Scary, Strange and Mythical Encounters: A Paranormal, Folklore & Mythology Column-December 2024: Introduction and Friday the 13th
Happy Friday the 13th! I’m so excited to start one of my new columns, and on Friday the 13th no less! How perfect for a Paranormal Column! Before I get into the content of my article, which I promise is themed for this Friday the 13th, and we will look at lore, legends, and myths as well as possible Pagan basis for the current superstitions and beliefs surrounding this magickal day. Before we get into the fun that I have in store for you, I want to explain what this column will be, and why I chose to tackle these subjects, both separately and apart. Stay with me, as it’s…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Samhain 2024 Special Edition
Welcome to a day filled with frights, ghosts, spirits and spooky vibes. This is Halloween. This is Samhain. A sacred day of honoring our dead, our ancestors, and helping the dead with unfinished business move on. This is a time to celebrate the cycle of life, death and rebirth. It’s a time to cast witcheries; protective and baneful; beneficent and malevolent alike. Let your inner Witch out, because it’s our season! The Dead Roam Among Us As I write this, an eerie, cool, yet warm, wind blows, making leaves fall all around. It’s the breath of the spirits coming to visit us, whether with good intent or ill. This Samhain…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: What’s in a name? The Power and Magick Behind Names
Names are some of the fundamental words we learn when we’re being taught how to speak any language. Every thing has a name. Every place has a name. Every one has a name. Place names, surnames and first names, middle names, magickal names are just some examples we see everyday, Pagan or not. In magick, both ancient and modern, it’s a pretty well accepted fact that having a spirit (or person’s) name, gives power over them. Examples of this are abundant in the Medieval Grimoire tradition, especially in works like The Goetia and other well-known grimoires. Knowing a deity’s name doesn’t give you power over them, but it does help you connect to their current of energy, and…
Book Review: Alive with Spirits by Althaea Sebastiani
Overview of Alive with Spirits Alive with Spirits: The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft by Althaea Sebastiani, published by Weiser, is a book that I’ve been personally excited to read since Weiser mentioned it on social media. Sebastiani doesn’t disappoint, either. She starts off with what I consider a thesis on the philosophy of animism, in that it isn’t something you believe but rather, something you embody through daily practice. Sebastiani continuously breaks down societal barriers and programming that prevent most from fully taking on this worldview. She states that Animistic Witchcraft and Polytheism typically go hand-in-hand (and from experience as a Polytheist and Animist, I concur), but that other paradigms of Witchcraft also…
Teachings of the Mythic Past
Fairies and Plants in Slavic Folklore and Spirituality The ancient Slavs worshiped and believed in a broad range of magical creatures found in nature, and various perspectives on the male and feminine facets of divinity. Folktales from all across the world contain fantastical beings that sometimes resemble people and animals, and sometimes both simultaneously. Folklore holds the key to the numerous stories of giants, people, fairies, animals, and so on. We have referred to these stories as “fairy tales” for generations due to the relevance of these widely known and popular creatures. These beings are sometimes referred to as fairies, faeries, fey, or fae in modern English. In Slavic folklore,…
Interview — David Shi, Author of The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Shamanism
Linda Bischoff (PaganPages.Org): In your book “Spirit Voices” you talk about your background and your path to where you are today – is there anything else that you’d like to add? What do you see your future path looking like? David Shi: Yes – thank you. I grew up in what I would term an Atheist family meaning that I was raised by parents with a mindset of believing in hard science; somewhat of a STEM perspective. The ancestral practices in the book are coming from my ancestors who began appearing in my dreams when I was in my mid to late teens. It was in this way that I…
Book Review – Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with Intelligence in Nature by Marko Pogacnik
Book Review Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with Intelligence in Nature Marko Pogacnik Published by Findhorn Press 254 pages Publication date: February 1, 2010 (Second Edition) For over thirty years, Marko Pogacnik has worked with Earth’s energies to heal and balance places where trauma or violence has occurred. He uses a process called lithopuncture – placing large stones at specific points in the landscape – similar to acupuncture. Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in Nature is the result of his first encounters during lithopuncture work with the intelligent forces and beings who shape and protect Earth and her processes. Pogacnik wrote the first…
Helping Depression from a Shamanic Perspective
While we are all dealing with the Covid pandemic what is getting little attention is the other pandemic, depression. Those who already suffer from depression are at risk for worsening of their illness due to isolation, stress and degrading of their support systems. While medication and therapy can be helpful we can also find great support and coping methods within spiritual practices such as Wicca and Shamanism. My son, one of my brothers and many friends have suffered from depression which has inspired me to find ways to help them with my spiritual/magickal work. I am a Wiccan priestess, have many years training in Shamanic practice and other energy healing…
Book Review – Demons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices by Claude Lecouteux, Translated by Jon E. Graham
Book Review Demons and Spirits of the Land Ancestral Lore and Practices by Claude Lecouteux Translated by Jon E. Graham 212 Pages In Demons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices, Claude Lecouteux has written a fascinating and well-resourced exploration of pre-Christian Europe’s relationship with the spirits of the land. The writing is academic in nature, with many quotations from and cites to original sources deftly weaving centuries of cross-cultural traditions from Northern and Western European. Lecouteux describes the practices by which humans first respected the spirits of natural places, then colonized and “civilized” those places, changing their relationship with the local beings. With numerous references…
Book Review – Clearing Spaces: Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand
Book Review Clearing Spaces Inspirational Techniques To Clear Your Home by Khi Armand 128 Pages When I first picked up this book my initial reaction was how beautiful and vibrant the cover art is; I did the standard flip through, and the pages are sleek, almost like photo paper (not a fan) but it looked like a quick read. Oh boy was I mistaken. It isn’t a quick read but it’s a GREAT read. There is a total of 8 chapters and 128 pages. The introduction discusses the authors beginnings, talking on folk magic and the authors own Shamanic preferences. The introduction gave a detailed overview of the chapters…