
Wiccan Basics

Pagan Terminology


A person that has become highly proficient in a particular magickal art(s)
through dedication, much study, and practice.


What some deem the fifth Element, Spirit. It is the ever-present spiritual energy
inherent in all parts of the universe. It occupies the top point of the Pentacle and
is considered the center of the Cardinal directions and their reference Elements.

Akashic Records

Allegedly, there is a vast collection of information somewhere that can be accessed for information such as magickal workings, past lives, healing abilities, ect. The records are accessed through using the mind to “tap into” universal energies, and the information is attained from there.


A flat surface used exclusively for magickal practices or religious observations.

The lay out of the altar various widely with Tradition, and even further with


Astral Projection

The process of separating your astral body from your material body allowing

motion through astral (non-physical) planes.


Another knife used by Wiccans in ritual, unlike the Athame, however, this white

handled blade is used to perform the physical purposed of cutting.

Book of Shadows

A new term for a collection of Craft references. It often includes ritual

procedures, herb lore, definitions, recipes, ect. Many individuals have their own

Book, as do many Covens. (Also called Grimoires.)

Cardinal Directions

See elements

The four familiar directions of the compass and their relative Elements. Many

Crafters utilize the Cardinal directions to attune with the elements of the

universe. The directions and their reference Elements are:

North = Earth

East = Air

South = Fire

West = Water

Center= Akasha


There are seven prominent energy channels in the body, each associated with

a color. Smaller channels are found in the hands and feet. The major channels

and their colors are:

Crown = White

Forehead = Purple

Throat = Blue

Chest = Pink or Green

Navel = Yellow

Abdomen = Orange

Groin = Red


A spherical boundary of energy used to protect the magick person from outside

influences that may disrupt the ritual. Some also use a physical boundary to

assist in the establishing and maintaining of the sphere. Wiccans and

Ceremonial Magicians use Magick Circles all the time, while Tradecrafters use

them not at all.


The use of positive energy to remove negativity from an object or place.


Charging a object or space with positive energy.


“A group of Wiccans, who meet to work or worship in an organized fashion. Said

to be usually limited to 13 members or less.”

Craft, The

“Another name for the practice of magick, esp. Witchcraft.”


A clockwise motion, symbolic of positive, constructive energies. It is the Sun’s

apparent motion “around” the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere. Often used in

ritual to “produce” positive energies in the surrounding environment.


A Divine entity (God or Goddess) honored in a religious “doctrine.”


The magickal art of interpreting the patterns of energies (often displayed

through tools as mediums) in order to discover the unknown.

Earth Mother

The identification as the Earth being the bringer of life, hence the idea of

“Mother Earth.”

Earth Religion

“A religion wherein the worshipper strives to be in harmony with the Earth and

with all life-forms. These religions are opposed to the Christian view that the

world is a resource to be subdued and exploited; or that humans have the right

to dominate and / or subjugate other life-forms.”

Elements, The Four

The four traditional elements that make up our universe. Everything that exists or

has the potential to exist, is a product of an Element or combination of Elements.

of their energies. They are Earth, Fire, Air, and Water (Many also add Akasha to

make a fifth element.) Also see Cardinal Directions and Akasha.


“This is a Wiccan term for the monthly meeting of a Wiccan Coven, usually held

during the full of the moon. (There are about 13 full moons each year.) Some

groups also meet at the dark of the moon. (note: not observed by tradcrafters.)”

Goddess, The Trinity

The concept of the Goddess having three aspects: The Maiden, The Mother,

and The Crone. (This belief predates the similar Christian Trinity.)

Guardians of the Four Quarters (Watchtowers)

Astral entities associated with the Elements of the four Cardinal Directions. The

Guardians are used by Ceremonial Magicians and many Wiccans to watch

over a ritual and provide protection at the Four Quarters of the Magick Circle.

Guardian Spirits

Spirits that are present in our lives, and serve as protectors of our person and

spirit. It is believed that everyone has Guardian Spirits, though very few are

aware of the role they play.


A Pagan marriage ceremony.

Horned God, The

“The Horned God is an ancient symbol predating Judaism (and therefore

Christianity.) The Horned God has NOTHING in common with ‘Satan’ (a

Judaeo-Christian Deity) except for his ‘horns’. Actually the horns are antlers, not

little pointy things. ”


The belief that one’s spiritual path can be affected multiple times by the

intentions within thoughts and actions. The center principle is cause and effect,

all energy one sends out are returned to that person equally. (“For every action

there is an equal and opposite reaction.) Also see Polarity.


