Oracle Deck Review – Heaven and Hell: Harness the Power of the Angels and the Demons by Travis McHenry
Oracle Deck Review Heaven and Hell Harness the Power of the Angels and the Demons by Travis McHenry Publisher: Rockpool Publishing 72 Card Deck & 168 Page Guide Book Release Date: April 2, 2024 You might be forgiven for thinking that angels are both male and female – there are plenty of images of female angels, or at least angels that appear to be feminine. But officially, angels have no gender. They are not like humans – they were not created as we were, born from the sexual act between a man and a woman – they were not born at all. No one proclaims, “It’s a boy!” or…
Book Review: Wyrd Sisters Deck Of Spells and Rituals
Title: Wyrd Sisters: A Deck of Spells and Rituals Author and Artist: Casey Zabala Publisher: Weiser Books Release Date: April 8, 2024 Pages: 60 Cards and 80-Page Guidebook The deck and guidebook in this box make up a grimoire to inspire witches to make their own magic. There are cards with spells for things like sacred guidance and drawing down the moon, and cards using candles to create such energies as compassion and creativity. Other cards work with sigils and tools. Each has its own page in the guidebook giving insights, actions, and choices that are jumping off points for crafting personal rituals and spells. What makes this oracle…
Book Review-The Language of Lenormand By- Erika Robinson
As someone fascinated with divination when offered the chance to read a book I haven’t heard of about divination I was excited, but at the same time I was sceptical. I find most “How To Read Tarot” books are either very specific with what each card means or ridiculously vague. It’s hard to get a feel of your own for the cards. I was happily surprised when reading Erika Robinson’s book. The author, Erika Robinson, does a fantastic job of focusing on how to read the cards in conjunction with each other, better than any how to book I’ve read. Reading about how the cards change as they, in her…
Deck Review – Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn
Deck Review Mushroom Medicine Oracle by Nicole Lynn Published by Facilitating Love On Earth 33 Card Deck & Booklet Set Published 2022 Mushroom Medicine Do you practice self-care? If you’re feeling like you need some help in department of self-care then this amazing deck and booklet will be a much needed tool. As written on the back of box: “This deck is designed for your Intuition and Imagination. There are no set rules or structures you must follow. The cards and their messages will touch upon the places you need to hold loving-awareness within your Divine Self. This deck is an example of how ‘medicine’ includes what we…
Deck Review – The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine cards by Maria Sofia Marmanides
Deck Review The Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine Cards By Maria Sofia Marmanides Publisher: Adams Media 50 cards and 120-page booklet Publication Date: July 4, 2023 “The Women of Myth Oracle Deck” allows users to consult the wisdom of 50 mythic women from mythologies around the world, each with their stories. The artwork, printed on quality stock, portray these women as powerful goddesses, heroines, and monsters. Each has a full-page illustration and paragraphs with what these women are known for, the card’s meaning, and the advice she offers. Preceding the explanation of individual cards, Maria Sofia Marmanides…
Tarot with Lady Saoirse
For Samhain 2023 Bright Blessings, I write this as we are about to begin another week where the days get over 90 degrees here in Central Ohio. This shit was all supposed to be over with last month, but we got hit with more heat. It could be worse. Hurricane weather hit Florida, and affected the sea island areas nearby, and people have lost homes. Wildfires have raged in Canada, blanketing other countries in dangerous smoke, and Hawaii is grieving the burning of Lahaina. The earth is burning, and I am one of the people who believes human beings are to blame. Some people say that as you get older,…
Deck Review – The Healthy Witch Oracle Cards by TJ Perkins and Jennifer Amazon
Deck Review The Healthy Witch Oracle Cards Written by TJ Perkins Illustrated by Jennifer Amazon Publisher: REDFeather 33 Cards and an 80-Page Booklet Publication Date: April 11, 2023 This deck of thirty-three oracle cards accompanies “The Healthy Witch: A Workbook for Optimum Health,” written by TJ Perkins and published in 2019. Both are intended to guide readers to become the best witch possible with suggestions for physical, mental, and emotional healing. Given only the cards, this review is about them as a standalone purchase. The presentation of the deck and a small booklet inside a tin is appealing. To use the cards, Perkins writes in the…
Deck Review – The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas and Plant Spirits by Howard G. Charing
Deck Review The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas & Plant Spirits by Howard G. Charing Publisher: Destiny Books 192-page Guidebook and 33-Card Deck Release Date: August 9, 2022 I did not know what to expect when I opened up the box containing The Amazonian Angel Oracle. I had never heard of it, nor had I heard of Howard G. Charing, the creator of this stunningly beautiful set of cards, or Pablo Amaringo, the artist and spiritual philosopher on which this deck is based. So obviously, I had a lot to learn. What I found out was that The Amazonian Angel Oracle is a beautiful…
Deck Review – The Mood Oracle by Natalie Meraki
Deck Review The Mood Oracle By Natalie Meraki Independently Published 69-card deck “A Disgustingly Relatable Oracle Deck” They ain’t kidding when they say Disgusting. There some really offensive cards in this deck, and if you don’t like vulgar humor or happen to be easily offended (no judgment) then you might want to skip this review and deck all together. Now that that’s out of the way, I have to admit that I’ve actually started warming to this disgusting oracle (so many poop references!) and those of you still with me might actually enjoy the readings this naughty little deck has…
Deck Review – Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck by Jennifer Sodini and Natalee Miller
Deck Review The Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck Created by Jennifer Sodini Illustrated by Natalee Miller Published by RP Studio, Hachette Book Group 42 card deck and 129 page guidebook The serene and beautiful 42-card Amenti Oracle comes in a very sturdy 5 1/4” x 6 1/2” by 2” thick cardboard box with a magnetic closure. The box has a full color matte finish with a card image on the front, deck name on the sides, and seven more card images and a brief description of the deck on the back. The first thing we see after opening the box is the beautiful lid lining with a star…