
Solstice Releases and Intentions

At this time of year, my inner wise one (A.K.A High Self or Dreamer) wants to slow down to the pace of cracking ice.  All I want to do as folks buzz around buying gifts is to journey to the centre of the planet where I can dream with the Earth Mother.  I want to engage in the Norse tradition of hygge and regain balance. Often, I do any Christmas preparations in November so I can have this time in December for introspection and slowing down. Ancient peoples, of course, knew that the winter solstice was a powerful time for dreaming and connecting with the inner wise one. 

In my home, we honour our ancestral Catholic roots as well as the shamanic ones. We celebrate Christmas with our Catholic relatives by feasting, spending time together and exchanging gifts.  And when that is all over, my shamanic foundation comes to the fore. I go into my inner cave to see what needs releasing from the previous year, I release it into the earth, and then I birth my Vision Board for what I want to create in the next year.

We humans are more powerful than we know.  We spend a lot of time feeling helpless, allowing ourselves to fall into victimhood.  I’ve found through experience that Carlos Castaneda, the pioneering anthropologist and dreamer said it best: “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of energy is the same.” We humans tend to stay in patterns and pack around crap that doesn’t serve our evolution for a long time. We forget–if we ever were encouraged to remember–that we can release pain, trauma, and harmful patterns right out of our energy bodies.

As I often tell kids, if you outstretch your arms and draw a 3D egg around your body that same width all the way around, that is your energy field and the only thing you have control of in your life. When I tell kids that they are in command of what comes into that space and what leaves, they look at me funny initially and then a remembering often comes upon them.  They remember that they are made of spirit and light: often, they are eager to try the simple technique of scanning their bodies and energy system, followed by pulling the energy right from where they feel it into the earth where it can be composted. The earth is good at neutralizing low vibrating energies so we don’t have to worry about hurting her.  In my experience, she is more than happy to help humans return to balance.  With more stubborn energies, I have the kids imagine they are cutting the energy from their bodies from the root or then banishing out of their energy bubbles forever.

I have already started releasing the past year through ceremony and I know that next year, my focus will be on curtailing my workaholic tendencies to bring in more pleasure-full activities that feed my spirit, body, heart, mind, and life force energy.  I’ve created new boundaries with my place of employment, with myself, my friends, and my family members to support this change. I realize that being is a state that comes from being present.  Even when my life is full, presence is possible when l take command of where I put my attention in any given moment.

Most people this time of year are getting ready to make New Year’s resolutions.  I’ve tried those and I don’t find them to be very effective.  Why?  Well, they feel more like “have tos” or “should dos” mostly based on what the external world expects of me. Usually, people don’t consult with their High Selves before they make these resolutions.  I know I didn’t before I started practicing shamanism!  I’ve found that dreaming with my inner wise one to set an intention and focus for the year is a much more powerful way to manifest what I want more of in my life. If you are tired of making resolutions to no avail, I recommend trying releases and intentions instead this year.  See if it feels any different from what you normally do this time of year. What dreams do you want to fertilize this year to make yourself stronger?  This simple Solstice Intentions Ceremony on the Rainbow Bridge Ceremonial Society’s website is excellent for anyone wanting to play with the energy of intent for 2018.


Happy solstice everyone.  I wish you all a year of putting your unique light into the world.  May your giveaways of service some back to you many times over. May you grow the self-worth to receive and then recognize these gifts from Spirit.



About the Author:



Jennifer Engrácio has been a student of shamanism since 2005. Jennifer is a certified teacher who has worked with children in many different education settings since 2001. She is a certified shamanic practitioner, reiki master, and lomilomi practitioner; in addition, she runs Spiral Dance Shamanics. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, she now lives in Calgary, Canada with her life partner.


Engrácio participated in self-publishing three books that are now available:


The Magic Circle: Shamanic Ceremonies for the Child and the Child Within”
“Women’s Power Stories: Honouring the Feminine Principle of Life”
“Dreaming of Cupcakes: A Food Addict’s Shamanic Journey into Healing”

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For more information go to: www.spiraldanceshamanics.com