August Native Moon: Excerpt from the Forthcoming Book ‘Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting with Lunar Energy’ by Ashley Leavy
August Native Moon From ‘Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting with Lunar Energy’ by Ashley LeavyAvailable August 20 from Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group The thirteen Native Moons in Cosmic Crystals are by far the most difficult to describe. With so many different Native tribes, cultural traditions, and important stories, finding common threads is not always easy. In most instances, the main moon name given is the most commonly used name among the Algonquin tribes, and the listed alternative names come from other well-known tribal peoples from North America, Central America, and South America. As you read about the Native Moons, put yourself in the…
Wreathing the Wheel
A Miracle Tomato, First Harvest, and Kitchen Witchcraft This is my miracle tomato. I’ve been trying to grow tomatoes for years, but after repeated failures, I gave up on the idea, and figured I’d just have to remain happy with store-bought. Which is why this is my miracle tomato: I did not plant or buy this tomato; I have no idea where this tomato came from. This planter was supposed to have nothing in it but dirt, but a month or two ago, it started pushing up this little mystery sprout. It didn’t look like any of the weeds I tend to eradicate from my garden, so I decided to…
The Future is Goddess: An Excerpt from Seven Ages of the Goddess
The Future is GoddessAn Excerpt from Seven Ages of the Goddess Isis Astarte Diana Hekate Demeter Kali Inanna! So goes the chant around so many fires at so many gatherings of witches, wiccans and pagans. Each name a chapter in the history-book of goddess worship, and each name still worshiped and revered today. Some believe that these goddesses are all one goddess. Some believe they are all aspects of the sacred feminine that is embodied within all goddess worship. Some believe they are all individual beings, each worthy of their own offerings, sacrifices and reverence. Whatever the practitioner’s relationship with these goddesses, the fact is that these goddesses have survived…
WitchCrafting: Crafts for Witches
Witch Balls Merry meet. One of the botanicals I collect every year are the seed pods from the sweet gum tree, known as witch balls, witch burrs and gum ball. The tree has a unique star shaped leaf. Its sweet resin and inner bark that has been used medicinally for treating ailments such as coughs, inflammation, skin problems and diarrhea. It’s also used in perfume. Its spiny seed pods are typically an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, changing from green in late summer to brown in the fall before dropping to the ground. Their structure is credited with adding the strength of sacred geometry to charms…
Avalon’s Corner
The Magic of Intention Setting We’ve all heard the old adage ‘A goal not written is only a Dream’. Now, personally I have nothing against dreaming. In fact as a Creator I spend much of my time unabashedly day dreaming but there are times when putting pen to paper can have a dramatic effect. Many of you maybe familiar with the book called The Secret. As a quick synopsis The Secret is based on the power of positive thinking, a pseudo-scientific theory called the ‘Law of Attraction’, where the principle is that like attracts like. The reason I mention this book is that setting intentions has a part to play…
She Who is All – The Goddess of Ten Thousand Names
Dakini (Photo Credit: The Divine Feminine Oracle Deck by Meggan Watterson – Photo by Susan Morgaine) Female, Powerful. Supernatural. Wisdom. Enlightenment. The Dakini are beyond intelligence; they are the embodiment of female wisdom and enlightenment. Dakini, translated, means “sky dancer”. They are seen as the attendants of Kali. Like Her, they can be vengeful and protective. The Dakini can be unruly; they make their own rules and love their freedom. They can appear as intense or nurturing as they represent energy in in all of it’s ever-changing forms. Their resemblance to Kali is seen within the garland of skulls that they wear. She/they is also seen carrying a vessel of…
Beyond Belief: Trees
By the time you read this I will have had my first spot on British national radio. Specifically, the Beyond Belief radio show for BBC Radio 4. American readers, you may be able to get this online! The show was about the religious and spiritual significance of trees, from the perspective of different faiths. I was one of three experts recruited to debate and discuss the topic. So, how did this come about? Well, I was lucky enough that one of my esteemed colleagues from the Pagan Federation pointed me in the direction of a particular post on Facebook. It was from the Arboricultural Association, a British organisation dedicated to…
Book Review – Field Guide to the Spirit World: The Science of Angel Power, Discarnate Entities and Demonic Possession by Susan Martinez, Ph.D.
Book ReviewField Guide to the Spirit WorldThe Science of Angel Power, Discarnate Entities and Demonic Possessionby Susan Martinez, Ph.D. It is always interesting to me to read books regarding the occult/paranormal/esoteric that are written by those scientific academics that offer the opportunity to confirm the alliance between science and the spiritual/magickal. As the sub-title suggests, Field Guide to the Spirit World: The Science of Angel Power, Discarnate Entities and Demonic Possession does a fine job of forming a dialogue between the confirmable and the unknowable. The book’s author, Susan Martinez, Ph.D. holds a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University, the perfect foundational ground from which to explore the realms of…
The Bad Witch’s Guide
No-One’s God is “Wrong”Or “My Goddess is More True Than Yours” (Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash) I am not going to be naming and shaming but I read a blog this week that caught my ire. It stuck in my teeth and I chewed it and chewed it trying to figure out exactly why it pissed me off so much. This person decided to “speak for her Goddess” (really?) about how “wrong” everyone was about her quite popular Deity. This sort of stuff is very bad for my blood pressure so I’ll be brief. The main cut and thrust of her “argument” was that deep in the annals of…
Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times
Celebrating The Old Ways in New Times For August 2019 Bright Blessings! Lughnasadh is upon us, and is it ever hot! We are due to have heat advisories the next two, possibly three days in my town, and the dog is displeased with how short of a distance I allow her for walks. Exacerbating that is the fact they decided to pour asphalt on our street, so I don’t even want to go outside at all. I spend a lot of time outdoors but truthfully, I don’t remember ever having the issues with heat that I have this year. Have I ever changed! I can remember I thought my mother…