There Are No Creative Blocks
THERE ARE NO CREATIVE BLOCKS I am a shamanic teacher, painter and author. In this article I am going to explain why, viewed from a shamanic perspective, there is no such thing as a creative block. This may sound a bit controversial or flippant as creative blocks can feel very real to people who are on deadline for a book, article, film or other creation. For that reason I will start by acknowledging just how soul destroying such times are, when the flow appears to dry up. If you are self-employed this may also mean that your income dries up. In its most severe form it can bring on…
Sacred Art
The Great Cosmic Womb of Egyptian Goddess Nut In Ancient Egypt, Nut was the Sky Goddess and daughter of Shu and Tefnut. She was seen as a personification of The Milky Way. She was both the ultimate Mother Goddess and the Soul Conductor or Psychopomp who reabsorbed the souls of dead people back within herself. The ancient Egyptians believed that our star constellation Cygnus (or The Swan) marked the location of The Cosmic Womb in The Milk Way, the womb of Nut. The sun god Ra entered her mouth after the Sun set in the evening and was reborn from her vulva the next morning. She also swallowed and re-birthed stars. The pharaoh entered…
Seeing the Signs
Spirit Cats Inspirational Cards by artist Nicole Piar Just recently, I received promotional copy of “Spirit Cats” – an “Inspirational” 48-Card Oracle deck created, written and illustrated by artist Nicole Piar. These past few weeks, I have been using the cards – looking at the lush artwork on the one side and reading the meditative prose on the other – as well as researching everything I could find on Nicole Piar herself. (“Flow”) I also looked up tarot and oracle cards featuring cats. I thought – why cats? Why not dogs? Or horses? Or any other animal? One of the websites I visit regularly – at least once…
She Who is All – The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
KWAN YIN (Lovingly dedicated to Bridget) In the past few weeks, it has become apparent that there is a large part of this country (US) that has completely opposite feelings than the rest of the country when it comes to race, culture, gender. There is a segment of the population that is now being open with their hatred for anyone different than they and they are encouraged from the highest office. In light of this, the Goddess that I have chosen for this month is Kwan Yin, She of Mercy and Compassion, which is how we should all deal with each other, even those with whom we may disagree.…
Tarot Talk
Ten of Cups (The Ten of Cups Card is from the artist Ciro Marchetti http://www.ciromarchetti.com/)** Last month we finally talked about the Tens of the Minor Arcana, discussing the Ten of Swords. Let’s reexamine the Tens, this time looking at the Ten of Cups. If you haven’t already read last month’s essay, now might be a good time to check it out. As always, here is a bit of basic foundational information about the Tens of the Tarot Minor Arcana. A Tarot deck has 78 cards. There are 22 Major Arcana cards, with numbers from 0 to 21; the Majors usually deal with broader and more far-reaching life experience issues, archetypes that…
A Gathering of Sorcerers
The tale-finder had traced the story as far as a small tavern in a remote village. Quaffing his ale, he greeted the other guests and, after a customary exchange of pleasantries, asked if anyone present had heard the story Hob told of a midnight gathering of sorcerers. There was some chuckling, and then a giant of a man sitting in the corner replied that he knew the tale, or knew of it. “It isn’t much of a story,” he began. “This farmhand Hob, in some stead over the river, was about to head home for the evening when the Mistress of the farm stopped by and asked him if he…
The Kitchen Witch
Harvest Stir-Fry with Shrimp If you are like me, you either make too much pasta or not enough. Generally, I err on the side of too much. So I often use leftover pasta in stir-fries. Pasta reheats fabulously in the stir-fry pan, and absorbs the flavors of the cooking oil, vegetables and other seasonings. The other day, I went to the farmer’s market in Downtown Buffalo. I bought these wonderful purple and pale green peppers, as well as cherry tomatoes and zucchini. I decided to use them in the stir-fry with the leftover pasta. I also had onion and shrimp. Here is the recipe and…
Book Review – The Good Witch’s Guide: A Modern-Day Wiccapedia of Magical Ingredients and Spells by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell
“The Good Witch’s Guide: A Modern-Day Wiccapedia of Magical Ingredients and Spells” by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell Published by Sterling Ethos Published: 2017 Pages: 305 Rituals, History, aromatherapy, crystals, candle magic, spiritual alchemy, potions, tinctures, herbs and recipes are just some of the topics covered in this hardcover book that’s approximately six inches by six and a half inches. It’s an inch thick and just feels good to hold. As a “Wiccapedia,” it covers all the topics you need to know, and then offers lists for additional reading and reference materials. The section on herbal folklore includes information about botanicals for health and healing,…
Interview with Daniel Faria of Trismegistia
Trismegistia: Alchemical Music Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Trismegistia is the brainchild of Daniel Faria, creator of the Santuário Lunar (Moon Shrine) website. A musical project steeped in paganism and mythology, I was intrigued, and after listening to the tracks on Spotify, was lucky enough to grab some time with Daniel to find out a bit more about this relatively new project. Mabh Savage: How did this musical project start? Daniel Faria: Trismegistia started by chance. Jesse Guelfi and I shot the short film Nunnos in December, 2016. The idea was to make a short film honouring Cernunnos. The video would be part of Jesse’s…
Gael Song
Goddess Leading Raised in a Christian household, as an adult I was actively involved in my church, following in my mother’s footsteps. But then, six months after she died, I did a simple ceremony to release her and felt a powerful feminine Presence materialize in the ethers beside me. “I will be your Mother now,” that Presence said. Only much later did I realize it was the Goddess, She Who was never ever mentioned in my world. And suddenly, all I wanted to do in my leisure time was search out esoteric books on Celtic lore and times, a hunger within propelling me that I didn’t understand. During…