“Spelt with a ‘k’ to differentiate it from the ‘Magic of David Copperfield’; this word

means the conscious focusing of will, often with attendant ritual, to accomplish

a goal.”


“A modern Earth Religion which adapts aspects of the pre-Christian Pagan

religions; (most often from the ancient Norse traditions) and couples these

practices with additions from contemporary religious thinkers.”


“‘Of or pertaining to supernatural phenomena or influences.’ This word is also

used to denote the study of secret practices.”


“A word used to describe ancient people(s) who did not acknowledge the

Christian, Islamic or Judaic God as their own. The word comes from the Latin

word paganus, which meant ‘a country dweller’. This word is used in

contemporary occult parlance to denote any person or group who follows an

Earth based religion or practice.”


A tool of divination in which a string (16″ to 18″) is attached to a weight. The free

end is held in the hand and the elbow steadied. The swing of the weight

determines the answer to the posed question.


The notion of equal and opposite energies. Polarity implies balance: Good/Evil,

Light/Dark, Positive/Negative, Sun/Moon, Hot/Cold, ect. (An excellent example

is the Yin Yang symbol.)


A person (term depends on gender) dedicated to the service of a chosen deity

or group of deities, and helping mankind. Note: Neither gender has a

dominating position in Paganism.


Rebirth. A cycle of repeated incarnation in the human form to provide time for

the timeless soul to progress toward perfection.


A set of movements, words, actions designed to accomplish a variety of effects.

Ritual can involve Magick, honoring a diety, communion with nature, etc.

Rituals need not be mechanically planned, spontaneous rituals filled with joy

are often more effective than pre-planned, repetitive, and bland performances.


“One of the eight seasonal Wiccan festivals equally spaced during the year,

celebrated by individuals and covens of Wiccans. (note: Tradcrafters observe

“Tides” not Sabbats.)”


A person (male or female) that possesses knowledge of the subtle energies of

the world. Many Shaman were considered “Wise Men” (or Women) within their

cultures. Their understanding of the subtle energies allowed them to perform



The act of practicing Shamanistic abilities. Some times a religious practices,

sometimes magickal, and at times both.


A magickal seal or sign that is used during a magickal work. They can be used

to tranfser, carry, or magnify energy, and have a large variety of applications.


Mental, emotional, and/or spiritual energy expended to bring about a change

in one’s environment. The energy can be spoken, written, clapped, danced, or

drawn, but must follow a few basic “guidelines” in order for it to be effective.


A magickally enhanced object designed to attract a specific type of energy.

Tarot Cards

A deck of (traditionally) 78 cards which hold images that connect the diviner

with the energies of the universe. The cards can be used to determine energies

from the past, present, and future, and can also be used as tools in ritual or

magick. The specific origin is vague.


“This word is often used to differentiate between the practices of traditional /

hereditary witchs and the practices of Wiccans.”


Can be thought of as “denomination” of Paganism, the path one follows.

Tradition does no imply a recognized religion, for there are many more personal

religions than there are recognized religions.


“An earth based religion which was formed (circa 1940) by Gerald Gardner,

which blended magical practices from diverse cultures with the writings of

authors (such as H.P. Lovecraft,) and incorporated aspects of pagan ritual,

tradcraft, as well as ancient concepts of deity. To this base, other concepts of

fact and myth are added (or subtracted) to make up the various ‘traditions’ (in

this case synonymous with ‘denominations,’) around which covens and

individual practitioners base their practices. Some of the ‘trads’ of Wicca are:”








“One who follows the earth based religion known as Wicca; worships at least

one aspect of the triple Goddess, and (sometimes) Her Consort, the Horned God.

Wiccans often call themselves ‘witches’. (note: few tradcrafters, who are the

‘witches’ of antiquity, will call themselves a witch.) A Wiccan would never

dream of harming anything, be it beast, earth or mankind. In short, Wicca is a

benign religion.”


Counter clockwise motion. In the Northern Hemisphere it is opposite the Sun’s

movement in the sky, and would be considered to produce negative energies.

It is faulty to think that any counter clockwise motion produces negative energy,

the motion is simply symbolic of the energies around us.


“One who practices a way of life consistent with the natural rhythms of the

earth. Witches have a reverence and respect for their ancestors (lineal,

collateral or adopted) and contrary to popular conceptions of witches, and

witchcraft; there is no blood sacrifice, worshipping of Satan, or trafficking in

abortion. In fact, most ‘witches’ go to great lengths to not stand out in their dress

or mannerisms.

Blessing until next Month