Deck Review – Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn
Deck Review Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn Published by Facilitating Love On Earth 33 Card Deck & Booklet Set Published 2022 Mushroom Medicine Do you practice self-care? If you’re feeling like you need some help in department of self-care then this amazing deck and booklet will be a much needed tool. As written on the back of box: “This deck is designed for your Intuition and Imagination. There are no set rules or structures you must follow. The cards and their messages will touch upon the places you need to hold loving-awareness within your Divine Self. This deck is an example of how ‘medicine’ includes what we…
Deck Review – The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine cards by Maria Sofia Marmanides
Deck Review The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine Cards By Maria Sofia Marmanides Publisher: Adams Media 50 cards and 120-page booklet Publication Date: July 4, 2023 “The Women of Myth Oracle Deck” allows users to consult the wisdom of 50 mythic women from mythologies around the world, each with their stories. The artwork, printed on quality stock, portray these women as powerful goddesses, heroines, and monsters. Each has a full-page illustration and paragraphs with what these women are known for, the card’s meaning, and the advice she offers. Preceding the explanation of individual cards, Maria Sofia Marmanides…
Book Review – The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True by Carolyn Kurle, PhD
Book Review The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True by Carolyn Kurle, PhD Publisher: Treehouse by the Sea Press 172 Pages Release Date: January 4, 2023 There is a voice inside you that knows exactly what to do in every situation. “The Guidance Groove” is an invitation, a manual, to find, cultivate, trust, and live according to that intuitive voice of wisdom and authenticity. A big part of listening to intuition is recognizing when you are not, when you are stuck in one of the “Unproductive Grooves” of inadequacy, obligation, scarcity, or unworthiness. Examples and questions guide readers to take an…
Learn to Recognize Your Unproductive Grooves…Book Excerpt from The Guidance Groove by Dr. Carolyn Kurle
Learn to Recognize Your Unproductive Grooves So You Can Choose to Live within Your Guidance Groove *An excerpt from The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True by Dr. Carolyn Kurle Grooves are created and sustained when repeated action makes a valley across a surface. You create and sustain inauthentic behavior grooves by allowing fear to dictate your choices, then habitually following the resulting unhelpful patterns that wear paths across your life. These Unproductive Grooves of Inadequacy, Obligation, Scarcity, and Unworthiness hold you in place, prevent connection to your authentic self, and dictate your interactions with the world. Grooves are also created when you lose…
Book Review – The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen
Book Review The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen Published by Weiser Books June 1, 2022 288 pages I know I’m showing my age here, but back in the day, there was a commercial for breath mints with the tagline, “two – two – two mints in one!” I kept thinking of this slogan when I was reading The Creative Pendulum: Keys to Unlock Your Innovative Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen, published earlier this year by Weiser Books. It’s two – two – two books in one! It’s a book about how to use a pendulum and how to be a more creative…
Samhain Correspondences
Samhain 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will begin in the evening of Sunday, October 31 and ends in the evening of Monday, November 1 Other Names: celtic ~ Summer’s End, pronounced “sow” (rhymes with now) “en” (Ireland), sow-een (Wales) – “mh” in the middle is a “w” sound – Greater Sabbat(High Holiday) – Fire Festival Oct 31-Nov 1(North Hemisphere) – Apr 30-May 1 – The Great Sabbat, Samhiunn, Samana, Samhuin, Sam-fuin, Samonios, Halloween, Hallomas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints/All Souls Day(Catholic), Day of the Dead (Mexican), Witches New Year, Trinoux Samonia, Celtic/ Druid New Year, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scotttish/Celtic) Lá Samhna (Modern Irish), Festival of the…
Dream Achievement Spell
I have always felt a pull to live off the land, like it’s my life’s purpose to homestead. I’ve always sought a deeper connection with the earth around me and have wanted to be able to have a long term connection with a specific piece of nature with time to nurture and build it. Because of this pull I have fashioned my entire life around this goal, thankfully finding a wonderful partner and friends to do it with. We live out of a skoolie, my friends out of their own, which is almost fully converted specifically to find the place we feel a pull or need to call…
Book & Oracle Deck Review -The Illustrated Bestiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals by Maia Toll, Illustrated by Kate O’Hara
Book & Oracle Deck Review The Illustrated Bestiary Guidance and Rituals from 36 Inspiring Animals The Illustrated Bestiary by Maia Toll Illustrated by Kate O’Hara Storey Publishing 167 Pages The Illustrated Bestiary is a true gem to add to your collection. Maia Toll presents a gorgeously Illustrated guide to the world of animism, complete with a 36 card accompanying oracle deck invites you to walk the path of your ancestors as you discover the animals spirits who have guided mankind for millennia. This book radiates majesty with beautifully rendered art in the deepest richest hues imaginable. The images instantaneously transport you to the spirit of this animal.…
Book Review – Pathworking the Tarot: Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards by Leeza Robertson
Book Review Pathworking the Tarot Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards by Leeza Robertson 216 Pages Pathworking the Tarot: Spiritual Guidance & Practical Advice from the Cards is created by Leeza Robertson, creator of two Tarot decks and author of two Tarot books, and published by Llewellyn Publications, a Division of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989. Pathworking the Tarot is a 5¼” by 8” book with a color soft cover with Tarot images on the front and a book description and brief author bio on the back. The interior of the book consists of 200 pages, black easy-to-read type of a nice…
Tarot Deck Review – The Mystical Dream Tarot: Life Guidance From the Depths of Our Unconscious by Dr. Janet Piedilato
Tarot Deck Review The Mystical Dream Tarot Life Guidance From the Depths of Our Unconscious by Dr. Janet Piedilato The Mystical Dream Tarot is created and written by Dr. Janet Piedilato with woodcutting artwork by Tom Duxbury based on Dr. Piedilato’s watercolor illustrations, published by Eddison Books Limited, Suite 322-323, 3 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London, W6 8DA. Dr. Piedilato is a transpersonal psychologist and complementary healthcare consultant who holds doctorates in biology and transpersonal psychology, and has spent a lifetime studying altered states as represented by visionary, dream, and shamanic experiences. This interesting pedigree has allowed Dr. Piedilato to create a powerful and intriguing Tarot deck that offers insights…