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    Across the Great Divide

          “All Good Things…”   I sit outside with our dog, feeling the inviting rays of the Sun upon my back, enjoying the crisp air as I type this; and the feeling turns bittersweet. Gone are the long, dark nights of winter as the stirrings of spring harken warmer and sunnier days and the flora and fauna are returning in a triumphant display of color and vibrancy of life’s ever-turning wheel. I suppose that it is fitting that our lives, too, change with the seasons. What I have accomplished has led me to a wonderful opportunity and I have reached a point where my personal and creative endeavors…

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    Across the Great Divide

      “The Fine Line Between Believer and Skeptic” I’ve been doing a careful dance as of late on a very thin tightrope. I have been skeptical, highly critical, and utterly blatant lately in calling out bullshit when it comes to ghost hunting and paranormal research news. However, I want to make it clear that I am as much a believer in the field and open-minded when it comes to the possibilities posited by the many theories as I have always been. That’s because I believe in the existence of those possibilities and that we, as a species, do not and can not know everything about the universe in which we…

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    Across the Great Divide

    “The only thing worse than amateur scientists are drunken amateur scientists” Just when I thought that the bar of integrity in ghost hunting couldn’t get any lower someone went and removed it entirely. I only allow members to bring a small water bottle on investigations, but the owners of one of the most infamously haunted locations in the country will now allow you to drink alcohol anywhere and everywhere while you play scientist and fall victim to their new amusement park. Built in the 1880s, the Winchester House has never been registered for lodging let alone licensed for alcohol, but the current owners of the 160-room California mansion, Winchester Investments…

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    Across the Great Divide

          “Parapsychology’s Database Debacle” It’s well-known that paranormal research isn’t taken seriously by mainstream scientists- after all there is a big difference between measuring phenomenon like earthquakes and hurricanes, which affect and are witnessed by hundreds of thousands, as opposed to telekinesis and ghosts sightings, which are often the subjective experiences of an individual. Not only is there a measurement issue, but there is a records issue. Advancement in medical research and development, for example, hinges on one crucial component- the existence of a database of verified knowledge and investigative research that is shared, and contributed to, by doctors and laboratories around the world. Without that collaboration, medical…

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    Across the Great Divide

        Paranormal Communication             To exist is to communicate. Bees in a hive; a pack of wolves on the hunt; two women in a coffee shop; – even the phones we text each other with-; effective communication is occurring everywhere around us every day and in various forms both organic and artificial.             Humans are quite egocentric when it comes to the physical world and their professed mastery of it. If they cannot hear it, see it, touch it, or understand it then it doesn’t exist or is laughed off as the illogical ramblings of the foolish. A common- and clichéd- axiom is “if a tree falls and no…

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    Across the Great Divide

          “Where, Oh Where, Has the Science Gone?” There was a time, about 40 years ago, when paranormal research was fueled more by a passion for science and understanding than for fame and glory. It was a time when some of the world’s most prestigious universities were home to large parapsychology departments conducting cutting-edge research and publishing their theories and findings in the world’s top academic journals where they were discussed and graded on their methodology and scholastic merit. It was a great time for the field- before Hollywood and groups using poor techniques and duct-taped equipment stumbled around with night vision cameras looking for ratings rather than…

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    Across the Great Divide

      “Who Left the Gate Open? The Idiots Got Out Again.” For all the many topics and issues within the realm of parapsychology there is one phenomenon that- pardon the pun- continues to haunt the field. A phenomenon that is predator rather than prey; and despite the most valiant efforts by some, a phenomenon that can be easily kept from causing mayhem – if it weren’t for someone constantly leaving the gate open and letting it out. I am talking about professionalism. What should come as common sense and a given is apparently seen by some as a hindrance; a roadblock to their fame and fortune. Moreover, unlike many topics…

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    Across the Great Divide

      “When Ghost Hunters Go shopping”   Ghost hunting is big business these days. It takes serious cash to attain a collection of data capturing and analysis tools to make your research a success, after all you have to get the latest and greatest gadgets if you’re going to troll around at night playing scientist. The trend is such that the owner of a new business in downtown Springfield, Ohio is cashing in on it, confident of long-term success. Darin Hough’s Ghost Hunting Source offers shoppers paranormal research equipment in a truly unique niche market. Perhaps a bit morbidly, Hough explained, “As long as people are dying people are going…

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    Across the Great Divide

        “Ghost Hunting: A Eulogy” A recent death went largely unreported. There was no outpouring of grief. No endless video loops in the network news feeds. It went unnoticed because it was a death that had been slow and arduous, occurring over the last 20 years. Like a bedridden relative whose end was known to all, so that when it finally came it was of no surprise and everyone was glad to see an end to the suffering. I am talking about ghost hunting. In the period between 1880 and 1980, paranormal research was a science taken- at least in part- seriously among academics who loved the intellectual debate,…

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    Across the Great Divide

        “When Fantasy Meets Reality: The Conjuring” Another old-school horror movie hit the theatres last month called The Conjuring, and it’s doing remarkably well as far as the horror genre goes; but unlike many flicks that are cookie-cutter yarns using the same tired formula, this one is- at least in part- based on a actual events involving real people and two iconic pioneers in paranormal research- Edward and Lorraine Warren.   Half marketing ploy, half respectful homage, the producers of The Conjuring hype the “based on a true story” aspect, but the names Ed and Lorraine Warren have been well known long before this movie’s release to those who’ve made…