
Stones Corner



Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal, or white needle crystals.  Deep Peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions.  Centering patience under stress.  Helps us navigate business, managerial, personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand.  Giving and receiving easily.  Balances Yin and Yang.  Affects Eyes, Brain, central nervous system, and heart.  It opens the brow chakra.  For day to day living with an open heart and mind.  It is an empowerment mineral in the past given to young adults in recognition of the responsibility of adult tasks now being required of them.  It possesses the ability to strengthen the internal chakra chord so that it is able to bear more light and there for more witness of higher self.  It is a subdued essence of mineral allowing great tranquility and self expression of personal power which may be required of young adults so that their competitive drive can be expressed more toward enthusiastic cooperation.    The quality of committing oneself to the proof and attainment of spiritual spherical essence is supported by Aragonite.  Activates the 3rd Chakra.



Aurichalcite is the yogi of blue quartz minerals.  It is especially applicable in meditative and co-meditative practices.  It is calming, much more so then amethyst.  This is because Aurichalcite calms the mind circuitry.  The mind circuitry is composed of the brain and the nervous system separate from the chakra chord. Aurichalicite often allows an individual to overcome paralysis by re-circuitizing disrupted channels of physical neurons to new pathways in the brain.  It is a cooling mineral, useful for temper disturbances and heat stroke.  Activates the 6th Chakra



Physical healing.  Overall healing support.  For major illnesses use emerald and frosted quartz as well.  Translucent dark/lt. green quartz.  Heals emotional pain, fear, imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart.  Historically also draws out heat of fevers.  Inflammation, nervous system, stress.  In your bath water it is a soft soothing stone for general healing.  Universal love, truth prosperity.  Much like Moss Agate.  Helps Visionary powers.  Aids perception.  Gives off a stabilizing effect emotionally.  A stone of good luck.  It carries the healing powers of the green Earth.  Courage in life.  Adventure in love and life acts on 4th Chakra.