• Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey – That Old Familiar Feeling

    That Old Familiar Feeling   They’re a basic ingredient.  When you’re a witch you gotta have the robe.  An altar.  And a familiar or two. Now, full disclosure time here: I’m no scholar or expert.  I haven’t seriously researched this topic, nor do I intend to.  But I deal with familiars on a daily basis (or at least I believe I do) and I’m happy to share my own experiences. I suppose familiars come in all genders and species or whatever, but I only deal with my boys Jinx and Spirit.  They’re a couple of stray cats my girlfriend Sparkle took in long before she and I met.  We hit…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Shadow Animals: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform, And Awaken

    Book Review Shadow Animals: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform, And Awaken by Dawn Baumann Brunke Publisher: Bear & Company 320 pages Release Date: November 8, 2022         Dawn Baumann Brunke introduces a new way to approach shadow work: using animals as teachers. “Shadow Animals: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform, And Awaken” explains how these animals can help us recognize and explore our own shadow selves. I found the concept original, non-threatening and insightful. Our fears, feelings, and phobias about various animals can help us see the hated, abandoned, judged, and denied aspects of ourselves. Buried traumas and childhood fright…

  • Reviews

    Video Book Review – Animal Medicine: A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying, and Connecting with Animal Allies by Erika Buenaflor

    Video Book Review Animal Medicine A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying, and Connecting with Animal Allies by Erika Buenaflor Publisher: Bear & Company 216 Pages Publication date: July 13, 2021       Bright Blessings! This time I am reviewing Animal Medicine- A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying and Connecting to Animal Allies. This is an outstanding tome dedicated to educating people about spirit animals, the Mesoamerican lore and beliefs about them, and how you can connect with your animal spirit guides through meditation, and communication with them. Published in 2021 by Bear and Company, this is 201 pages chock full of great history, lore, symbolism, and sacred wisdom. The book…

  • Monthly Columns,  Spells & Rituals

    Familiars & Crystal Magic

    I have two cats and one dog. My dog is my baby, but I didn’t get along with my cats until roughly a year ago when I began to better understand them. I believed cats were rude, loud and did whatever they wanted, basically teenagers. My current two were exceedingly unpleasant and wanton compared to most I have encountered. If they didn’t get their way they would potty all over the house out of spite, and were constantly under my feet tripping me and constantly yelling. Being accustomed to dogs made their behavior seem irritating and unruly. Finally I started paying attention beyond asking myself if they needed food or…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times First Edition

    Bright Blessings! Those who have been following my articles know I was prepping to move, right? Thus I did not plant a garden like I usually do, and I even removed perennials, pots, a large raised bed, and gave it all to friends! Well…the pandemic hit, my husband’s hours were cut at work, and while we are making ends meet, it’s just not a great time to buy property for us. I have no idea how long we will be here. I missed an entire year of gardening thanks to this. Don’t get me wrong, I planted zinnias, like always, and I have a couple of potted mums outside with…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Book & Oracle Deck Review -The Illustrated Bestiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals by Maia Toll, Illustrated by Kate O’Hara

    Book & Oracle Deck Review The Illustrated Bestiary Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals The Illustrated Bestiary by Maia Toll Illustrated by Kate O’Hara Storey Publishing 167 Pages       The Illustrated Bestiary is a true gem to add to your collection. Maia Toll presents a gorgeously Illustrated guide to the world of animism, complete with a 36 card accompanying oracle deck invites you to walk the path of your ancestors as you discover the animals spirits who have guided mankind for millennia. This book radiates majesty with beautifully rendered art in the deepest richest hues imaginable. The images instantaneously transport you to the spirit of this animal.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for June 2020   (pic by AmberAvalona on pixabay.com)   Bright Blessings! Believe it or not, it will be Summer Solstice before we know it! What warmer weather we are having that at this time a month ago! Many of us will be merrily working away at our gardens! For me, having pulled a raised bed, I won’t be planting as much- and I learned a very ugly truth meaning I might not plant hardly anything at all. I still live in the condos- truthfully, we may be stuck here as long as another year- if not longer. Long boring story- sigh. Normally,…

  • Reviews

    Television Show Review & Interview With Jane Velez Mitchell – A New Day/A New Chef

    Television Show Review – A New Day A New Chef     I was glad to be asked to review a new vegan cooking show; personally, I had been having some difficulty sticking to my vegan diet and watching this show helped. As we are all aware, plant-based foods are fast overtaking animal-based foods in sales. Even those who are avowed meat eaters will occasionally have a plant-based meal. This is a boon to our bodies, our environment and, of course, the animals. Because of this fast growing trend in taste and lifestyle, more and more guidance is needed for those who wish to try veganism. Cookbooks abound, but it…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy by Debra Landwehr Engle 

    Book Review Let Your Spirit Guides Speak A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy by Debra Landwehr Engle  218 Pages     “‘Let Your Spirit Guides Speak’ is a book about what it means to live a life that’s divinely guided by direct experience with Spirit,” written by author Debra Landwehr Engle. In it, she shares what she’s “learned about developing a collaborative relationship with guidance and the practical steps you can take to deepen your connection to a conscious, co-creative conversation.” Some people call these helpers spirit guides, others refer to them as angels, God, and light beings, in addition to entities with other names.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating The Old Ways In New Times

    Celebrating The Old Ways In New Times for April 2020     Bright Blessings! Before we know it, Beltane will be upon us, and many will be going to gatherings where Maypole is danced, and emphasis on sexuality, and the union of the Mother Goddess and Father God are celebrated. Talk about fertility, union, and all things about growth will abound! I’ve gone to multiple celebrations, all of which often have a focus on the union of things to reproduce. But the older I get, and the more people I meet, the more I realize, THIS, in particular does not apply to all people… Now, sure, we all celebrate the…