

The art of Pathworking
Many people confuse pathworkings with guided meditations as they become more involved in developing their spiritual practice. The two may seem to describe the same practice, simply with different nomenclature, but when you have a better understanding of what the effects and goals of each are, the differences become more discernible and more apparent.
I write a lot of pathworkings and usually incorporate them in my workshops and articles as I can. For years I used guided meditations to relax and reaffirm myself or simply as a way to deepen my ability to remain open and receptive to new information. This was enfolded as part of other types of work aimed at having a better understanding of my psychological profile.
Now, imagine a picture of a wooded path, having smaller paths extended from the central one. Within a pathwworking you will walk through the woods and encounter many different types of plants and animals. Everything you see on this journey evokes a memory, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. There are many side paths you may take as well, each leading to another part of the same woods, but having arrival by a different, route different, group of encounters, etc. And, eventually you reach your intended destination, but with much more knowledge and awareness of what would have gone largely unnoticed because of using a variety of subtle keys.
In the format of a guided meditation, the Path would be described clearly and you would be told the purpose and meaning of everything you encounter. Everything would be simple in its form and you would be continually reminded to maintain specific attitude and emotion corresponding to what the goal of the meditation was. If it were for relaxation, the focus would be on guiding you to maintain a relaxed and calm presence in this space. The path would be populated with obvious symbols that evoke that state of mind and reminder would be given to focus on this calm and serene state.
Next Month I will share a guided meditation with you; but for now let’s focus on the art of pathworking.
How to Use a Pathworking:
These are some of the ways I have found to get the most from a Pathworking.
Good-Read through the pathworking each time you want to use the pathworking. Make note of pausing in the reading wherever it feels like more time would be spent in the specific train of thought.

Better– Read through the pathworking several times and as you do so, try to set up key points that are stored in the memory. In this way, you can create your own scenarios using the structure of the original pathworking without having to read through the text each time.
Best– Employ the physicality of recording the pathworking in your own voice, which produces an effective recognizable neurological imprint inducing physiological response and imprint to listen to. When you are ready to make the recording be sure to select a space where you will not be interrupted and has minimal background noise.
Be sure to speak slowly (more so, if you tend to speak quickly and do not annunciate well) and clearly and to give pause where it would naturally occur if you were reading aloud. There may be some points in the meditation where you will want to spend several minutes in the locale that is being presented. Remember to give adequate time of silence for this. Do not stop the recording. Pause in your reading of it and then begin again when sufficient time has passed. Allow the amount of time you wish to have to fill the space on the recording and then resume the reading of the pathworking.

Regardless of what method you use, remain open and receptive to what presents to you beyond what has been scripted through the pathworking as you move more deeply into this study. Having a journal to record your impressions and keeping record of your progress in memorizing the information can serve as great encouragement to you. Looking back and seeing how far you have come fuels the desire and gives you markers of growth that are concrete, tangible and acknowledgement of your hard work.
To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. Light a candle and some incense and declare sacred space in whatever manner you are accustomed. And then relax and allow yourself to flow into the stream of journey as it carries you to the Natural world.
In honor of the Harvest, I’ve chosen this Pathworking for your use.
The Horn of Plenty: A Pathworking of Gratitude
This pathworking was written to be used to draw abundance to you and as reminder of those things we should be thankful for that we already have in abundance in our lives.
Take a few deep breaths, filling your lungs on the inhalation and gently breathing out on the exhalation. Allow your body to sit comfortably on the surface on which you are sitting. You feel no tension or strain in any part of your body. Allow your breathing pattern to establish its own rhythm; the gentle rise and fall of your chest and a deepening feeling of relaxation with each exhalation.
Turn your focus now on the space behind your closed lids and create an inner screen upon which various images may be projected. This is your gateway into a meditative state of peace, calm, renewal and tranquility. A fine mist of indigo blue energy fills the screen and you are drawn to it. In your mind’s eye you see yourself approach the center of this screen and gently step through.
You emerge on the other side and find yourself at the edge of a wooded forest at dusk. The sky is ablaze and bathed in reds and oranges casting a serene glow on all it touches. The smell of autumn is in the air and the leaves of the trees are a palette of reds, browns and golds. This is the time of the harvest. The time when that which was seeded in the Spring and nurtured throughout the Summer is ready to be gathered. You walk forward on a path between the trees and each step forward produces the sound of crackling leaves echoing from tree to tree. A gentle breeze carries the scent of apples, pumpkin pie, corn pudding and bread baking. Take a moment to enjoy the aromas and sounds surrounding you.
As you continue walking you are drawn to a light ahead and see a thatched roof cottage just ahead. A curl of smoke spirals upwards from the chimney and the glow of amber colored light can be seen through the windows. You are drawn to this place and a sense of familiarity fills your being. You step up onto the porch and pumpkins, gourds and tied bales of hale adorn the entryway. The scent of fragrant wood burning in a hearth within and the front door slightly ajar beckons you to come in.
You gently push the door open and amber hues, table-top baskets of apples and a crackling fireplace fill the panorama of view. Take a moment to look around. Drink in the sights, smells and sounds and make yourself at home in the cozy cottage.
As you continue with your exploration your eyes come to rest on a wicker basket that is shaped as a Horn of Plenty. It sits on a small side table and contains within small scrolls of parchment that are rolled and bound by an earthy green ribbon. You are curious about the contents contained within the Horn and what meaning they may hold for you. In keeping with the warmth and welcome you have felt from the time of stepping into this place of serenity, you reach out and take one of the scrolls from the Horn. You gently unroll it and see what has been gifted to you. You look at the words written and know intuitively that this is your promise of a full and abundant harvest that is crafted from all of the best parts of your being. This represents that which is both a gift to yourself and in turn will also become a gift you share with all you meet.
Holding your scroll tightly to your breast you move to sit in a rocking chair just in front of the fireplace. As you gaze into the flickering and dancing flames you see the many images of each of the positive actions you have taken this year. All of the successes of those seeds of new beginnings planted and the ripe lush fruit that has come to full harvest. Take a few moments to reflect on these many beautiful, positive qualities that are expressions of your higher SELF. As you linger in these thoughts, you become aware that the scroll you have been holding is slowly being absorbed into the inner flames of your hearth fires. Sit quietly in the realization of this occurrence and reflect on what this vision means to you.
You have received all that is needed at this time and you once again stand looking at the beauty of the room surrounding you. Take a final look around the room and acknowledge that this is your private place to which you may return at any time. Your gaze is caught once again by the Horn of Plenty and to your surprise you see that now in place of the scrolls the Horn has become an abundant cornucopia filled with fruit, squash, corn, apples and nuts. The small table is filled to overflowing with all the bounty of the Harvest and somehow you know that this abundance reflects the many images you found within your own basket of plenty. You walk towards the door, gently push it open and step out into the forest, now lit by the brilliance of a honey gold sunset. The velvet of the night sky is minutes away and the hush and calm promise of a restful evening are just ahead.
As you stand looking out the blue veil of mist forms directly in front of you. You step through and once again return to the place of your inner screen. As you feel the calm re-entry into this space, your inner screen gently fades and your focus returns to sound of your breath and its serene rhythm. Allow yourself to slowly and gently return to the physicality of sitting in this space. To the feeling of your body in chair or on whatever surface you have been sitting upon. To the gentle rise and fall of breath and when you are ready, gently flutter your eyes open and return to this space of calm.
Next Month: A Guided Meditation