Deck Review: The Dragon Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, Illustrated by Elena Dudina
The Dragona Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, illustrated by Elena Dudina, published by Earthdancer, an imprint of Inner Traditions publishing. For those who love Dragons, this 43 card deck is different from the rest, in that each card not only features a Dragon, but also a “Dragon Rider”, various spirits and deities that the author has come across in her mediumship sessions. Each card then takes on two messages, as each spirit and dragon have a message for their respective cards, which can be found in the guidebook accompanying the deck. The deck itself comes in a sturdy box with an attractive cover, featuring the art from one of the…
Book Review: Pagan Portals: Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson
Here Be Dragons… Pagan Portals: Dragon Magic by Rachel Patterson is another lovely addition to one of my favorite Pagan publication series. For those unfamiliar, Pagan Portals is a series of short, introductory books on various deities, magicks, etc., by Moon Books. I received an e-book copy of this wonderful book, and it doesn’t disappoint, either, especially if you’re a lover of Dragons and their lore, myths, and power. Patterson begins by addressing myths from around the world pertaining to Dragons, from Chinese myths, to Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian myths, various Catholic and Orthodox myths with Dragons, Middle Eastern, Celtic and Norse, and even more world myths of Dragons, giving the unfamiliar…
Faery Story – The Land of Cassari
Juicy Gossip! by Kelpie Sunpearl Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day! If not, I hope these JUUUUUICY bits of gossip from Birchwood Grove distract you and help you have a better day! I was talking to Twig Magpie the other day. He helps his father run The Magpie’s Nest, the general store in BG. He also finds neat artifacts and odds n ends for the fairies and is THE best person to go to for the latest rumors or gossip going around! SO here we go! Twig told me that the last couple of days has been CRAAAAZY for the Rainbow Animal Care Clinic (RAAC)! Some…