• Reviews

    Book Review – 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars

    Book Review 2024 Astrology Diary – Northern Hemisphere: Plan Your Year with the Stars By Patsy Bennett Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 160 pages Publication Date: June 12, 2023         This diary lists major solar, lunar, and planetary positions for every day of the year, making it possible to navigate life with the help of astrological influences. Astrology studies the movement of celestial objects. Each planet has its own characteristics that, depending on where it is located, will influence the tone and opportunities of the day. The planner is organized by sun signs, each leading off with a two-page forecast summarizing the zodiac sign. Positions of planets and other…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

      Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications   Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating Samhain, the season of divination and seeking answers from the ancestors.   Traditional Samhain (aka: Halloween) is celebrated on October 31st and Astrological Samhain occurs this year on November 5th.   The Astrology of Samhain The energetic astrological imprint of Samhain is one of mystery, intuitive gifts, secrets, passion and more. The solar month of Scorpio holds the space for the parting of the veils and the celebration of Samhain on either date; the more traditional of October 31st or the astrological point that falls on November 5th –…

  • Monthly Columns

    Learning Lunar

    Moon Magic and Mystery   The Waning Gibbous Moon Welcome back to Learning Lunar, our regular column looking at different phases of the moon and how you can work them into your spiritual practice. For this Samhain edition of PaganPagesOrg, we’re looking at a waning phase of the moon for the first time: The Waning Gibbous Moon. What Does Waning Gibbous Mean? A waning moon is one that appears to be getting smaller each night, eventually culminating in a dark moon or new moon. As soon as the moon becomes full, the days beyond this are considered the time of the waning moon. A waning gibbous moon falls between the…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

    Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications     Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications….   In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating the Autumnal Equinox (aka. Mabon), the Second Harvest of the Fall.   The Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of new beginnings that take the form of returns to school, planning for the upcoming holiday seasons, cooler weather and the bounty of beauty that surrounds in nature with the kaleidoscopic falling of leaves. This year’s date of the Equinox is Sat., Sept. 23rd @ 2:50am (EDT). If we look to the astronomical energies that are occurring we celebrate the space of balance between the waning light of the year…

  • Reviews

    Jade Unboxes! Manifestation Box from Gogh Jewelry Design

        Gogh Jewelry graciously sent us one of their monthly Manifestation Boxes to review in our Pages. It came in a simple, yet cute box. I like that they didn’t use a lot of paper, glitter, or other extras in the shipping department. In my opinion, I would rather the box and décor are simple, and the money better spent in product or material for the customer. The box consisted of a necklace, a bracelet, and a stone, as well as a handout on the theme for the month and your personal astrology for that month.     The necklace (which was my favorite item in the box), was…

  • Monthly Columns

    Learning Lunar

    The Full Moon     How exciting to be three issues into our Learning Lunar column and already able to wax lyrical (pun intended) about the full moon! Lúnasa 2023 falls on August 1st which, this year, is also a full moon. Lúnasa, or Lughnasadh, is an Irish festival co-opted by many Pagan traditions as a time of harvest celebration, games, competitions, and other summer festivities. Another popular celebration held at this time is Lammas, the Anglo-Saxon early Christian festival of blessing the first fruits and loaves of the seasons. Having the full moon to add to these blessings can only add to their fruitfulness!   What Does the Phrase…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

    Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications Welcome to this issue’s Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating Lughnasadh, the First Harvest as Summer transitions into Fall. An additional boost is the Full Moon in astrological Aquarius 2:33pm (EDT) and the Sun basking in the Fixed astrological sign of Leo, sitting mid-point between the solar transition from cardinal Cancer and Mutable Virgo. The elemental impact of this year’s Lughnasadh calls on the Fires of Leo and the movement of Air within Aquarius. Fire is fed or diminished by Air and so we have choice as to how we will proceed as we explore this first Harvest This issue we…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

    Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications   Welcome Back to Stellar Applications…. In this issue of PaganPagesOrg we are celebrating Litha, the abundance of summer’s peak and the brilliance of light that fills this space of transition. Astronomically this is the date of the Summer Solstice and sits as one of two points on the Witch’s Wheel where the scales tip in balance towards the growing of light or darkness, as the sun waxes or wanes, respectively.   This year the Summer Solstice occurs on June 21st at 10:38am (EDT)and astrologically, Cardinal energy abounds creating the product of what has been quickened and set on the path towards manifesting in its…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Nature of Astrology: History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems by Bruce Scofield

    Book Review The Nature of Astrology: History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems by Bruce Scofield Publisher: Inner Traditions 544 Pages Release Date: January 3, 2023         This is not a casual read. This is not the kind of astrology book that tells you what your sun sign is, what your moon sign is, your rising sign, and so on – you’re not going to find out how to learn how to find the love of your live or the best career for your personality by casting a perfect horoscope and following the planets each month, day, year – this is not that book. This is…

  • Monthly Columns

    Stellar Applications

      Current Astrology Using Hermetic Applications   Welcome to Stellar Applications…. ….a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the current astrology and how you can access the fullest measure of its potency through application of other Hermetic disciplines. Last issue I offered you some basics of astrology as foundations for what is coming ahead. This issue I am going to share the astrological assignments to the Major Arcana of the Tarot and some astrological highlights of Beltane. There is a lot that can be gleaned from the astrology/tarot connections and when you apply these to your natal birth chart an additional layer of understanding is revealed.   Let’s…