’t explain, but want answers, as well as those who are full-blown believers. Anyone can benefit from this book, especially if you’re looking to validate, and expand, your own supernatural, psychic abilities and experiences.

Fredrick Woodard is a clinical psychologist with three Master’s Degrees and a renowned author of peer reviewed articles on hypnosis, spirituality and psychotherapy. He has a private practice and focuses his research on hypnotherapy. paranormal events and spirituality. He is the author of Perceptual Hypnosis: A Spiritual Journey Toward Expanding Awareness.
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist and Animist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Ancestors and other nature and land spirits and spirits of place. I practice Necromancy and Deathwalking, as well as Traditional Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!