In the Kitchen with Skarlett – To Your Health!!
With the wear and tear of the Holidays behind us and a long, cold (at least in the northern hemisphere) winter ahead of us. We will be most likely up against the dreaded cold and flu season. Now would be a good time to focus on a bit of rest and self care to get you through to Spring. Do keep in mind that these practices are no replacement for professional medical help. But used in concert with sensible medical care, these should help provide relief and healing. There are several deities you can call on to aid you in healing. The big one being Brighid. Her festival of Imbolc…
Book Review – Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck
Book Review Walking with the Seasons: The wonder of being in step with nature by Alice Peck Publisher: CICO Books 128 Pages Release Date: February 13, 2024 Walking with the Seasons explores the habit of a ritualized daily walk as a way to stay in touch and build your relationship with nature throughout the year. The book is divided into four chapters corresponding to the four seasons, and each chapter deals with several different topics appropriate to that season, dedicating a couple of pages to each one. It’s a very well-designed book, with tons of full-color photos and graphics to illustrate the beauty of each season.…
Shui Shed
Welcome to The Shui Shed…. …. a new column for PaganPagesOrg that will explore the basic principles of Feng Shui. This column will share concepts that can be used to bring positive energy and enhance the vibrations within your physical environment. This edition we’ll explore the Min Gua – what it means and how understanding your Min Gua or life pattern can assist you to interact positively within your physical space. Min literally translates to “life” and Gua means “pattern.” Enhanced clarity and focus can be achieved through a deeper understanding of your Min Gua. The practice of Feng Shui tells us that the physical space we occupy, the places…
Living the Oily Life
Peppermint Peppermint oil is another favorite of mine for many reasons. It is also recommended as another oil for those starting to dabble in essential oils. I have peppermint in my own garden, but be warned it will grow wherever unless the roots are somehow restricted. I planted mine in pots and put the pots in the ground. Granted it smells amazing when grass is being cut and a few stray tendrils are ran over. Mint plants in general are fairly hardy and are perennials so once rooted they will keep coming back. Peppermint has a very long history, like 1000 BC long history. It was noted to be…
Living the Oily Life
Lemon Oil Lemon oil is another extremely versatile oil. It is suggested as one of the 1st oils for someone starting their foray into essential oils and it also happens to be another favorite of mine. It can be used topically (on the skin), aromatically (inhaled) and internally. Topical application is a great quick pick-me-up or can help brighten a person’s day. When using citrus oils topically caution needs to be practiced when the area is exposed to sunlight as it can cause sun sensitivity. Lemon oil is great in water to break up the boredom with just drinking plain water. It can also be mixed with peppermint…
Book Review – Spells for Living Well: A Witch’s Guide for Manifesting Change, Well-Being, and Wonder by Phyllis Curott
Book Review Spells for Living Well: A Witch’s Guide for Manifesting Change, Well-Being, and Wonder Written by Phyllis Curott Publisher: Hay House 286 Pages Release Date: October 25, 2022 Phyllis Curott is among my favorite witch authors, and I was happy to add “Spells for Living Well” to my collection. The spells, charms, and conjurations in the book are curated from her personal Grimoires, teachings, and “wisdom gathered over a divinely magical lifetime.” Some are old, some are new; some are very involved, others are simple; some will manifest over time, others will bring results swiftly – sometimes in unexpected ways. Spells include candle magic, mojo…
Living the Oily Life
Oils: The Basics Plants have been around since the beginning of time and their benefits have been harvested, but not to the extent they are known now. The essential oil industry over the past several years has boomed as people started to look more toward non-traditional and less Westernized medicine. If it has worked for millennia, why not now? Oils can be distilled in multiple ways. Typically there are 2: Steam and expression. Steam is the most common way. Heat is used with a combo of gentle pressure and this combo causes the essential oils to be released. The oil lays on top of a layer of water…
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times
Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for February 2022 (Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash ) Bright Blessings! The holidays are behind us and it’s a new year. How time flies! For some that means you are still procrastinating about putting the Yule decorations away, doesn’t it? And the kids have absolutely begged you to leave them up, haven’t they? Have a mug of hot wassail and admire your work a bit longer why not? While you are at it, think about all the good things you accomplished in 2021. If you can’t think of anything? I can. What about the time you made somebody’s day because…
Healing Oil Recipe
Healing Oil Recipe for Humans & Pets When it comes to my remedies my witch side comes to life. I have quite a few wise women in my lineage and I like to channel them when I offer any healing assistance or create remedies. My healing oil gets special attention in this area. It cleans wounds, speeds up tissue growth, and helps with bites and stings. I make it in bulk once a year, this way I can spend the year collecting the ingredients as I travel and charging them properly. A lot of work and energy goes into my healing oil. This infusion can be used on its own…
The Sacred Spoon
Gut Healing Kombucha Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been used for centuries to help aid digestion and alleviate ailments associated with the gut biome. Our gut biome is a major player in our bodies overall function. It controls many functions from simple digestion to our mood and immune system. It is vital that we keep our gut biome happy and healthy with probiotics, prebiotic, and a healthy diet. Kombucha’s astrological correspondence is Venus, as this heavenly body rules over the digestive system and its element is earth because of its influence over healing and life, and remember your brew is a living thing. The stones associated with…