Book Review – Pagan Portals-Thor: Meeting the Norse God of Thunder by Morgan Daimler
Book Review Pagan Portals: Thor Meeting the Norse God of Thunder by Morgan Daimler 104 Pages The Norse God, Thor is probably one of the most well known. You don’t have to be a pagan or mythology buff to have the general story of this God of Thunder who is part of the curriculum as first introductions in elementary school, and woven into much of secondary teaching. Apart from that introduction, movies and comics have made Thor a symbol of strength, courage and let’s not forget some very appealing eye-candy. But, in the reading of Pagan Portals-Thor: Meeting the Norse God of Thunder by Morgan Daimler, these images…
Book Review – Beyond the North Wind by Christopher McIntosh
Book Review Beyond the North Wind by Christopher McIntosh 256 Pages The Forward of this book is written by Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, who is the High Priest of the Icelandic ÁSATRÚ Association. I found the story of his meeting and developing friendship with Mr. McIntosh, at times, whimsical and tender at the same time. But I also found the respect that runs very deep in that friendship. This book covers a subject, Hyperborean, that I used to talk about with my father. When I was seven years old, my dad would talk about all the different world beliefs that he had heard or read. He would talk about…
Meet the Gods: Ullr Merry meet. Winter is upon us, and up north, in the land of the Norse, was the cold-loving god Ullr. Norse mythology called him the God of Snow. Son of Six and stepson of Thor, Ullr became the patron saint of skiers. It is said he’s an expert skater, skier and hunter who moved around the world, covering the land with snow. References indicate he was an important deity: it is said he ruled while Odin was temporarily exiled and he occurs in many place names, but little else is known. (Ullr. Small Wooden Figurines created by Kseniya of AncientGods on Etsy.) …
Book Review – Dancing with Raven and Bear: A Book of Earth Medicine and Animal Magic by Sonja Grace
Book Review Dancing with Raven and Bear: A Book of Earth Medicine and Animal Magic by Sonja Grace 144 Pages Drawing on both her Native American (Hopi) heritage and her Norwegian upbringing, Sonja Grace presents 18 original wisdom stories about Earth Medicine and animal magic. In them she’s woven ancient teachings and everyday practical applications such as grounding, mending a broken heart and dream interpretation. Each chapter is a tale, followed by an explanation of the magic and medicine of Raven, Bear and Earth. Ancient teachings are interwoven with descriptions of such practices as smudging and energizing water for healing. Grace shows parallels between Norse mythology and Native…
The Road to Runes
The Road to Runes: Pocket Advisor App Review Runes are a complex divination system based on ancient Germanic letters. They are most famously associated with Norse myths and legends and Asatru spirituality. Can these runes possibly work in a digital format? I’m not averse to digital divination, a form of technomancy, if you will. I’ve found some tarot apps quite useful. An I-Ching app I tried once was particularly good. This makes sense as that divination system is all about numbers at its heart. But what about runes? Do the messages from the runes come from deep within ourselves? Then any tool which helps us focus could be useful.…
Oracle Deck Review – Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle Cards by Sonja Grace
Oracle Deck Review – Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle Cards by Sonja Grace A 54-card set This deck and accompanying 144 page guidebook comprise this visually striking divination tool containing images and channeled information from Sonja Grace’s spirit travels with the Norse gods. She describes her spirit travels to the Nine Realms of Norse cosmology and her meetings with the gods in the guidebook’s prologue, then she brings the gods and the Norse world to life in the cards with her simple yet iconic, bold and gorgeous art work. Grace created the cards from her memory of how the gods and realms appeared to her. She is of Norwegian…