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    Happy Holiday Season!!

    Merry Meet & A Merry Yule to you all!!  We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!! This issue of PaganPages is packed full of good reading. A review on Raven Grimassi’s Book The Cauldron of Memory An interview with Anne Newkirk Niven publisher of PanGaia, Crone, And Witches & Pagans Magazines. Looking for ideas on what to make this holiday?  Try Hearthkeepers delicious ideas in her column HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch.  Yummy!! Monthly Horoscope December Monthly horoscope 2009 Sagittarius & Capricorn Sagittarians while you generally hate selfish and mean actions, your life’s goal is to help others, but you dislike those who persistently ask for…

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    Interview: Anne Newkirk Niven Editor of Crone,Witches&Pagans, and SageWoman Magazine

    She lives in Forest Grove, Oregon, with her husband and three sons. Anne Newkirk Niven happens to be a great inspiration to me in my Pagan and Magical studies, on the top on my people who inspire me list. I first encountered Anne’s work directly as an Editor and Pagan publisher, when I sent in one of my articles/interviews as a contribution to one of her magazines. She mercilessly stole the article from the magazine I submitted it to, and placed it in another one of her magazines! (this is a true story and switching the article to the other magazine is something I am forever grateful for, of course!)…

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    Pagan Theology

    Pagan theology:  roots and influences So I’m teaching a class “Paganism as a Religious Tradition” and the other night I wanted to cover the progression of modern Paganism from its inception with Gardner to the present.  While that’s a big task, its’ not as big as it seems; I find that many of the Pagans I encounter are not well informed about the roots of our faith, despite a very large number of books on the subject [1].  So a lot of detail and fippery was just as likely to overwhelm as inform, and the class was geared toward a more general religious seeker audience anyway.   I didn’t want to…

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    Across the Great Divide

    Parapsychology Today The scientific study of the paranormal has been established for well over 100 years and although the members of the field take experimentation and theoretical discussion quite seriously, it remains the subject of ridicule by many in the general scientific community and the public. While his formal education has been in mainstream clinical psychology, R. Wolf Baldassarro has been a participant in investigations and an ardent scholar of the latest theories and data since the mid 1990’s regarding the field of psychical research. Beginning in 2005 he returned to full-time paranormal investigations and in January of 2009 created the Paranormal Research & Information Society of Michigan (PRISM) to…

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    Review: The Cauldron of Memory by Raven Grimassi

    The Cauldron of Memory By Raven Grimassi Once again Raven Grimassi has gifted us his readers with another enlightening and inspirational exhibition into the realm of learning how to retrieve our ancestral memory who we are and from where we come by guiding his readers through a powerfully effective arrangement of creative visualization, meditation, magickal techniques and path workings for the three inner levels of our person abundance, enlightenment and regeneration. The Cauldron of Memory is based on the up and coming Science of Morphogenesis and the assumption that ancestral memories are stored deep within our DNA as a source of energy. ~ Michele Burke, Pagan Pages.org (2009)

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    Faeries, Elves, & Other Kin

    The Faeries of Winter For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the month of December is chilly and cold, if not downright frozen and filled with ice and snow.  Yuletide and the Winter Solstice is usually not a time when most people are thinking of the fae, yet even on the longest night of the year, they are still all around us, carrying out their ancient duties. It is easy to see Jack Frost hard at work, creating delicate crystalline patterns on windows and biting exposed noses and fingertips.  A true winter faerie seen at no other time, he travels between the hemispheres on the back of the chilliest…

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    The Good, The Karma, and The Evil

    Most of us are familiar with the concept of Good and Evil. Indeed a few religions adhere to this type of dualism. This philosophy has captured not only our imaginations in art and other mediums, it has dictated how we live, how we view the world and how we view each other. Is the Universe really comprised of “Good and Evil”? Of Karma or the Three Fold Law? In Nature there is survival and there is death. How do we view this ever changing scene of survival? Is the lion “evil” as it  kills the baby antelope? Is the antelope good? Lions have been known to attack people. Antelope, well…

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    Reaching Reiki

    with ReikiAwakening.com’s Alice Langholt This month’s column is on the benefits of Reiki for kids, teens and pets. Reiki healing is natural and helps with balance. Balance covers many areas, including physical, emotional and spiritual. Reiki for physical balance strengthens the immune system, releases pain, releases stress, and strengthens the body’s capacity to heal. Reiki healing for emotional balance removes blockages, adds positivity, relaxes and soothes, and gives a sense of well-being. Reiki healing for spiritual balance helps open and fine-tune the connection to one’s intuition. One may become open to receiving divine guidance, notice signs, and become aware of opportunities falling into place. These are some of the benefits…

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    Hearthbeats: Recipes from a kitchen witch

    Merry Yule and a wonderful winter season to you all. This time of year in the Northern Hemi we are preparing for the snow and the cold and the season of sleep for Mother Earth. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. We welcome the rebirth of the Sun with feasting, dancing, music and festivities. Decorations include wreaths, boughs of holly, mistletoe, evergreens, and lots of lights. In the Southern Hemi you are settling into summer, on the longest day of the year, with the Sun at its highest point in the sky, Pagans rejoice in the Sun’s life-giving warmth and ability to make things grow.…

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    A Simple Path: Journey of a Hedgewitch

    *The Hedgewitch lives in the space between the Village and the Forest. Between the mundane and the magical. S/He lives with a foot in both worlds. This column is dedicated to the Hedgewitches of the planet earth. Holidays in the Hedge; What is the reason for the season, again??? I, personally, will use any occasion to celebrate. And although I wasn’t raised a pagan, discovering the 8 holy days or sabbats in the sacred Wheel of the Year delighted me! It never occurred to me, for one moment, not to celebrate the Christmas traditions of my youth in Christianity, as well. The blending of my old and new faith merely…