Weyland’s Whey, October 19th 2024 Column: The Difference Between Halloween and Samain, Part Two, Conclusion
For Your Deliberation
To me, Samhain focuses on a different type and aspect of death than does Halloween. It’s more familial than scary. Samhain is for moving on into what’s next instead of hanging around here on this side of the veil making trouble.
Of course, there are exceptions….
Waiting for the Dark
The houses in our neighborhood share a big leafy backyard which is crisscrossed by a warren of short bridges and long pathways. Lots of trees, almost woodsy, it hosts a murder of crows, a dray or two of squirrels and an alarming number of very bold skunks. We have lights back there, but after twilight it can get pretty gloomy.
The other night I took Delinquent the dog for her evening stroll. We didn’t get too far before I could feel a presence. Not from one of the houses. From the trees and greenery. We went a few steps more and the feeling grew stronger.
Delinquent is not just my pet, she’s one of my familiars, and I looked down to get her opinion. She was looking up and me and I could tell she felt it too.
“Well,” I said aloud. “It is October. The veil is getting thinner all the time now. It could be real.”
Delinquent agreed. We turned around and she led the way back home.
Thanks, Mom
Mom was a remarkable woman. She raised me all by herself before it was fashionable to do so. We were poor, but I never realized it. Mom worked hard, and we always had enough food, plenty of books and lots and lots of love in our home. She led by example, and showed me how to value hard work, fortitude and honesty. And she taught me to never, ever give up on what I feel is right and important. Considering what she had to work with, she did a d*mn good job with me. She died at the age of 104. A good life, one well lived.
MUSIC Review
Veil is Thin at Samhain by Flora Ware, with Heidi McCurdy. From Flora’s album Songs for the Wheel of the Year.
Simply awesome. Google the video.
5 broomsticks.
Two More Names for the Townie Roll of Honor.
The guys and gals who help me look good every month!
The Thinker. He’s the third man in my triad of techies. To say he’s great with computers is an understatement. Thinker should be working for Google or Wayne Enterprizes or something like that. And the SOB is better looking than I am! Life is unfair.
Cyn. (Grey Strega.) This lady has more jobs and side gigs than anybody else I know. I don’t see how she finds time to sleep! But she always makes time for advice and friendship. She’s also part of our roundtable discussion group. Keep an eye out for her interviews, which are coming here soon.
Wey is a columnist at paganpages.org. He can be reached at [email protected]