• Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – The Goddess & The Divine Female

    Yeshe Tsogyal   (Image: Wikipedia)   Yeshe Tsogyal was born a princess of Tibet in the year 777 C.E. She was born in the same way as the Buddha; a mantra sounded and her mother bore her painlessly. Her clan name was Lady Kharchen but she is known as Yeshe Tsogyal, which means Wisdom Lake Queen, as when she was born, a nearby lake increased in size. They are the waters of enlightenment. She is also called “Mother of the Victorious Ones”, meaning the Buddhas, as well as “Lady of the Lotus-Born”. She is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the ultimate wisdom needed for enlightenment.   (Image:…

  • Monthly Columns

    Woman Soul; Woman Spirit

    (Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash) There is a book that I carry with my in my bag wherever I go.  It’s called “Mother Wit, A Feminist Guide to Psychic Development (subtitle: Exercises for Healing, Growth and Spiritual Awareness). It was written by Diane Mariechild in the early 1980’s. I am not exactly sure why I carry it as I have read it a couple of times.  It does seem to be easy to pick up and read while waiting — in a doctor’s office, in a parking lot, etc.  I’ve done most of the exercises within the book, some of which were familiar to me from two decades of…

  • Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – The Goddess and The Divine Female

    Sheela-Na-Gig   (Photo: bbc.com) Sheela-Na-Gig. Who is She? What is She? Carvings of her abound in Europe, with the bulk of them being in the British Isles, most commonly Ireland, and dating back to the 12th century. Her image, carved in stone, has a grinning face, knees bent with legs open, holding open her vagina with both hands, for all to see. Every time I see Her, I smile. Archeologists, scholars and theologians all have varying theories of Her origins. Some say She is a warning against lust, in general, and women, specifically. It is theorized that is why she is on many ancient churches, as a warning of the…

  • Reviews

    Jade Reviews The Lady Of Light’s Goddess Subscription Box & Interviews Owner Juliana Solovjev

    The Lady of Light Subscription Box: “Danu, Goddess Box, focusing on Love, Fertility, Nurture and Wisdom.”   We all LOVE subscription boxes! Especially now, with everything still not back to “normal”, this is a fun way to get a monthly surprise and stay positive. As someone who has created and subscribed to magical monthly boxes I couldn’t wait for this new monthly gig!   The Lady of Light Subscriptions Goddess Box: Danu According to the website, if you choose the Goddess Box you will receive 6-8 items each month with a stated value of $60-$80. Your items are accompanied by packet which describes your box and the items in it.…

  • Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – The Goddess and The Divine Female

    Tawaret/Tauret (Photo Credit: www.commons.wikimedia.org) Tawaret is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of fertility and childbirth, a protector of women and children and the Goddess of the annual Nile flooding, which brings with it, its’ fertile soil, which brings life to the Land. She is a Goddess of female sexuality. Originally seen as evil and associated with the Northern sky (Nebetakhet), which was cold, dark and dangerous, She was known as the Mistress of the Horizon. Over time, She became to be seen as nurturing and protective, with a ferocious streak when it came to protecting women and children. She is also a Mother Goddess, who was associated with Hathor, as can…

  • Crafting Articles

    Hekate Doll Transformation

    So my one friend loves Hekate & I decided to make her a gift that she would love. I make custom dolls, but for some reason had never made a god or goddess, just creepy random dolls. But, I was up for the challenge. I used three different dolls to make up this one. I took the head from a snarky looking Barbie, the body of a Monster High doll that was missing her hands and then hands from a different Barbie.     The first things I had to do was strip the doll doll down to it’s core. I removed the face with acetone and cut the hair…

  • Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – Goddesses and The Divine Female

    Nanshe   (Photo Credit: wikipedia) Nanshe – Goddess of water, Goddess of fertility, Goddess of Prophecy, Goddess of Social Justice, Lady of the Storerooms. Nanshe was worshipped from the 3rd millennium BCE to the advent of Christianity, throughout the history of Mesopotamia. She was born to Enki, the God of wisdom, magic and water and Ninhursag, a Mother and Earth Goddess. Being most strongly associated with water, she is the Goddess of fishing. The fish is one of her symbols, as s symbol of life; her other symbol is the pelican, who sacrifices itself to feed her young. She is often depicted as a woman dancing above the water. Her…

  • Monthly Columns

    She Who is All – Goddesses and the Divine Female

    CERNUNA (Image Credit – Deviant Art by Kendigo)   I had a special request to do a column on the Horned Goddess Cernuna. As it turned out, there is not much available on Her. As per usual, She seems to have been superseded by the Horned God Cernunnos, who is represented by his torque, holding a snake and surrounded by animals.     It would/could be assumed that all representations are of Cernunnos, however a small bust of a Horned Goddess was found in Kent, UK. Two others have also been found; one rests in the British Museum of London and the other at the Musee de Clermont-Ferrard in France.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times Second Edition

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for December 2020 Bright Blessings! We have had an unusually warm November this year, and I have taken full advantage of it to sit and visit outdoors as much as possible with people who I know I am not going to see again until March or April. Covid-19 has hit us hard this month. I am in Franklin County, Ohio, and our county hit purple warning level of public emergency in regards to the levels of Covid19. For the first time, shops and even our Metro Parks are enforcing mask use, and we are back on a curfew again. Next, they may shut…

  • Reviews

    Witch & Popcorn The Sequel

      Review of Stree     Bright Blessings Film Lovers!   If you have read many of my reviews, you know how much I love horrors! I simply can’t get enough of them. I find horror to be the most imaginative genre, and to have the most fun and surprises. I was pleasantly surprised by an amazing horror comedy from India , spoken in Hindi, of course, called Stree. Stree means Woman in Hindi, and it centers around the antics of Vicky, a tailor who works magic on clothes for women, and his bone brained friends, and how they find a way to end hauntings by the Stree. Here is…