Tarot Talk
Judgment (20) “Their errors have been weighed and found to have been dust in the balance; if their sins were as scarlet, they are now white as snow: they have been washed in the blood of the mediator and redeemer, Time.” ~Percy Bysshe Shelley Image Description: The Rider-Waite deck depicts a nude man, woman, child, and other individuals in the distance rising from coffins that are floating on the sea. Their arms are outstretched toward an angel hovering above them. The angel is blowing a trumpet that holds a banner bearing the symbol of an equal sided cross. In the background snow covered mountains rise to the sky. Symbols: Coffins:…
Welcome the the New & Improved PaganPages!
Happy Birthday to Us! Three Years old this month!! To celebrate we have worked hard to improve our look and setup to give our readers what they ask for. We are always trying to please our fans 🙂 To kick off the new year and our birthday with a surprise! We are pleased to feature an interview with the one and only CELIA FARRAN!!!!! She has blessed us with an amazing interview you are sure to love! Not only our look has changed but the directory has changed as well. It is now searchable by keywords to make your needs easily met. Tell us what you think of all the…
Blessed Samhain. Normally in this section of the magazine you would find a great review of a most terrific book which I had found for your enjoyment. However this is our Samhain issue and Pagan Pages, as you have noticed, has a new look and some new departments and this month I, also, am creating a new department of reviews which may at times included interviews. With that said, I have taken some time getting to know this artist and it is going to be a blast getting to introduce you to a multi-talented person who is not only a SINGER, but also a SONGWRITER, ACTRESS, and a wonderful STORYTELLER.…
Beltaine Correspondences
Also known as: May Day, Bealtaine, Beltane, Bhealtainn, Bealtinne, Festival of Tana (Strega), Giamonios, Rudemass, and Walburga (Teutonic), Cetsamhain (opposite Samhain),Fairy Day ,Sacred Thorn Day, Rood Day, Roodmas (the Christian term for Rood Day, Old Beltane, Beltain, Baltane, Walpurgis Night, Floriala (Roman feast of flowers from April 29 to May 1), Walpurgisnacht (Germanic-feast of St. Walpurga), Thrimilce (Anglo-saxon), Bloumaand (Old Dutch) Animals: Swallow, dove, swan, Cats, lynx, leopard Deities: Flower Goddesses, Divine Couples, Deities of the Hunt, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Diana, Faunus, Flora, Maia, Pan, the Horned God, Venus, and all Gods and Goddesses who preside over fertility. Tools: broom, May Pole, cauldron Stones/Gems: emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire,…
Crystal Clear
Sow’in Stones for October’s Wild Magic! On October 31st, Sow’in or Halloween, the veil between our world and that of spirit is most thin. This enables energies and beings, good or bad, to pass freely from the realm of spirit and other realms into ours. This opening of the veil allows extra magical and power sources to bleed through into our world as well. This serves to enhance and heighten our power, so don’t feel at all surprised if your psychic ability is more right on, or your magic is stronger. Take advantage of it and enjoy! The veil is actually thinning from around mid-September to very early November. It…
Interview with CELIA FARRAN
Interview Hi Celia, thanks for taking the time to visit with me today. First let me say that I adore your music and so many of your songs move me in ways that I simple can’t explain and for even more reasons they really touch my soul. I am thrilled to be introducing you to our readers this month as our featured artist in our Music Review section making its debut in this Samhain issue. So if you’re ready lets get started. PaganPages (PP): I know you just completed a show in Milwaukee, WI, which I understand was fantastic. Are you from the area as I hear you frequent…
Pagan Parenting for the Under 5’s Column
Welcome back to my column, I hope you enjoyed last month’s article. Please be sure to send me an email to [email protected] if you have a comment, suggestion or question. Last month I touched on ceremonies for children less than one year of age. This month I’ll give ideas for ceremonies you may want to do with your child aged 1-5. As it’s also October, I will give some ideas to celebrate Samhain with your kids. Ceremonies for Ages 1-5 A lot of people celebrate the birth of a baby, even if it’s just a congratulatory card to the new parents. It seems like after they get a little older,…
HearthBeats Notes from a Kitchen Witch
Bewitchin’ your Kitchen It does not take a lot of work, time, or money to transform an ordinary kitchen into a magical workplace. To begin with a sunny kitchen windowsill filled with pots of magical plants not only looks good, but releases magical energies into the room. Even common culinary herbs that are found in the cabinets or nearly every kitchen possess strong magical properties. For instance, basil is traditionally used for exorcism, love, protection, and purification. Parsley is used for fertility, passion, and protection. Sage is used for healing, protection, and prosperity; and thyme is used for clairvoyance, courage, and love. Hang a “kitchen Witch” doll for good luck,…
Helgrind: Letters From a Sorcerer
Thoughts on the Future of Revived Paganism Okay, I’ve decided to write a series of letters to discuss the future of revived Paganism. Understand that I have to make a distinction here between “Witchcraft” in the traditional sense- which is really a wide-ranging term including many forms of sorcery, all of which can (and do) exist despite the culture that surrounds them. Some cultures make it hard to be a sorcerer or practice occult/sorcerous arts, but still, they persist. Traditional Witchcraft, in the true modern sense, is a phenomenon that existed during Christian times, and now exists in the skeptical/scientific post-Christian era. I don’t worry too much about the “future”…