Book Review – Queering the Runes by Siri Vincent Plouff
Book Review
Queering the Runes: Reclaiming Ancestral Wisdom in Rune Magic & Mythology
by Siri Vincent Plouff
Publisher: Weiser Books
240 Pages
Release Date: September 4, 2024
On the author’s website, Queering the Runes is described as a “…love letter to the runes, the gods, and the people who follow the Nordic path.” The book is promoted as an alternative approach to learning the runes, combining personal gnosis and academic research. Importantly, this approach is inclusive to anyone regardless of their gender identity, perhaps making it one of the first widely available resources to queer and trans individuals and communities — while still wholly relevant to literally anyone else, too.
The book is well organised, first explaining its purpose and then getting into what it means to queer the runes. This book takes the dictionary definition of queer as something that doesn’t fit traditional ideas around gender or sexuality — a stance any scholar of Norse mythology should be familiar with. Queerness is explored as a liminal concept, partly in and partly out of what’s considered the mainstream. Many magical practitioners will recognise the concept of liminality, and its power for transformation and growth. Terms like ergi are explored and explained, with their cultural context in place to help understand how these words and phrases apply differently in different times and situations.
The author also dives into the history of the runes — including uncomfortable truths about connections to white supremacy — before exploring each Ætt in detail. Rune meanings are explored, plus a nourishing dollop of both individual and shared personal gnosis.
I love the fact that the author has clearly gone into their relationship with the Norse divine with a healthy dose of scepticism. Their experiences encourage discernment, which is important for creating true connections. They also point out that Norse religion and spirituality can attract some less than savoury types — all the more reason for open- and fair-minded folks to learn what they can to bring some balance to the community and its image.
This book is written with refreshing honesty and self-awareness from the perspective of someone who had shunned the Norse gods due to their seeming links to the patriarchy and other potentially harmful ideologies. In the volume, they note that the “…further away from stereotypes you get, the deeper into the truth…” and that is so true of many paths.
If you’ve ever been fascinated by Norse practices but felt that you weren’t perhaps reflected or represented within the relevant communities, this book will disabuse you of that notion and help you find your own, deeply personal path to the runes. As well as a functional resource, the book is a timely reminder that ancestral beliefs and ideals can help guide us even in these modern times — in ways we might not expect. Highly recommended.
Siri Vincent Plouff is a Nordic witch, author, and curious human. I think many of us will find that last point relatable! They aim to teach people to use the magic written in their bones. As well as the book, there is now a full teaching course on Queering the Runes. The material is extensive, including a full lecture on each of the Elder Futhark Runes. Anyone who is interested in this fascinating-looking course should act fast as registration closes on the 28th of January 2025. Siri also produces a fascinating blog and provides anti-racist Heathen resources to help other people interested in Norse spirituality, religion, and mythology to be discerning on their journeys.
All images courtesy of the publisher and author.
Author Bio
Mabh Savage is a Pagan author, poet, and musician, as well as a freelance journalist and content creator. She’s a nature-based witch, obsessed with Irish and British Paganism and folklore, plus she’s a massive plant nerd. Mabh is a long-time Hekate devotee and a newbie Lokean. She works extensively with the UK Pagan Federation, including editing their bi-annual children’s magazine. Mabh is also a passionate environmentalist and an advocate for inclusiveness and positive social transformation.
Mabh is the author of A Modern Celt: Seeking the Ancestors, Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft: Modern Witchcraft Meets Celtic Ways, and most recently, Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Planet Friendly Living. She has a new book coming out in December 2025, The Magic of Birds, available for preorder soon. Search “Mabh Savage” on Spotify and @Mabherick or MabhLSavage on all socials.