WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Crafts for Witches: Fire Starters Merry meet. Beltane is one of the fire festivals. The word Beltane translates roughly to “bright fire” and in Celtic tradition, the most important ritual was the sacred community bonfire lit at sunset the evening before. (Celtic days went from sundown to sundown.) Festivities focused on casting off winter’s darkness and celebrating the start of summer. It’s also a time of celebrating fertility You can start your fire with items you likely already have on hand. Perhaps the easiest and least expensive fire starters are made by filling cardboard toilet paper tubes with loosely packed dryer lint. Use two or three to start a fire.…
Poem – I Realised I Was Air
I Realised I Was Air I realised I was air today After years of toying with fire Getting fingers burned yet Revelling in the pain Believing I may be a green witch A child of the earth Because I could grow things Back from almost nothing Nurturing and coaxing straggling shoots Back to life. Then when the house nearly flooded Over and over I thought water was mad at me For not taking notice For not paying it enough attention Or respect. Standing in the kitchen The door slightly open So the cats could run in and out As they pleased The wind blew hard and sudden Trees whipping wildly…
Storm Moon
(Image via Unsplash) Full moons in November or December are sometimes known as Storm Moons. Here’s my poetic take on that, and how it can feel when times are tough. Storm Moon Storm moon coming Beating at the door Tempers are a raising Mood drop through the floor Hard times over Starvation ain’t the kill Hearts running hungry Stagnant water standing still Voices louder No one asking why Anger comes from the gut Emptiness from the sky Flowers drowning Crimping o’er with frost Tiny reminders Of just what you have lost Trees still bare Under February air But they need no help to get there To the green…
Book Review – Cosmic Flow: A Creative Guide to Harnessing the Rhythm of the Moon by Nikki Strange
Book Review Cosmic Flow A Creative Guide to Harnessing the Rhythm of the Moon by Nikki Strange Leaping Hare Press 176 Pages Cosmic Flow: A Creative Guide to Harnessing the Rhythm of the Moon by Nikki Strange is a journey through the eight (8) phases of the Moon’s cycles. The book is separated into these as eight sections and provides the reader with bite-size pieces of information. The journey begins with recommendations about how to make use of the book and the basics of the Sun and Moon’s energies. A nice little chart is offered that outlines the astrological signs and how these express themselves as your Sun…
Planning with Avalon Video
Sabbat: Midsummer Planning with Avalon Sol the Sun God is at the height of his virility. The Goddess is now full and pregnant with child. This is the peak of the Solar year and the Sun is at the height of its life-giving power. The Earth is awash with fertility and fulfillment and this is a time of joy and celebration. As the light reaches its peak so this is also the moment when the power of the Sun begins to wane. From now the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer and we are drawn back into the dark to complete the Wheel of the Year. The Oak…
Book Review – The Mindful Kitchen by Heather Thomas
Book Review The Mindful Kitchen by Heather Thomas 192 Pages Chockful of yummy recipes, “The Mindful Kitchen” is a vegetarian (not vegan) delight. Ms. Thomas introduces us to the concept of bringing Nature back to our food and Nature back into our eating. “You Are What You Eat” While this concept is about plant-based eating and/or eating mindfully, it is also more. It is eating to become a caring part of Nature through a connection with our food. Each Chapter – Eating for Vitality – Eating for Comfort – Eating for Creativity – Eating for Connection – Eating for Celebration is filled with lots of seasonal recipes, together…