Interview: How Happiness and Foraging Intertwine for “The Wildwood Way” Author Cliff Seruntine
“I wanted to inspire people to re-conceptualize happiness,” Cliff Seruntine said about writing The Wildwood Way: Spiritual Growth in the Heart of Nature. First published in 2015, the book was re-released last year. “I’m a psychotherapist by profession, and I’ve a lot of education in psychology. I’ve been enamored with the concept of happiness ever since my earliest undergraduate days,” he said in a telephone interview in late March as snow fell on his homestead in the wilds of Nova Scotia. “There is a fairly esoteric field called happiness science. It is a well-established branch of science. Very few people know it exists or how serious it is, but every…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet Kelsey Jean It’s always special to meet mothers and daughters who are both witches. Kelsey Jean is the daughter of Barbara King, who was featured here two years ago. Although I am based out of New Hampshire, and had been in her hometown several times, it was in Florida at the Skoolie Fest that I met her. As a self-identified “new witch,” she is a firm believer in dabbling in everything. Her grimoire contains information on sigil work and color associations to astrology and chakras. Calling magic…
A Talk with Sharon Blackie, Author of Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life
Sharon Blackie, PhD, is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction, and a psychologist who has specialized in neuroscience, narrative, mythology, and Celtic studies. Her unique approach to working with myth, fairy tales, and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us for authentic and meaningful ways of being. Her work has been published extensively in professional journals and consumer media, and she offers workshops and seminars worldwide and online. She lives in Wales, UK. More information at SharonBlackie.net and www.Hagitude.org Q: Why do elder women matter? What do they have to offer in today’s challenged and challenging world? Sharon Blackie: In our more distant…
Interview with Author Alysa Bartha
Tell me some things about you…your background, your path to where you are today…what do you see your future path looking like? “My path has not been one singular event but a succession of events – an unfolding. I’ve always been fascinated by unusual things – esoteric disciplines, occult etc. Because my interests did not jive with my mom’s beliefs, at 15 I set out on my own. Well, not entirely on my own – I went to live with my Dad where I discovered he and I had many things in common. He helped me to discover the tools that I use today. I learned at an early age…
Exclusive Q&A With La Carmina about Her New Release “The Little Book of Satanism”
La Carmina is an award-winning alternative culture journalist and TV host. She runs the leading blog about Goth travel, fashion and Satanism (LaCarmina.com/blog), which was featured in The New York Times and Washington Post. La Carmina is the author of four books including Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo and Cute Yummy Time, published by Penguin Random House. She received a journalism prize from the Society of American Travel Writers, and her writing has appeared in Time Magazine, CNN, Business Insider and Architectural Digest. As a TV personality, La Carmina has danced with William Shatner and Henry Winkler on NBC’s Better Late Than Never, dined with Japanese monsters on Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods, negotiated a $666 taxidermy head on Discovery Channel’s Oddities, cooked cute…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet Cheyenne Falls I met Cheyenne and her fiancé as they began building their skoolie at the homestead in Georgia I visit twice a year. We got to talking about our paths. One of the things I liked is that she, too, worked with death, and was not squeamish about bones and such. I also enjoyed the meals we shared, typically with her doing the cooking. Working in the lodge kitchen, the range was her altar, a wooden spoon her wand, pots and pans her cauldron, food her…
Interview with Elen Sentier
Earlier this month, our own Amara Willow caught up with Elen Senteir. Watch as they discuss intuition, Jung, witchcraft, and more! About Elen: Best-selling author, Elen Sentier has published 12 books, three of which are bestsellers and two are novels. She’s just finished her 3rd exciting and sexy, mystery and magic novel, it’s now out for beta reading and we hope it will be published in late 2023. She’s currently working on her fourth novel, full of juicy relationships and conflicts, set in a post-apocalyptic world. As she was born into a family who practiced the old witch-ways of Britain for millennia, she uses all that background in her novels…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet: Catherine LaForza Catherine is a 60-year-old Witch, a warm glass artist, caregiver, Grammy and Death Midwife who has been a practicing pagan since 1990. We connected this summer when I was in Connecticut. She’s a caregiver to her husband who has not only survived, but thrives as a 20-year heart transplant recipient. Their experiences dancing on the edge of Death has led her to train as a Death midwife. Birth and Death are spokes on the same wheel; both are initiations and transitions. Death midwifery sits…
Exclusive Interview with author Ron George
Interview with Ron George, Author of Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale Pagan Pages: What got you started as a writer? Ron George: I was really into poetry and classical literature when I was in high school. Shakespeare’s Macbeth really inspired me to start writing. But looking back I would say the movie Mean Girls. Fanfics were really big back then so I joined one of the online groups and developed a fairly decent following with my stories. At the time I don’t think Tina Fey knew that Mean Girls, almost overnight, developed a cult following. Well, the original version was actually written by Rosalind Wiseman. Anyway, for whatever reason…
Exclusive Interview with Author Nikki Van De Car
Nikki Van De Car is the author of several books including The Witchy Homestead: Spells, Rituals, and Remedies for Creating Magic at Home which we recently reviewed here on PaganPagesOrg. Nikki was kind enough to take some time out of her busy schedule to talk to us about her writing, her crafting, and the magic in her own life. Mabh Savage (Mabh): I’ve just read “Witchy Homestead.” Firstly, congratulations on a wonderful book. What prompted you to write this? What was your main inspiration? Nikki Van De Car (Nikki): About five years ago, I left New York to return to my hometown in Hawaii. It’s a tiny…