Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times Exclusive Interview with Oberon Zell
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for October 2022 – Interview with Oberon Zell Bright Blessings, all! I trust by the time you read this, you are elbow deep in apples, pumpkins, mums, and all things spicy and Fall flavored. I trust your homes and gardens are bedecked in golds, oranges, burgundies, and purples, and many of you are planning to allow leaves to stay in the yard so insects can safely survive the winter. I trust all you Pagans are planning for Samhain including gatherings with friends and soul kin, and you plan to open yourselves to communication with spirits as the veil grows thinner. Many observe Samhain…
Exclusive Interview With Author of Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging, Cait Johnson
Bright Blessings! I was lucky enough to get to review Cait Johnson’s book Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging: Finding Your Power Through the Changing Seasons, and let me tell you, it is one hell of a great book! I cannot say enough about how very much I loved this book, but I will share the review we published so you can read excerpts of it for yourself: Book Review – Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging: Finding Your Power Through the Changing Seasons by Cait Johnson – PaganPages.org Cait has authored seven fantastic books, including Witch Wisdom, but that’s not all she does! Her bio says: “She holds an…