Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Beltane A young virile hunter, this balefire: Enveloped in a red orange cloak of passion, Arms stretching eagerly towards Her dark tresses, Growing aggressively with the gentle caress of Her breath. He is impatient, the way he prepares The entire clan of gathered pagan folk Merry, lusty and carefree In their celebration of fruitfulness and prosperity, The sacred marriage of Cernunnos and Gaia Nothing is more joyous Giving everyone a purifying blessing. They all should pass between the fire, bathe in juniper smoke. This is time for feasting, rejoicing and frivolity. When they tie the bells, they jingle. Their brilliant, cheery song Chasing wee folk, faery…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Chance, Work or Choice? No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice. The above was one of those photo statuses on facebook that I encountered recently and while I understand the sentiment is meant to be inspiring I find that it does just the opposite for me. It elicits a feeling of disempowerment within me that I just will not accept. It seems to embrace the idea that there are things in my life experience that I have no control over…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Still Not My Sister’s Keeper Here in my column last month I wrote about the concept of ‘donor children’ that the movie My Sister’s Keeper focused on. It is the idea that a child is conceived from the donation of sperm from the male and ova from the female of an individual couple for the sole purpose of genetically engineering a perfect match and donor for (in the plot of this movie) the older child. I wrote about how this idea upset me. I asked a lot of questions and concluded that it just was something I couldn’t imagine taking a part in and honestly even though I sympathized with…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
My Sister’s Keeper I recently purchased the film My Sister’s Keeper, which was based on a novel written by Jodi Picoult, which I have not read but may in the future. It is an older film that was released in 2009. The plot evolves around an eleven-year-old girl, Anna Fitzgerald, who was conceived by means of in vitro fertilization and looks to earn medical emancipation from her parents who have relied on her since the day of her birth to help her leukemia-stricken sister, Kate remain alive. It was an emotionally infused film that had me crying throughout the viewing but also had me contemplating some serious concepts one…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Have To? I Disagree! “There are things we don’t want to happen, but have to accept; things we don’t want to know, but have to learn; and people we can’t live without, but have to let go.” This was one of the many quotes that I read on a facebook friend’s status that at first read seemed to hold such a positive and powerful message until I contemplated the words and came to realize that I did not agree with it nor did I believe it to hold wisdom. Not one iota. In fact, I truly and wholeheartedly disagreed with it! Why? Well, let me explain my line…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Enlightenment I recently had a conversation with a friend concerning another’s opinion of me which centered around the observation of my state of enlightenment or more precisely my lack there of. Although I disagree with the general assessment and personal bias the individual held against me, it did motivate a personal introspection and consideration of what I defined as enlightenment. What was my definition of the word? And how did my comprehension align or misalign with others’ perception? Where did I get to this understanding from? Was it my own or did I adopt it from another source? When researching enlightenment I began with finding the basic definition.…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
I Am A Hypocrite. I Am Love. The word hypocrite is defined by Merriam Webster as a person who puts on a false appearance of morality and virtue or who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. I was called a hypocrite yesterday. And I must admit that I was surprised. Perhaps I shouldn’t be, but I was. Granted it was second hand information, as the person who informed me of this wasn’t the one who allegedly labeled me a hypocrite – they were just the messenger. Nonetheless it was unsettling to me. It isn’t because I haven’t been called unsavory names before. Hell,…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Necromancy and The Talking Board Talking Boards, like the Ouija, are tools used for contacting the dead, which is also known as necromancy, and as a tool it is not in and of itself ‘good’ nor ‘evil’. It is a tool just like any other tool. Like a cell phone, for example, it can be used to make calls to those you love and care for or used to make prank calls to strangers. The Ouija Board acts as a portal to other dimensions allowing non-physical entities to enter this physical dimension. Many casual users do not understand who or what they are communicating with and would not be…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
The Jealous Girlfriend “A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn’t get jealous when someone has your attention it’s because someone has hers. “ This was a status message that I read a few weeks ago on facebook. Surprised? Facebook seems to have a lot of these random pieces of ‘wisdom’. I use the word wisdom in quotations because while others may view this message as such, I do not. Wonder why? Well, let me explain why I do NOT in any way view these words as wisdom. First, I want to explore the definition of the word jealous. Jealous means an intolerance or…
Musings of a Massachusetts Witch
Love, Fear and Action My husband and I had an interesting conversation the other day concerning fear, love and action. The question that we discussed was this: What motivates an individual into action? A few definitions are needed here in order to understand this discussion. What we mean by fear is any thought or vibration that is a negative emotion – a resistance to what is truly desired. Some emotions that correspond to fear are: anger, confusion, disappointment, vulnerability, unworthiness and guilt. These are examples of fear manifesting within our life experience. What we mean my love is any thought or vibration that is a positive…