Deck Review: The Dragon Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, Illustrated by Elena Dudina

The Dragona Rider’s Oracle by Christine Arana Fader, illustrated by Elena Dudina, published by Earthdancer, an imprint of Inner Traditions publishing. For those who love Dragons, this 43 card deck is different from the rest, in that each card not only features a Dragon, but also a “Dragon Rider”, various spirits and deities that the author has come across in her mediumship sessions. Each card then takes on two messages, as each spirit and dragon have a message for their respective cards, which can be found in the guidebook accompanying the deck. The deck itself comes in a sturdy box with an attractive cover, featuring the art from one of the cards in the deck. The card stock used is sturdy, yet easy enough to shuffle. Those with smaller hands may have trouble shuffling, as the cards are somewhat large. The back of the cards features a rainbow aura design, with a double-sided winged dragon in the center; an attractive, yet mysterious backing to a beautiful oracle deck with potent messages. The guidebook expands on the messages that are given on the cards, adding to the wisdom of each card. Of course, the messages on the cards themselves are pertinent and clear enough by themselves, but those looking for more detail will find the guidebook helpful. The deck also features two cards that I call wild cards, but the author refers to them as “Cat Joker” cards, with two in the deck, and each having a ritual to perform that’s given in the guidebook. Overall, this deck is a useful divination tool for those looking to expand their spiritual journey with Dragons.

Personal Thoughts on The Dragon Rider’s Oracle
Normally, had I not received this deck to review, I wouldn’t have chosen it, as it is more “new agey” than what I normally go for. I was skeptical at first, but once I began really getting to know this deck, the messages were so clear and pertinent to me, that I couldn’t deny its accuracy anymore. After a few readings, I found that the Cat Joker cards were not serving me currently, and decided to do without them, something the author states can be done in the guidebook. The Dragon Rider’s Oracle helped give clarity on issues ranging from my spiritual journey, daily life, and other things I have going on currently, all of which were accurate, providing a grounded, yet higher perspective on the question involved in each reading. The messages given in the cards are more focused towards lightworkers, however, I have found that they also accept the shadow side as well. The deck is more balanced than it first appears, featuring deities and spirits like Mars, Pallas Athena and others known for their more fierce side, while also featuring spirits like Angels, Elves, and the like, all providing wisdom along with their wise dragon companions. Each dragon is given a brief description in the guidebook, noting their general nature and message, should you decide to reach out to them. Each spirit or deity also has a brief description of their area of expertise, mythology (if applicable), and more. While not all of the spirits in the deck are ones I’ve heard of, I did feel a connection to them when they would pop up in a reading, which only happens when the spirit is legitimate (after years of working with spirits, you get to know how to detect that).
This oracle deck grew on me over time since I received it, and I find myself shuffling the cards and drawing a few, just to see what these wise Dragons and their riders have to say. First of all, the artwork is downright beautiful, packed with pertinent colors that correspond to the message of each card, and well detailed, beautiful illustrations! It’s deepened an already well-developed relationship with some of the deities and spirits in the deck, and I’ve met a few new ones as well! The Dragons accompanying their riders have also enhanced my journey, adding their timeless wisdom and fierce protection, along with wise counsel. This deck is perfect for the beginning reader and the well-practiced reader, offering great messages to help you get through any hurdles in life, and to develop and deepen one’s spiritual journey. On a scale of 1-5, I give The Dragon Rider’s Oracle a 4.5; some may question the validity of the spirits contained within the deck. Personally, I feel that they are the real deal, but I leave that up to each individual to decide for themselves. That’s my only critique of this deck, and the only thing keeping it from a perfect 5. If you’re ready to enhance your spiritual journey with Dragons, this deck will help you on that path!

Christine Arana Fader is known as “The Dragon Woman”, having encountered dragons first in 2000. She spent 10 years learning the wisdom of the Dragons before taking her work public in 2010. She uses the wisdom given to her from the other side, with spirits, Dragons, Elves and Avalon featuring strongly, to help fill others with light and make for a better world.
About the Author:
Hello there! I’m the Modern Merlin, and I’ve been a Polytheist Pagan, Witch, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Mystic, Ceremonial Magician and Soothsayer for 15 years, worshipping and casting magick with deities and spirits from many cultures, including Ancient Greece, Rome, Norse & Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian, as well as many Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads and other nature and land spirits. I study and practice Astrology as well as Tarot and other forms of divination. I give readings and spiritual services on my Facebook Page, The Modern Merlin, as well other free informational posts for everyone to see!