• Interviews,  Reviews

    Book Review and Interview – Witchcraft Unchained by Craig Spencer

    Book Review Witchcraft Unchained: Exploring the History and Traditions of British Craft  Written by Craig Spencer Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 243 Pages Release Date: June 22, 2023         Bright Blessings, readers, When I saw this book was available to review, I jumped at it, and before I could say “thank you”, my editor sent it to me. Why did I specifically want to review this book? Because it is rare – rarer than rare. Today, few care about the history of the craft. Most pagans and witches want spell-books instead of learning about the roots of our craft. Some of us witches do want to learn, so…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Shui Shed

    Welcome to The Shui Shed….   …. a new column for PaganPagesOrg e-zine that will explore the basic principles of Feng Shui. This column will share concepts that can be used to bring positive energy and enhance the vibrations within your physical environment. This edition we’ll explore the importance of the Lo Shu and how it’s used in Classical Feng Shui and other disciplines.   The Lo Shu – The Magic Square   The Lo Shu or “magic” square is one of the most ancient tools of Feng Shui. The nine-sector grid of numbers is an interpretive tool of Feng Shui. One of the secrets of the Lo Shu is…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for Yule 2022 and Imbolc 2023   Bright Blessings! As the year comes to a close, and we reflect upon the blessings Yule and Winter Solstice bring, we also look forward to Imbolc when the first signs of Spring appear. This time, instead of writing about the Sabbats, I want to give you gifts. I am sharing some letters my Priest was able to acquire and tell you about the things the letters discuss! First, a bit about my priest.   Lord Shadow He is nearing age 72, the age he says most Ceremonial Magicians don’t live past, and he has already dodged…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Hidden Goddess: The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener

    Book Review The Hidden Goddess The Quest for the Divine Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition-from Asherah to Mary Magdalene by Laurie Martin-Gardener 104 Pages   Evidence of Goddess worship goes back 25,000 years. In this book, Laurie Martin-Gardner presents well-researched evidence of the goddess’ wide worship among early Hebrew people citing archaeological and Biblical evidence. In the 1970s, evidence came to light that began to show that the mother Asherah was honoured alongside the father Yahweh. Although this evidence remains highly contested among traditional Hebrew scholars that view Yahweh as the one and true god, this makes sense when linked with what we know about ancient Hebrews who saw life…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – When God Had a Wife: The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince

    Book Review When God Had a Wife The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince 336 Pages     I am thrilled I got to review this phenomenal publication by a phenomenal power duo who have worked on many projects together over the years, doing almost all their own research. Residents of London, England, they travel to places like Egypt, France, and even the USA. This British duo met in 1998. She was previously employed as both a journalist and editor with various groups, and he was simply a systems analyst. They began pursuing researching and publishing together soon after.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna: Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl

    Book Review The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl 228 Pages     When I studied Huna decades ago, I learned about the three bodies and the seven principles. In this book, Susanne Weikl presents the seven elements of nature from the ancient Hawaiian shamanic tradition. These forces are sources of power “to bring fulfillment, incentive, inspiration, growth, healing and ease into our lives.” These energies are primordial and powerful, and are at work in our DNA, she states. The book offers exercises, rituals and techniques to recognize and tap into the energies of water, fire, wind,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Ayahuasca Test Pilot’s Handbook by Chris Kilham

    Book ReviewThe Ayahuasca Test Pilot’s Handbookby Chris Kilham230 Pages “The Ayahuasca Test Pilot’s Handbook” by Chris Kilham is a small but information-packed book perfectly sized for travel and guidance. While the Ayahuasca experience is clearly immense and varied, Kilham focuses on traditional use and the rituals surrounding Ayahuascero shamanism, and creates a book that tells you just about everything that you’ll need to know if you’re planning to travel to Iquitos (or a nearby region) for an Ayahuasca ceremony.  What this book won’t tell you is how to make your own brew, how to dose, where to source ingredients, or much else that would help you prepare Ayahuasca at home;…